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Writing Techniques

Mera Horani
Wouldn’t be great if everything you wrote was
more interesting, credible , and effective?
Imagine well structured proposal, professional
email, clear memo, specific minutes of meeting…
This part of the training will teach you how to
write a presentable written text
You are expected to learn how to define the
document’s structure
Pick the perfect words for the situation
Apply compatible naming conventions
Learn when and where to use short names
Study general writing tips while writing any text
The key to
writing is…
1) Solid structure
2) Significant naming
for titles
3) Simple and suitable
4) Sequential order for
5) Significant conclusion
and proper
6) Rich text format
Set the Document’s Structure
Define the document’s structure.
Show DON’T tell.
Match the structure to your objective. There
are 3 basic structure for writing;
“Inform” structure
Apply the inverted pyramid structure for this
kind of writing.
Focus the control of your information.
Use common headlines.
“Persuade” structure
Importance of “persuasion”
Write to impress and build to persuade
Choose your problem statement
Build your pyramid
“Engage” Structure
Use the magical spice “control of the
When to use the “engage” structure
Communication is the key
Assess Good Writing

Define your target audience

Avoid the passive, instead use active
Use short sentences
Use capital letters at the beginning of the
sentence, after full stops, and when using
proper nouns.
Ask questions about the topic before you
write, and you will notice that the answers
compose a paragraph themselves.
Write for
measures how
easy your text
is to read.
Keep in Mind
Albert Einstein once said “make everything as
simple as possible but not simpler”
Readability implies;
 Avoiding anything that switches off the readers’
attention such as unsubstantiated claims
 Using strong verbs, good analogies, & concise quotations
 Credible data from the real world
 Citing believable authorities
 Well-written introductions, titles and subheads
 Making the first and last sentence of each paragraph
especially clear
Manage Your Writing
Write a brief and
embrace the content;
Two way communication
Feedback is the key
The Naming Process
A wise man once said “If names are not correct,
language will not be in accordance with the truth of
The title is the opening phrase that can either attract
the reader or just let him/her skip reading the whole
Pick the right name by;
Identify your strengths.
Know the main idea from this paragraph you are writing
Differentiate yourself through an eye catching “title”
Naming process
Identifying your strengths.
The starting point of a good title is the product or
service itself or the benefit that is to be described in
that article or paragraph your are writing.
What is unique, important, memorable, exciting,
desirable or special about it?
Write notes and try to come up with a tagline or
subtitle for your name.
Naming Rules
 Create a Concise name that is brief and to
the point
 Identify a Precise title but creative one that
attracts the reader to continue and see the
content of the paragraph or article.
 Choose a Recognizable name that is likely
to be recognized for the topic of the article.
 Choose a name that has an emotional
Naming Rules

Make it Significant NOT

by stating but by hinting.
Note: this -of course
depends on the type of
document you are writing.
You need to differentiate
between what applies to your
All About Short Names
Short Names are
limited form of
names or phrases
created to minimize
the original letters.
They include;
Shortened words
Blended words
Types of Short Names
Abbreviations consist of a letter or group of
letters taken from the word or phrase. For
example, the word abbreviation can itself be
represented by the abbreviation abbr. or abbrev.
Abbreviations should generally be avoided.
However, it is appropriate to use standard
abbreviations sometimes in scientific writing.
Types of Short Names
Acronyms are abbreviations that are formed
using the initial components in a phrase or
Acronyms take two forms: As a stand-in for a
longer name
Shortened words
Blended words
Tips on Short Names
When an abbreviation is only one or two letters
shorter than the full word, its preferred not be
Short names should not be used in the abstract or
in the title.
For the remainder of the text the abbreviation
should be used.
For the first reference to a term in the text, the
term should be used in full with the abbreviation
included in brackets.
Try to avoid shortened names in formal writing.
Writing Tips
Use the right tense
At the beginning of a new paragraph use an
indentation; leaving a small space as a margin
before you start writing.
Use punctuation marks
Write numbers in words only without figures in
formal writing
Writing Tips
Create your own theme through words
Pay attention for Homonyms
Support your ideas with quotes, popular
sayings, or proverbs.
Writing Tips
Consider the words’ length and the sentences
length. Depending on the type of document
you are writing the length should follow. But
generally, it is preferred to use small and
medium sentences with one consistent idea per
Most likely, a paragraph constitutes of 10-15
Than you for listening
Mera Al-Horani

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