Posterior Pituitary Disorder Romeo

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Posterior pituitary


Romeo Singh

Posterior pituitary

Romeo Singh

Posterior pituitary
The posterior (back) lobe of the pituitary
gland releases ADH (antidiuretic
hormone) and oxytocin. Antidiuretic
hormone (ADH), which is also called
vasopressin, helps the kidneys (and body)
hold on to the appropriate amount water.

Romeo Singh

Posterior pituitary
ADH is produced to help the body conserve
the water it contains. Inadequate ADH
leads to excessive losses of water through
urination. This can result in dangerous
dehydration, high sodium levels, and
increased thirst. This is a condition known
as diabetes insipidus or DI. Too much ADH
leads to excessive retention of water by the
body and low sodium levels (syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
secretion or SIADH).
Romeo Singh

SIADH is when the body makes too much
antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This is a
hormone that normallyhelps the kidneys
conserve the correct amount of water in
the body. SIADH causes the body to retain
water. This lowers the level of sodium in
the blood. SIADH is rare.
SIADH tends to occur in people with heart
failure or with abrain injurythat affects the
hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the
part of the brain that works with the
pituitary gland to make hormonesRomeo Singh

SIADH ..other causes

Inflammation of the membranes that cover the

brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
Brain tumor
Lung disease
Head injury
Guillain-Barr syndrome
Certain medicines
Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
during surgery
Low amounts of thyroid/parathyroid hormones
Hereditary cause

Romeo Singh

Symptoms of SIADH
Symptoms can occur a bit differently in
each patient. In severe cases, symptoms
can include:
Nausea or vomiting
Cramps or tremors
Depressed mood
Memory problems
Personality changes, such as anger and
Romeo Singh

These tests are done to check:
Sodium levels in the body
Potassium levels in the body
Amount of substances dissolved in blood
and urine (osmolality)

Romeo Singh

Siadh treatments
The most common treatment for SIADH is
limiting how much fluid and water patient
has . If the condition is ongoing (chronic),
patient may need to limit fluids for life.
Treatment may also include:
Use of medicine called vasopressin that
blocks the action of ADH
Surgery to remove a tumor that is making
Other medicines to help manage body fluid

Romeo Singh

diabetes insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is a condition caused by
not enough antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in
the body. ADH is also known as
vasopressin. This is a hormone that helps
the kidneys keep the correct amount of
water in the body. The condition is also
called water diabetes.

Romeo Singh

diabetes insipidus
ADH controls how much water is in urine
that the kidneys make. ADH is secreted by
the hypothalamus. Its stored in the
pituitary gland, and then released into the
bloodstream when needed. ADH lowers the
amount of water the kidneys make into
urine. This helps prevent dehydration. With
diabetes insipidus, too much water is
pulled from the blood by the kidneys. This
causes the body to create a lot of watery
urine, and leads to thirst
Romeo Singh

diabetes insipidus
Central diabetes insipidus.With this type, not
enough ADH is made or secreted. This is most
often because of damage to the hypothalamus
orpituitary gland. Typical causes include injury to
the brain and rare genetic disorders.
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.With this
type, the kidneys dont respond normally to ADH.
This is most often because of medicines or
chronic disorders. Some genetic disorders can
affect the kidneys from birth. Other causes of
kidney problems include kidney failure, sickle cell
disease, and polycystic kidney disease.

Romeo Singh

diabetes insipidus Causes

A hypothalamus gland that doesnt make
enough ADH
A pituitary gland that doesnt release enough
ADH into the blood
Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
during surgery or radiation therapy
Brain injury
Brain tumor
Blockage in the arteries leading to the brain
Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
Inflammation of the membranes that cover the
brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
Romeo Singh
Family heredity

diabetes insipidus Symptoms

Symptoms can occur a bit differently in
each patient . They can include:
Excessive thirst
Excessive urination
Babies with diabetes insipidus may show
signs such as:
Poor feeding
Failure to grow
High fevers
Romeo Singh

Test to confirm
Urine tests.For this test, a patient will not
drink for several hours (or after midnight while
asleep). He or she will then urinate twice within 1
hour. The second urine specimen can often
diagnose the condition.
Blood test.This is done to measure salt
(sodium) levels in the blood.
Water deprivation test.This test is done in the
hospital. It checks if dehydration occurs while a
patient doesnt eat or drink.
MRI.This test uses a large magnets and a
computer to make detailed images of tissues in
Romeo Singh
the body. The test is done to look for problems
with the pituitary gland.

Treatment depends on the cause. Treating the
cause usually treats the diabetes insipidus.
Treatment may be done with synthetic ADH. This
may be taken as a pill, injection, or nasal spray.
Other treatments include medicines that increase
the body to make more ADH. This includes
NSAIDs and chlorpropamide.
Patient must also drink plenty of fluids. This is to
make up for the amount of fluids lost by the body
through excess urine.
Romeo Singh

Oxytocin is a hormone to contract the
uterus during childbirth and stimulate milk
If this hormone is not released during child
birth then the uterus will not contract and
thus can result in complication and even
If oxytocin is deprive or absent in mothers
that recently give birth there willRomeo
be notSingh

It is the decreased (hypo) secretion of one
or more hormonesnormally produced by
thepituitary gland
This term is used when there is a
decreased secretion most of the hormone
produced by the pituitary gland
Sheehan syndromeischemic infarct of
pituitary following postpartum bleeding;
Romeo Singh
presents with failure to lactate, absent

Happy valentine

Romeo Singh

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