Enter &amp Clear Treanch

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After studying this lesson, OCadets will able to:-
Understand the importance of assault and clear the enemy
Identify the method of assault.
Lesson sub topics
1. Introduction
2. Action
3. The squad
4. Summary
1. Introduction
The squad is attacking as part of a platoon force and
identifies enemy in a trench line.
The squad deploys and establishes a base of fire.
The squad leader determines that he has sufficient
combat poser to maneuver and assault the trench line.
one squad to enter the trench and secure a foot hold.
es the entry point of the trench line and the direction of movement
ers and machine guns to suppress the trench and isolate the entr
utes actions to enter the trench and establish a foothold.
am to assault and one fire team to support by fire initially, then follow
trench line.
team move to the last covered and concealed position short of the en

s away from the entry point and continues to suppress adjacent enem
atic rifleman remain in a position short of the trench to add suppress
sault fire team (rifleman and grenadier) continue toward the entry poin
where he can best control his teams.
o the trench parallel to the trench and on-their backs, on the squad le

t, and back to back. They fire their weapons down the trench in oppo
ound bursts. Each soldier continues until he reaches the first corner
ely move to the entry point and enter trench. The squad leader direct
oint and marks it.
leader that he has entered the trench and secured a foothold.
eaders redistribute ammunition.
e element squads to move in to the trench and begin clearing it in the
essive fires.
and executes actions to take the lead and clear the trench.

cure corner or intersection.

his squad is ready to continue clearing the trench. The trail fire team
o have direct control (Physically if necessary) of his soldiers. Other s

entum of the attack as the squad clears the trench.

securing the foot hold.
abreast of the soldier securing the corner or intersection taps him, an
section acknowledges that he is handing over the lead by shouting OK
nt. They arrive at a corner or intersection.
FRAG OUT, the second soldier prepares and throws a grenade arou
nd the corner firing three round bursts and advancing as he fires. The
ately behind the lead team.
e trailing fire team moves up and is ready to pass the lead at his dire
ms as necessary to keep his soldiers fresh and maintain the moment
ect fires if necessary, through the platoon leader.
maintain sufficient interval to prevent them from being engaged by th
ction the lead fire team performs the same actions described above.
at he is nearly out of ammunition before reaching a corner or intersec
e of the trench ready to let the rest of the team pass. He continues to
abreast of the lead soldier, taps him and announces TAKING THE L
shouting OKAY, position rotate and the squad continues forward.
n the trench as the squad moves forward. The trailing fire leader ens
reports the progress of the clearing operation.
ement must be able to identify the location of the lead fire team in the
uads to keep soldiers fresh and to maintain the momentum of the as
munition re-supplies and organizes teams to move it forward in to the
n to the trench ONLY through the designated entry point (All moveme
cured or that he is no longer able to continue clearing.
identify enemy in a trench line. Ensure that the fire team moves up a

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