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The Endocrine Pancreas

Regulation of Carbohydrate

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Pancreatic Anatomy

Gland with both exocrine and endocrine

15-25 cm long
60-100 g
Location: retro-peritoneum, 2nd lumbar
vertebral level
Extends in an oblique, transverse position
Parts of pancreas: head, neck, body and

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Head of Pancreas

Includes uncinate process

Flattened structure, 2 3 cm thick
Attached to the 2nd and 3rd portions of
duodenum on the right
Emerges into neck on the left
Border b/w head and neck is determined
by GDA insertion
SPDA and IPDA anastamose between the
duodenum and the right lateral border

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Neck of Pancreas

2.5 cm in length
Straddles SMV and PV
Antero-superior surface supports the
Superior mesenteric vessels emerge from
the inferior border
Posteriorly, SMV and splenic vein
confluence to form portal vein
Posteriorly, mostly no branches to pancreas

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Body of Pancreas

Elongated, long structure

Anterior surface, separated from stomach
by lesser sac
Posterior surface, related to aorta, lt.
adrenal gland, lt. renal vessels and upper
1/3rd of lt. kidney
Splenic vein runs embedded in the post.
Inferior surface is covered by transverse

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Tail of Pancreas

Narrow, short segment

Lies at the level of the 12th thoracic
Ends within the splenic hilum
Lies in the splenophrenic ligament
Anteriorly, related to splenic flexure of
May be injured during splenectomy (fistula)

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Pancreatic Duct

Main duct (Wirsung) runs the entire length of

Joins CBD at the ampulla of Vater
2 4 mm in diameter, 20 secondary branches
Ductal pressure is 15 30 mm Hg (vs. 7 17
in CBD) thus preventing damage to panc.
Lesser duct (Santorini) drains superior portion
of head and empties separately into 2nd
portion of duodenum

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Arterial Supply of Pancreas

Variety of major arterial sources (celiac,

SMA and splenic)
Celiac Common Hepatic Artery
Gastroduodenal Artery Superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery which
divides into anterior and posterior
SMA Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
artery which divides into anterior and
posterior branches

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Arterial Supply of Pancreas

Anterior collateral arcade between

anterosuperior and anteroinferior PDA
Posterior collateral arcade between
posterosuperior and posteroinferior PDA
Body and tail supplied by splenic artery by
about 10 branches
Three biggest branches are

Dorsal pancreatic artery

Pancreatica Magna (midportion of body)
Caudal pancreatic artery (tail)

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Pancreatic Arterial Supply

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Venous Drainage of

Follows arterial supply

Anterior and posterior arcades drain
head and the body
Splenic vein drains the body and tail
Major drainage areas are

Suprapancreatic PV
Retropancreatic PV
Splenic vein
Infrapancreatic SMV

Ultimately, into portal vein

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Venous Drainage of the Pancreas

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Lymphatic Drainage

Rich periacinar network that drain

into 5 nodal groups

Superior nodes
Anterior nodes
Inferior nodes
Posterior PD nodes
Splenic nodes

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Innervation of Pancreas

Sympathetic fibers from the splanchnic

Parasympathetic fibers from the vagus
Both give rise to intrapancreatic
periacinar plexuses
Parasympathetic fibers stimulate both
exocrine and endocrine secretion
Sympathetic fibers have a predominantly
inhibitory effect

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Innervation of Pancreas

Peptidergic neurons that secrete

amines and peptides (somatostatin,
vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin
gene-related peptide, and galanin
Rich afferent sensory fiber network
Ganglionectomy or celiac ganglion
blockade interrupt these somatic fibers
(pancreatic pain)

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Pancreatic Hormones, Insulin and

Glucagon, Regulate Metabolism

Production of Pancreatic
Hormones by Three Cell Types

Alpha cells produce glucagon.

Beta cells produce insulin.
Delta cells produce somatostatin.

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Islet of Langerhans Cross-section

Three cell types are

present, A (glucagon
secretion), B (Insulin
secretion) and D
(Somatostatin secretion)
A and D cells are located
around the perimeter
while B cells are located
in the interior
Venous return
containing insulin flows
by the A cells on its way
out of the islets

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Pancreatic Hormones, Insulin and

Glucagon, Regulate Metabolism

Figure 22-8: Metabolism is controlled by insulin and glucagon

Structure of Insulin

Insulin is a polypeptide hormone,

composed of two chains (A and B)
BOTH chains are derived from
proinsulin, a prohormone.
The two chains are joined by disulfide

Roles of Insulin

Acts on tissues (especially liver, skeletal

muscle, adipose) to increase uptake of
glucose and amino acids.
- without insulin, most tissues do not
take in glucose and amino acids well
(except brain).

Increases glycogen production (glucose

storage) in the liver and muscle.

Stimulates lipid synthesis from free fatty

acids and triglycerides in adipose tissue.

