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Behavior, 9/E
Schermerhorn, Hunt, and
Prepared by
Michael K. McCuddy
Valparaiso University
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chapter 2 Study Questions

What is a high-performance organization?
What is multiculturalism, and how can

workforce diversity be managed?

How do ethics and social responsibility
influence human behavior in
What are key OB transitions in the new
Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

High-performance organizations.
Value and empower people, and respect diversity.
Mobilize the talents of self-directed work teams.
Use cutting-edge technologies to achieve success.
Thrive on learning and enable members to grow and

Are achievement-, quality-, and customer-oriented, as
well as being sensitive to the external environment.

Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

The individuals, groups, and other
organizations affected by an
organizations performance.
Value creation.
The extent to which an organization
satisfies the needs of strategic
Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Total quality management (TQM).
A total commitment to:
High-quality results.
Continuous improvement.
Customer satisfaction.

Meeting customers needs.

Doing all tasks right the first time.
Continuous improvement focuses on two questions:
Is it necessary?
If so, can it be done better?

Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Human capital.
The economic value of people with job-relevant
abilities, knowledge, ideas, energies, and commitments.
Knowledge workers.
People whose minds rather than physical capabilities
create value for the organization.
Intellectual capital.
The performance potential of the expertise,
competencies, creativity, and commitment within an
organizations workforce.
Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Allows people, individually and in groups, to

use their talents and knowledge to make

decisions that affect their work.

Social capital.
The performance potential represented in the

relationships maintained among people at

Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Learning and high-performance cultures.
Uncertainty highlights the importance of

organizational learning.
High-performance organizations are designed
for organizational learning.
A learning organization has a culture that
values human capital and invigorates learning
for performance enhancement.
Organizational Behavior:

Study Question 1: What is a highperformance organization?

Organizational Behavior:


Study Question 2: What is multi-culturalism,

and how can workforce diversity be managed?
Workforce diversity.
Describes differences among people with respect to
age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, and
sexual orientation.
Refers to pluralism and respect for diversity and
individual differences in the workplace.
The degree to which the organizations culture
respects and values diversity.
Organizational Behavior:


Study Question 2: What is multi-culturalism,

and how can workforce diversity be managed?

Diversity biases in the workplace.

The glass ceiling effect.
Sexual harassment.
Verbal abuse.
Pay discrimination.
Organizational Behavior:


Study Question 2: What is multi-culturalism,

and how can workforce diversity be managed?

Organizational Behavior:


Study Question 2: What is multi-culturalism,

and how can workforce diversity be managed?
Managing diversity.
Developing a work environment and organizational
culture that allows all organization members to reach
their full potential.
A diversity mature organization is created when:
Managers ensure the effective and efficient utilization
of employees in pursuit of the corporate mission.
Managers consider how their behaviors affect
Well-managed workforce diversity increases

human capital.

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human
behavior in organizations?

Ethical behavior.
Good or right as opposed to bad

or wrong in a particular setting.

The public demands that people in

organizations act according to high

moral standards.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human

behavior in organizations?
Immoral managers.
Do not subscribe to any ethical principles;

pursuit of self-interest.

Amoral managers.
Ethics is simply not on this managers radar
Moral managers.
Incorporate ethical principles and goals into
their personal behavior .
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and social

responsibility influence human behavior in

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human
behavior in organizations?
Ways of thinking about ethical behavior.
Utilitarian view the greatest good for the
greatest number of people.
Individualism view best serving long-term
Moral-rights view respects and protects the
fundamental rights of all human beings.
Justice view fair and impartial in the
treatment of all people.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human
behavior in organizations?
Different types of justice.
Procedural justice properly following rules

and procedures in all cases.

Distributive justice treating people the

same under a policy, regardless of

demographic differences.
Interactional justice treating people affected

by a decision with dignity and respect.

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and social

responsibility influence human behavior
in organizations?

Ethical dilemmas.

Occur when someone must choose

whether or not to pursue a course of

action that, although offering the
potential of personal or
organizational benefit or both, may
be considered unethical.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human
behavior in organizations?
Rationalizations for unethical behavior.
Pretending the behavior is not really unethical
or illegal.
Saying the behavior is really in the
organizations or persons best interest.
Assuming the behavior is acceptable if others
dont find out about it.
Presuming that superiors will support and
protect you.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 3: How do ethics and

social responsibility influence human
behavior in organizations?
Organizational social responsibility.
The obligation of organizations to behave in

ethical and moral ways as institutions of the

broader society.
Managers should commit organizations to:
Pursuit of high productivity.
Corporate social responsibility.
A whistleblower exposes others wrongdoings
in order to preserve high ethical standards.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Corporate governance and ethics

Society expects and demands ethical decisions

and actions from businesses and other social

Corporate governance.
The active oversight of management decisions,

corporate strategy, and financial reporting by

Boards of Directors.

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Corporate governance and ethics

leadership (cont.).

Ethics leadership.
Making business and organizational decisions with
high moral standards that meet the ethical test of
being good and not bad, and of being right
and not wrong. .
Acting in ways that are always honest, credible,
and consistent in putting ones values into practice.
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Positive organizational behavior.
Quality of work life.
The overall quality of human experience in the

Commitment to quality of work life is an important
value within organizational behavior.
Theory Y provides the theoretical underpinnings
for contemporary quality of work life concepts.

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Positive organizational behavior (cont.).
Positive organizational behavior focuses on
practices that value human capacities and
encourage their full utilization.
Positive organizational behavior is based on
the core capacities of:

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Globalization, job migration, and

organizational transformation.
The worldwide interdependence of resource flows,

product markets, and business competition.

Job migration.
The shifting of jobs from one nation to another.

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Globalization, job migration, and

organizational transformation (cont.).

Global outsourcing.
Involves employers cutting back on domestic jobs
and replacing them with contract workers in other
Job migration and global outsourcing have

contributed to organizations redesigning

themselves for high performance in a changed
Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Personal management and career planning.
Shamrock organizations.
Relatively small core group of permanent, full-

time employees with critical skills.

Outside operators contracting to core group to

perform essential daily activities.

Part-timers hired by core group on an as-needed

Organizational Behavior:


Study question 4: What are key OB

transitions in the new workplace?
Personal management and career planning

Personal management.
Understand ones self, exercising initiative,

accepting responsibility, working well with others,

and continually learning from experience.

Observing and reflecting on ones own behavior

and acting in ways that adapt to the situation.

Organizational Behavior:


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Organizational Behavior:


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