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When we were planning to create our preliminary task
we did not put so much planning into creating the film
compared to the main task. For the main task we
planned Props, Actors and other information that would
help. However, when creating our preliminary task we
used what we had. The actors were people who were
free at the time. This was fun to do, making a film from
items and people that you could find. The creation of
the main task was fun too as we had to dig deeper to
find props, locations and actors.

When watching the preliminary task, I feel that I have

learnt a lot. When creating the preliminary task, we had
one location and not a very large time scale.
Consequently when creating our main task, we had a
larger time scale and a chance to use what ever
location we wanted. We used a far better camera when
filming our main task to get the full effect of the
atmosphere that was created at the location and to see
the real emotion on the actors face. We found the other
camera produced a poorer quality and slower focus
rate. We used better audio equipment to achieve a
better sound quality than the poorer quality camera.
When watching over both tasks and asking myself what
types of shots have improved, I feel that my eyeline match
when filming has improved. In the preliminary task the shot
was up and down making the audience feel confused and
lost by what was happing. When making our main task, I
used a function on the camera called gridding to help
match the eyeline. I used the top line on the grid as a
reference to the eyeline match. This helped when editing
so the shot did not have to be edited on the computer to
make it look smooth.

I feel more confident with the equipment that I have used

for the main task. The camera and the editing software that
I used was something I am use to using. I feel that I can
learn more from the camera and editing software however I
know the basics of both.

I feel that we have created a successful film opening that

fills the horror genre very well. I was very happy when I
looked at the first draft of the film. I was exceptionally
pleased with the audio produced in the opening scene. The
audio in the opening scene can build tension and mood.
When I watched the first draft without the sound effects and
music, the film seemed very non-scary. However after
adding audio, the film comes to life with fear and adds a
sinister atmosphere.

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