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Arrange By :
Agus K Giawa
Putri Syahreni H

The infinitive form of a verb is the

version in its basic form. It is the
version of the verb which will appear
in the dictionary.
The Kind of Infinitives
Infinitive without to ( Bare Infinitive )
Infinitive with to ( to infinitive )

1. Infinitive Without To
A. Defenition of Bare Infinitive ( Infinitive without
To )
Bare Infinitive is infinitive that not follow by particleto.
Another meaning are base form, short infinitive, or zero
B. Bare infinitive use
After auxiliary verbs, except to be ( primary auxiliary ),
example : can/could , shall/should,will/would,
An astronaut can release a piece of equipment and it will
oat freely alongside her hand.
the force can cause a change in velocity of the object

2 After several certain verb. Example : watch, see,

hear, observe, feel, please, listen
You have most likely had the experience of standing in
an elevator that accelerates upward as it moves
toward a higher oor. In this case, you feel heavier.
The practicant observe the objects move accros the
3. Begin with the several word : had better, had
rather, dan would rather
Two object has same masses had better atract when
they are narrow
It would rather release the heat to make the ice cube

4. Beginning by word need and dare in negative and

interogative sentences
In principle, Gausss law can be solved for E to determine the
electric field due to a system of charges or a continuous
distribution of charge and then gaussian surface is a mathematical
construction and need not coincide with any real physical surface.
Need the electron move to outher valence with an high energy?
5. After causative verb, example : have, get, make, let, want,
The electric-field concept helps us understand not only the
forces between isolated stationary charged bodies but also what
happens when charges move.
Technology lets humans use that knowledge for practical
purposes, and it provides the tools needed by scientists in their
further explorations.
If you're about to catch a fast baseball with your bare hand, you
extend your hand forward so you'll have plenty of room to let your
hand move backward after you make contact with the ball.

C. Bare Infinitve in tenses

1. Present tense
S + to be (am, is, are ) + Noun/Adjective/Preposition/Adverb
In bare infinitive
+ Bare Infinitive
+ Bare infinitive +s/es/ies
If this same experiment conduct in a vacuum, in which air
resistance is truly negligible, the paper and coin would fall with the
same acceleration even when the paper is not crumpled
2. Simple Present Continous Tense
+ Tobe ( am, is are,is ) + (Bare

The human and earth are interacting because of gravitational field.

When the object is moving, then it is capable of doing work.

3. Perfect Tense
I/You/We/They + Have
+ has + past participle ( V2)

Bare infinitive
I/You/We/They/He/She/It + to be (Have,has) + Bare Infinitive/past participle
We have mentioned two ways in which voltage can be induced in a loop of
wire: by moving the loop near a magnet or by moving a magnet near the loop.
4. Present Perfect continous tense
S+ Have/Has + Been + (Present participle + ing)+Ob/C
In Bare infinitive
S+ Have/Has + Been + (Bare Infinitive+ ing)+Ob/C

we have been considering objects moving straight downward in the direction
of the pull of gravity

2. Infinitive With To
Infinitive with to is verbal consist particleto and
form simple form verb and has function as noun,
adjective, or adverb.
A. Position of Infinitive
1. Subject of sentences
To measure force is convenient to use the deformation
of a spring
2. Subjective complement ( to infinitive uses with
tobe am is are, was, were, to express the order,
desire and necessary
when the plane is horizontal-the ball should not lose any
speed. In the absence of retarding forces, the tendency
of the ball is to move forever without slowing down.

3. Complement to verb
In any event, Newton had the insight to see
that the force between the Earth and a
falling apple is the same force that pulls the
Moon in an orbital path around the Earth, a
path similar to a planet's path around the
4. Objective complement
A minimum energy, called the work
function,W0, is required for an electron to
leave the surface

5. Object to preposition
Ernest Rutherford, in 1919, was the first of many
investigators to succeed in deliberately transmuting a
chemical element.
6. Adjective
a. To infinitive as passive
It is easy to see the main disadvantage of a series circuit:
If one device fails, current in the whole circuit ceases.
b. Give the atribute to verb in meaning as purpose,
cause or result
These regularities were the clues that the Danish
physicist Niels Bohr use to understand the structure of
the atom itself

C. Give the noun in meaning as purpose, or

will. To infinitivenya as atribute or predicate
a. Example of to infinitive as atribute
An object to move at constant speed in a
straightline path is also in equilibrium.
b. Example of to infinitive as Predikat
This object is to move at constant speed in a
straightline path is also in equilibrium.
D. Give an adjective in case or purpose
Difficult to move the object an rest and easy to
make the magnetic field by two magnetic pole

7. Exclamation form
Why the rock cannot oat? They're simply too dense!
To oat more easily, you must reduce the density of the
8. To infinitive use with the word TOO
Too + adjective + to infinitive
When gravity acted but the molecules moved too
slowly to form a gas (as might occur on a remote, cold
planet), our "atmosphere" would be a liquid or solid
layer, just so much more matter lying on the ground.
The resulting acceleration of the falling object is
evident, while the upward acceleration of Earth is too
small to detect.

9. To infinitive always use with word enough

Adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive
Enough + noun + to infinitive
Only a small amount of high-frequency light is scattered from
the sunlight, enough to make the Sun look yellowish.

The film on the outer surface contracts enough to make a

rounded edge.
10. Behind of question word example : when, where, how,
whom, whose, what and which
The safety net used by circus acrobats is a good example of
how to achieve the impulse needed for a safe landing.

At the time of Rutherford's gold-foil experiment, scientists

knew that negatively charged electrons exist within the atom,
but they did not know where the positive charge resides.

11. Behind of several verb ( hope, plan, agree, want,

consent, begin, promise, intend, appear, need,
afford, permit, seem, offer, pretend, beg, order,
determine, ask, decide, would like to, care, like,
try, arrange refuse, expect, claim, wish, invite )
When we wish to measure how far something falls, we
are talking about distance, which is expressed as d =
1/2 gt2
12. Behind of several verb using the formula below :
Subject + verb + pronoun/Noun + to infinitive infinitve
Newtons law of universal gravitation represent the
atracting force between two masses to atract each other

13. Behind of adjcetive in sentences

It is not difficult to see that the electrical force
exerted on a sample test charge placed at the
exact center of the ball is zero, because opposing
forces balance in every direction.
B. The form of negative To Infinitive
Making negative sentence in to infinitive adding
the word NOT infront of word TO
Its better not to move the object that has a big
mass by our hand, we need a equipment to do

C. The form of continuous To Infinitive

No matter what the relative velocities between two
frames, light moving at c in one frame will be seen to
be moving at c in any other frame.
If a person whizzing past us were to check a dock in
our reference frame, he would find our dock to be
running as slowly as we would find his to be. Each
D. Perfect continuous to Infinitive
Mars is inferior planet to have been moving
circumstance of sun
E. The form of perfect to infinitive
The wave seems to have been providing that light
behaves as a particle

F. The form of passive to infinitive

1. Simple passive To infinitive
To + be + verb-3
The alignment of the transverse electric vibrations of
electromagnetic radiation. Such waves of aligned
vibrations are said to be polarized,
2. Perfect passive To Infinitve
To + Have + Been + Verb-3
The object to have been moved when the incline
plane is form 600

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