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Problem Based Learning

A strategy for learning where small
groups of six to eight students work
in a series of tutorials discussing
problems provided by the Faculty
related to their course.

PBL is a type of Small Group Teaching



The Scenario
The Problem
The Context
The Knowledge

The Skills
The Attitudes

Communication skills
Interpersonal skills

students engage in a collaborative activity that:

makes them think

makes them ask questions
activates prior knowledge
tests their understanding
elaborates new knowledge
reinforces their understanding by speaking
provides motivation for learning
makes them practise a logical, analytical approach to
unfamiliar situations
learning in context
integrated learning

PBL fulfils the conditions

for effective adult learning

Relevant context
Adults are self-motivated
Adults learn best in groups
Adults prefer doing to being told
Active learning through posing own questions and finding
own answers: therefore student centred
Integrated learning: learning in a variety of disciplines
Deep learning for understanding; metacognition;
reflection; appropriate feedback; opportunities for practice

The Seven Jump PBL tutorial




Clarify terms and concepts

First meeting

Define the problem

First meeting

Analyse the problem and offer tentative


First meeting

Draw up inventory of explanations

First meeting

Formulate learning objectives

First meeting

Collect further information through private


Between meetings

Synthesise new information and test it

against original problem. Reflection.

Second meeting

PBL: students roles

Work in a group of six to eight
Meet for about an hour and a half two or
three times a week
Analyse, discuss and generate
questions and learning tasks from the
Engage in self-directed learning
Communicate results back to group

Peran Ketua/Chair
membuka diskusi PBL, memimpin jalannya diskusi
sehingga dapat berlangsung dengan baik.
mengatur jalannya diskusi dengan cara melibatkan
semua anggota kelompok untuk aktif dalam diskusi.
menjaga diskusi tetap terarah dan tidak melenceng
dari tujuan pembelajaran, selama diskusi
tetap harus mengutarakan pendapat selama proses
menyampaikan rangkuman hasil diskusi kepada
kelompoknya pada akhir diskusi

Peran Sekretaris/Scriber
mencatat semua informasi dan penjelasan
yang didapatkan selama diskusi PBL
merangkai secara sistematis.
mencatat daftar tujuan pembelajaran yang
ditetapkan oleh kelompok diskusi pada akhir
diskusi PBL pertama,
tetap harus mengutarakan pendapat selama
proses diskusi

Peran Anggota
terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan diskusi

A PBL scenario
Ranjit Singh, 46, has just returned from the Indian
sub-continent where he visited his brother and
family for a period of one month. He lives with his
wife, their four children and his parents in a three
bedroom terraced house in the Peartree district of
Derby. He works as a waiter in a local Indian
restaurant. Recently he has started coughing a lot,
has little energy, is losing weight and has developed
a fever. He visited his GP after he coughed up some
blood and developed chest pains. His GP suspects
TB and has sent a sputum sample for analysis and
Mr Singh for a chest X-ray.

Learning Objectives for the PBL scenario

Basic and clinical sciences

Describe mechanisms and common causes of cough.
Describe types of clinical investigations available for
patients with cough. Interpretation of CXR.
Outline the microbiology of mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Describe the immune response to TB, its use in diagnosis
and the tuberculin test.
Describe clinical and pathological manifestations of TB.
Outline the drug regimes for treating TB, their mode of
action, side effects and the problem of drug resistance.

Learning Objectives for the PBL scenario

Community and population
Describe the epidemiology of TB, the impact of socioeconomic factors and its relation to HIV.
Discuss the social and family issues associated with TB
in the community.

Learning Objectives for the PBL scenario

Patient and Doctor
Describe how communication problems can be dealt with
in ethnic minorities.
Awareness of perception of TB in Asian communities
and problems of stigmatisation.
Dealing with issues of confidentiality versus compulsory
notification: patient autonomy.
Describe how to ensure compliance with complex and
long-term drug regimes.
Persuade family members to be immunised.

Learning Objectives for the PBL scenario

Personal and Professional Development
Doctor as patient: awareness of personal immune

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