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1.Describe the different invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques. 2.Explain the purposes and indications of the different hemodynamic monitoring techniques. 3.Set3.Set-up a hemodynamic monitoring line. 4.Identify the different hemodynamic wavewave- forms.

5. Correlate hemodynamic parameters with the clinical manifestations of the patient. 6. Provide appropriate nursing interventions before, during and after hemodynamic monitoring. 7. Identify the complications of each of the hemodynamic monitoring techniques. 8. Troubleshoot problems encountered during hemodynamic

HEMODYNAMIC MONITORING ± is the direct measurement of blood pressure inside the veins, heart and arteries. It also include the measurement of circulating blood flow and the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Why hemodynamic monitoring«..

To recognize small changes in the heart function and allows proper or immediate treatment to be started«

Then it prevents complications«..

Hemodynamic Procedures - invasive diagnostic tools to assess the circulatory status or cardiac function of the critically ill patient. Diagnostic Tools I - Central Venous Pressure II - Pulmonary Artery Pressure III - Intra-arterial Blood Pressure

Components of the Hemodynamic Monitoring System

- Invasive catheter and tubings - Transducer - Amplifier / recorder

Hemodynamic Pressures and Values

Central enous ressure (CVP) or Right trial Pressure Pressure created by volume in the right side o the heart 2-6 mmHg 5-12 CmH2O

Right Ventricular Pressure (RVP) Pulmonary rtery Pressure (PAP)

Pulsatile pressure in the RV Pulsatile pressure in the PA

20 ± 30 mmHg 0 ± 5 mmHg 20 ± 30 mmHg 5 ± 10 mmHg

Hemodynamic Pressures and Values

Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP) Cardiac output (CO) Pressure created by volume in the left side of the heart. Amount of blood pumped out by the ventricle CO based on body size

5 ± 12 mm g

4 ± 6 L/m

Cardiac Index (CI)

2.2-4.0 L/min/m²

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