Email Etiquette 1

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Email Etiquette

Mera AlHorani
Electronic Mail
Email has become very prevalent in most people’s lives
and many people use it to cheaply and quickly
communicate with friends, family, and co-workers.
So how shall we interpret emails?
Grammar and Punctuation
Email Etiquette Factors
General format
Writing long messages
Email Signature
Delivering information
Electronic Mailing Lists
CC Field
BCC Field
General Format
When writing directions
Format your email.
Positive tone
Use of contraction and short names
Email Signature
Importance of email signature
Information supplied in the signature
Signature format
Dos and DONTs
When attaching any file in an email; consider
the following:
 Refer to the attachment
 Attachment name
 Effect of viruses
 Large size attachments
CC Field
When to use the CC
Is the CC field
confusing ?
Do you need to
respond to the person
in the CC field?
BCC Field
When to use the BCC
Make it right
Mail merge
Formal Email

Whom to
When to use
formal email?
How to address
a person
When receiving
a reply ?
How to End Your Email

Formal letter –application

Formal business correspondence
Business email –formal
Business email – friendly
In company-email request
Writing a complaint email
State the problem
Explain the history
Provide suggestions
Create a context
Stay positive
Writing a complaint email
Do not take your reader by surprise or
press them to the wall
Do not wait until the end of the day
to introduce a problem or concern via
memo or email.
Avoid writing a litany of concerns
that you have been harboring for a
long period of time.
When Email Won’t Work
There are times when you need to
take your discussion out of the
virtual world and make a phone call.
If things become very heated, a lot of
misunderstanding occurs, or when
you are delivering very delicate news
then the best way is still face-to face.
DOs and DONTs
Write an informative subject line
Proofread, and wait a moment before pressing 'send‘
Make yourself look good online because your email can
be forwarded to anyone or everyone else in the
company or anywhere
Don’t use email if the message needs to be private or
Don't forward a message without a brief comment
why you are forwarding it.
Keep your language gender neutral.
Don’t use Miss or Mrs. instead use Ms. When
addressing ladies.
Don't overrun emails with smiley faces or other
Do not ask to recall a message. A recall request would
look very silly. It is better just to send an email to say
that you have made a mistake
Only use Reply to All if you really need your message
to be seen by each person who received the original
Do not request delivery and read receipts.
Mera Alhorani

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