Also stimulates potassium uptake by cells

The Insulin Receptor

The insulin receptor is composed of two

subunits, and has intrinsic tyrosine kinase
Activation of the receptor results in a cascade of
phosphorylation events:

phosphorylation of
insulin responsive
substrates (IRS)



Specific Targets of Insulin

Action: Carbohydrates
Increased activity of glucose transporters.
Moves glucose into cells.
Activation of glycogen synthetase.
Converts glucose to glycogen.
Inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase. Inhibits

Specific Targets of Insulin

Action: Lipids

Activation of acetyl CoA carboxylase.

Stimulates production of free fatty acids
from acetyl CoA.
Activation of lipoprotein lipase (increases
breakdown of triacylglycerol in the
circulation). Fatty acids are then taken
up by adipocytes, and triacylglycerol is
made and stored in the cell.

Regulation of Insulin Release

Major stimulus: increased blood glucose

- after a meal, blood glucose increases
- in response to increased glucose,
insulin is released
- insulin causes uptake of glucose into
tissues, so blood glucose levels decrease.
- insulin levels decline as blood glucose

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Insulin Action on Cells:

Dominates in Fed State Metabolism

glucose uptake in most cells

(not active muscle)
glucose use and storage
protein synthesis
fat synthesis

Insulin Action on Cells:

Dominates in Fed State Metabolism
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Insulin: Summary and Control Reflex


Other Factors Regulating

Insulin Release

Amino acids stimulate insulin release (increased

uptake into cells, increased protein synthesis).
Keto acids stimulate insulin release (increased
glucose uptake to prevent lipid and protein
Insulin release is inhibited by stress-induced increase
in adrenal epinephrine
- epinephrine binds to alpha adrenergic receptors on
beta cells
- maintains blood glucose levels
Glucagon stimulates insulin secretion (glucagon has
opposite actions).

Structure and Actions of


Peptide hormone, 29 amino acids

Acts on the liver to cause breakdown of
glycogen (glycogenolysis), releasing glucose
into the bloodstream.
Inhibits glycolysis
Increases production of glucose from amino
acids (gluconeogenesis).
Also increases lipolysis, to free fatty acids for
Result: maintenance of blood glucose levels
during fasting.

Mechanism of Action of

Main target tissues: liver, muscle, and

adipose tissue
Binds to a Gs-coupled receptor, resulting
in increased cyclic AMP and increased
PKA activity.
Also activates IP3 pathway (increasing

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Glucagon Action on Cells:

Dominates in Fasting State

Glucagon prevents hypoglycemia by cell

production of glucose
Liver is primary target to maintain blood
glucose levels

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Glucagon Action on Cells: Dominates in

Fasting State Metabolism

Targets of Glucagon Action

Activates a phosphorylase, which cleaves off a

glucose 1-phosphate molecule off of glycogen.
Inactivates glycogen synthase by
phosphorylation (less glycogen synthesis).
Increases phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase,
stimulating gluconeogenesis
Activates lipases, breaking down triglycerides.
Inhibits acetyl CoA carboxylase, decreasing free
fatty acid formation from acetyl CoA
Result: more production of glucose and
substrates for metabolism

Regulation of Glucagon

Increased blood glucose levels inhibit

glucagon release.
Amino acids stimulate glucagon release
(high protein, low carbohydrate meal).
Stress: epinephrine acts on betaadrenergic receptors on alpha cells,
increasing glucagon release (increases
availability of glucose for energy).
Insulin inhibits glucagon secretion.

Other Factors Regulating

Glucose Homeostasis

Glucocorticoids (cortisol): stimulate

gluconeogenesis and lipolysis, and
increase breakdown of proteins.
Epinephrine/norepinephrine: stimulates
glycogenolysis and lipolysis.
Growth hormone: stimulates
glycogenolysis and lipolysis.
Note that these factors would
complement the effects of glucagon,
increasing blood glucose levels.

Hormonal Regulation of

Right after a meal (resting):

- blood glucose elevated
- glucagon, cortisol, GH, epinephrine low
- insulin increases (due to increased glucose)
- Cells uptake glucose, amino acids.
- Glucose converted to glycogen, amino acids
into protein, lipids stored as triacylglycerol.
- Blood glucose maintained at moderate levels.

Hormonal Regulation of

A few hours after a meal (active):

- blood glucose levels decrease
- insulin secretion decreases
- increased secretion of glucagon, cortisol, GH,
- glucose is released from glycogen stores
- increased lipolysis (beta oxidation)
- glucose production from amino acids
increases (oxidative deamination;
- decreased uptake of glucose by tissues
- blood glucose levels maintained

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Turnover Rate

Rate at which a molecule is broken down and

Average daily turnover for carbohydrates is 250

Some glucose is reused to form glycogen.

Only need about 150 g/day.

Average daily turnover for protein is 150 g/day.

Some protein may be reused for protein synthesis.

Only need 35 g/day.

9 essential amino acids.

Average daily turnover for fats is 100 g/day.

Little is actually required in the diet.

Fat can be produced from excess carbohydrates.

Essential fatty acids:

Linoleic and linolenic acids.

