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“Every job is a self portrait of the

person who does it”

Autograph your work with

Flying hither and thither, higher and higher,
the bird has at last got to perch on a tree for
rest. So too, even the richest and most
powerful man seeks rest, Peace.
without Peace, life is a nightmare, It can can
be got only in one shop, in inner reality. The
senses will drag you along into a mire,
Only the contemplation of unity can grant
unruffled peace.
- Baba
•Technology, the best way to solve
problems, and the most aggressive way
to produce problems; this cycle makes
life more complicated, more busy and
more ... Technical…!

Andy Huan
•Technology, from science, the most
aggressive way to consume the resources
of the Earth.
•Money makes the world go around; IT
technology makes money run faster; we
are forever busy for chasing money.

Andy Huan
Technology is the best way to solve
problems, but is also a most aggressive
way to produce problems; this cycle
makes life more complicated, more
busy and more technical….!
Money makes the world go around, &
techonology makes money run faster;
and we are forever busy chasing
A Man can succeed at almost
anything for which he has unlimited
"You never know
what you had
until it's gone"
--Scapps Jr.
Ignorance is ‘ignoring to change’
Intelligence is making the change.
-- Barbara Padbury
The only person who
never makes a mistake
is the person who never does
- Theodore Roosevelt
"The past, the present
and the future
are really one:
they are today."
--Harriet Beecher Stowe
"What you are afraid to do
is a clear indicator
of the next thing
you need to do."
have neither a past nor a future.
Thus they enjoy the present,
which seldom happens to us."
--Jean de La Bruyere
“The person who knows one thing
and does it better than anyone else,
even if it only be the art of raising lentils,
receives the crown he merits.
If he raises all his energy to that end,
he is a benefactor of mankind
and is rewarded as such.”

--Og Mandino
"To laugh often and much;
o win the respect of intelligent people an
the affection of children...
to leave the world a better place...
o know even one life has breathed easie
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The most
important thing
in communication
is to hear what
isn't being said."
Perception strong & sight weak.

" In strategy, it is important

to see distant things as if
they were close and to take
a distanced view of close
If you're often inclined to toss your
clothes onto the chair rather than
hanging them in the closet, be careful.
It could suggest a lack of discipline.
And remember, a lack of discipline in
the small areas of life can cost you
heavily in the more important areas
of life. “You cannot clean up your
company until you learn the discipline
of cleaning your own garage”
you don't stand for something
you will fall for anything…!
o joyfully marches in rank a
already earned my contem
een given a large brain by m
him the spinal cord would s
-Albert Einstein
not creative, we are wasting o
Too many of us get so absorbed
in the process of earning A living
that we forget about ‘living’.
We look for answers instead of being
inspired by strong reasons.
We respond to our circumstances
instead of using the ability
to create new and better circumstances.
You see, we don’t need more experience.
We already have all that we need
to attract all that we want.
The answer isn’t found in needing more,
it's found in becoming more…
I know not, with what weapons
World War III will be fought,

But I do know that

World War IV will be fought
with sticks and stones..!

- Albert Einstein
"Pleasure in the job puts
perfection in the work."
-- Aristotle
"Regret for the things we did
can be tempered by time;
it is regret for
the things we did not do
that is inconsolable."
- Sydney J. Harris
hing worth doing at
s worth doing well ”
Motivation doesn't last,
but neither does taking a bath..
That's why we recommend it
Zig Ziglar..
e fragrance always s
hand that gives the
“We can complain that
the rosebush has thorns
or rejoice that
The thorn bush has roses.”
-- Abe Lincoln

Pessimist Vs Optimist
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit.

-- Aristotle
ommitted to your dec
y flexible in your app
-- Anthony Robbins
"I would not fear nor wish my fate,
but boldly say each night,
to-morrow let my sun display,
or in clouds hide them;
I have lived today."
-- Abraham Crowley
"He who joyfully marches
in rank and file, has already
earned my contempt.
He has been given
a large brain by mistake,
since for him
the spinal cord would suffice…!"
-Albert Einstein
ge has a considerable psycholo
impact on the human mind.
he fearful it is threatening beca
means that things may get wor
o the hopeful it is encouraging
because things may get better
he confidant it is inspiring beca
allenge exists to make things b
rday is not ours to rec
morrow is ours to win o