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Regulation of Energy

Energy reserves:

Molecules that
can be oxidized for
energy are derived
from storage
(glycogen, protein,
and fat).


Molecules absorbed
through small
intestine and
carried to the cell
for use in cell

Insert fig. 19.2

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Pancreatic Islets (Islets of


Alpha cells secrete glucagon.

Stimulus is decrease in blood

Stimulates glycogenolysis
and lipolysis.
Stimulates conversion of
fatty acids to ketones.

Beta cells secrete insulin.

Stimulus is increase in blood

Promotes entry of glucose
into cells.
Converts glucose to
glycogen and fat.
Aids entry of amino acids
into cells.

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Energy Regulation of

Islets of Langerhans contain 3 distinct

cell types:





Secrete somatostatin.

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Regulation of Insulin and


Mainly regulated by blood

Lesser effect: blood [amino acid].

Regulated by negative feedback.

Glucose enters the brain by

facilitated diffusion.
Normal fasting [glucose] is 65105

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Regulation of Insulin and


When blood [glucose] increases:

Glucose binds to GLUT2 receptor

protein in cells, stimulating the
production and release of insulin.


Stimulates skeletal muscle cells and

adipocytes to incorporate GLUT4
(glucose facilitated diffusion carrier)
into plasma membranes.

Promotes anabolism.

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Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

of the ability of
cells to
secrete insulin.
Ability of insulin
to lower blood
persons rise in
blood [glucose]
after drinking
solution is
reversed to
normal in 2 hrs.

Insert fig. 19.8

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Regulation of Insulin and


Parasympathetic nervous system:

Sympathetic nervous system:

Stimulates insulin secretion.


Stimulates glucagon secretion.


Stimulates insulin secretion.

Stimulates insulin secretion.


Stimulates insulin secretion.

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Regulation of Insulin and

Glucagon Secretion

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Glucose homeostasis Putting it all


Beta cells
of pancreas stimulated
to release insulin into
the blood
High blood
glucose level
Rising blood glucose
level (e.g., after eating
a carbohydrate-rich

take up more

Liver takes
up glucose
and stores it as

Homeostasis: Normal blood glucose level

(about 90 mg/100 mL)

Blood glucose level

rises to set point;
stimulus for glucagon
release diminishes

Figure 26.8

Blood glucose level

declines to a set point;
stimulus for insulin
release diminishes

breaks down
glycogen and
releases glucose
to the blood

Declining blood
glucose level
(e.g., after
skipping a meal)

cells of
pancreas stimulated
to release glucagon
into the blood

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Hormonal Regulation of

Absorptive state:

Absorption of energy.
4 hour period after eating.
Increase in insulin secretion.

Postabsorptive state:

Fasting state.
At least 4 hours after the meal.
Increase in glucagon secretion.

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Absorptive State

Insulin is the major hormone that

promotes anabolism in the body.
When blood [insulin] increases:

Promotes cellular uptake of glucose.

Stimulates glycogen storage in the liver and
Stimulates triglyceride storage in adipose
Promotes cellular uptake of amino acids and
synthesis of proteins.

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Postabsorptive State

Maintains blood glucose

When blood [glucagon] increased:

Stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver

Stimulates gluconeogenesis.
Skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and
kidneys use fatty acids as major source
of fuel (hormone-sensitive lipase).
Stimulates lipolysis and ketogenesis.

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Effect of Feeding and Fasting

on Metabolism
Insert fig. 19.10

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Diabetes Mellitus

Chronic high blood [glucose].

2 forms of diabetes mellitus:

Type I: insulin dependent diabetes

Type II: non-insulin dependent
diabetes (NIDDM).

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Comparison of Type I and

Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Insert table 19.6

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Type I Diabetes Mellitus

cells of the islets of Langerhans are

destroyed by autoimmune attack which may
be provoked by environmental agent.

Killer T cells target glutamate decarboxylase in the


Glucose cannot enter the adipose cells.

Rate of fat synthesis lags behind the rate of


Fatty acids converted to ketone bodies, producing


Increased blood [glucagon].

Stimulates glycogenolysis in liver.

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Consequences of Uncorrected
Deficiency in Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Insert fig. 19.11

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Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Slow to develop.
Genetic factors are
Occurs most often in
people who are
Decreased sensitivity
to insulin or an
insulin resistance.


Do not usually
develop ketoacidosis.
May have high blood
[insulin] or normal

Insert fig. 19.12

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Treatment in Diabetes

Change in lifestyle:

Increase exercise:

Increases the amount of membrane GLUT-4

carriers in the skeletal muscle cells.

Weight reduction.
Increased fiber in diet.
Reduce saturated fat.

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Over secretion
of insulin.

Caused by an
response to a
rise in blood
Occurs in
people who are
predisposed to
type II

Insert fig. 19.13

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Metabolic Regulation

Anabolic effects of insulin are

antagonized by the hormones of
the adrenals, thyroid, and anterior

Insulin, T3, and GH can act

synergistically to stimulate protein

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