-- Lyndon B. Johnson
tion is one step beyond
d people want to know if
Fascinated people,
ant to learn how it works
-- Jim Rohn
We rate ability in men
by what they finish,
not by
what they attempt…
Often the difference betwee
a success and a failure
ot one's better abilities or id
but the courage that
one has to bet on his ideas,
ke the calculated risk and to
--Dr. Maxwell Maltz
se who belong to the fut
less time looking at yest
"A pessimist sees the difficulty
in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity
in every difficulty."
-- Sir Winston Churchill
“We are all ordinary people.
And it's the extraordinary people
Who know it.”
-- G. K. Chesterton
"If someone ruins
the first part of your life,
there's no reason to
give them the rest."
"Destiny is no matter of chance.
It is a matter of choice:
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."
-- William Jennings Bryan
People take different roads
seeking fulfillment & happiness.
Just because they're
not on your road
doesn't mean
they've gotten lost.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
"A wise man is superior
to any insults which
can be put upon him, and
the best reply to unseemly
behavior is patience
and moderation."
-- Molière
"The purpose of life is
a life of purpose."
-- Robert Byrne
is a great teacher;
it kills all it's pupils..!
"You know
you're getting old
when all the names
in your black book
have M. D. after them…!"

-- Arnold Palmer
"Those that can, do.
hose that can do bette
To handle yourself,
use your head,
To handle others,
use your heart…
er is only one let
short of danger..
Develop Sincere Desire for Goal;

Out of Fire of Desire

Comes Success…
“Find the key to yourself

and every door in the

world is open to you”

"Do good…

and good will follow you."

If You Fail to Plan,..

Then you plan to

Life is 10% of what happens to you,
and 90% of how you respond to it.
Yesterday is “History”
Tomorrow is a “Mystery”
Today is the gift.
That is why it is called “Present”
"It's the action, not the fruit of the action,
that's important. You have to do the right thing.
It may not be in your power,
may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit.
But that doesn't mean you stop
doing the right thing.
You may never know what results come from
Your action. But if you do nothing,
there will be no result."

-- Gandhi
"The question is not
whether we will die,
but how we will live."
- Joan Borysenko
"The golden opportunity
you are seeking
is in yourself.
It is not in your environment;
it is not in luck or chance,
or the help of others;
it is in yourself alone."
-- Orison Swett Marden
"An education isn't how much
you have committed to memory,
or even how much you know.
It's being able to differentiate
between what you know
and what you don't."
-- Anatole France
"To give pleasure
to a single heart
by a single act
is better than a
thousand heads
bowing in prayer."
-- Gandhi
“I know of no more encouraging
fact than the unquestionable
ability of man to elevate
his life by
conscious endeavour”
Henry David Thoreau
“Nearly all men
can stand adversity,
but if you want to
test a man's character,
give him power”
—  Abraham Lincoln
"Associate with the noblest people,
you can find;
read the best books;
live with the mighty.
But learn to be happy alone.
Rely upon your own energies,
and so do not wait for,
or depend on other people."
-- Professor Thomas Davidson
“Life’s battles don’t go always to the
stronger or faster man,

but sooner or later, the man who wins is

the man who thinks he can”
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people
Genius silently acts.
Inspiring Success:

"Look at everything as though you

were seeing it for the first time or
the last time. Then your time on
earth will be filled with glory."

-- Betty Smith
Meaning in Life:

"The least of things with a

meaning is worth more in life
than the greatest of things
without it."

-- Carl Jung
“The marvelous richness of human
experience would lose some of joy
if there were no limitations to overcome.”

“The hilltop
hour would not be so wonderful
if there were no dark valleys to

Hellen Keller
Do not fear mistakes…
fear only the absence
of constructive and
corrective responses to
those mistakes…
"Those who wish
to sing always
find a song."
-- Swedish Proverb
"Prosperity is a great
teacher; adversity a
-- William Hazlitt
"He who has
nothing to die
for has nothing
to live for."
-- Moroccan Proverb
"Great ability develops and
reveals itself increasingly
with every new
- Baltasar Gracian
"The greater the 
difficulty, the more 
the glory in 
surmounting it."
-- Epicurus
Life is like an icecream cone.
You got to eat it when you get it.
You got to eat it fast.
Because if you don't,
it's going to melt all over
your hand and down your arm….!
"Any activity
becomes creative
when the doer cares
about doing it
-- John Updike
"Beauty is only skin deep,
but it's a valuable asset
if you're poor or
haven't any sense."
-- Kin Hubbard

Between stimulus and response,

Only man has the ability
to choose a response.
An animal just reacts.
Active Ageing makes the difference

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