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˜ Storm water is a term used to describe water that
originates during precipitation events. It may also be used
to apply to water that originates with snowmelt or runoff
water from overwatering that enters the storm water
˜ A storm drainage system is a network of structures,
channels and underground pipes that carry storm water
(rain water) to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. The
network consists of both public and private systems.
˜ A storm drain is designed to drain excess rain and ground water
from paved streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs. They are fed
by street gutters on most motorways, freeways and other busy
roads, as well as towns in areas which experience heavy rainfall,
flooding and coastal towns which experience regular storms.
˜ §ecause impervious surfaces do
not allow rain to infiltrate into the
ground, , more runoff is generated
than in the undeveloped
condition. This additional runoff
can erode watercourses (streams
and rivers) as well as cause
flooding when the storm water
collection system is overwhelmed
by the additional flow.
˜ When it rains or there is irrigation, water runs off and ultimately makes its
way to a river, lake, or the ocean. While there is some attenuation of these
pollutants before entering the receiving waters, the quantity of human
activity results in large enough quantities of pollutants to impair these
receiving waters.
˜ Polluted runoff from roads and highways is the largest source of water
pollution in coastal areas today.
˜ Water running off impervious surfaces tends to pick
up gasoline, motor oil, heavy metals, trash and other pollutants
from roadways and parking lots, as well as fertilizers and
pesticides from lawns.
˜ Roads and parking lots are major sources of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are created
as combustion byproducts of gasoline and other fossil fuels, as
well as of the heavy metals nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium,
and lead.
˜ Roof runoff contributes high levels of synthetic organic
compounds and zinc (from galvanized gutters). Fertilizer use on
residential lawns, parks and golf courses is a significant source
of nitrates and phosphorus.
˜ A 2008 report by the United States National Research
Council identified urban runoff as a leading source of water
quality problems.
˜ The runoff also increases temperatures in streams,
harming fish and other organisms. A sudden burst of runoff
from a rainstorm can cause a fish-killing shock of hot water.
Also, road salt used to melt snow on sidewalks and roadways
can contaminate streams and groundwater aquifers.
˜ When the area is urbanized, urban runoff then creates an
unnatural year-round flow that hurts the vegetation, wildlife
and riverbed of the waterway.
˜ As an example, on many Southern California beaches at the
mouth of a waterway, urban runoff carries trash, pollutants,
excessive silt, and other wastes, and can pose moderate to severe
health hazards.
Storm water management is a fundamental consideration in the
planning and design of urban development. This includes three
˜ SITE ANALYSIS - The siteǯs topography will have a significant
impact on the layout design. The layout of the development
must be configured so as to allow excess storm water to be
gravity-drained to a drainage system.
˜ ADJOINING PROPERTIES - One of the basic principles of
storm water management is to avoid adverse storm water
impacts on other properties. Careful consideration must be
given to controlling surface runoff and subsoil drainage to
adjoining properties.
˜ PU§LIC SAFETY V It is essential that the design of overland
flow paths, on-site detention storages and other stormwater
management measures meet relevant safety criteria for
pedestrians, vehicles and property damage.
˜ The most widely used method for estimating peak storm-water
runoff is called the O  O 
˜ This formula assumes that:-
1) rate of storm-water run-off from an area is a direct
function of the average rainfall rate
2) the average frequency of occurrence of the peak runoff
equals the average frequency of occurrence of the rainfall
3) quantity of storm water lost due to evaporation,
infiltration, and surface depressions remains constant
throughout the rainfall.
The peak value of the flow rate ß of storm-water runoff is
estimated using the following equation:-

Where  = coefficient of runoff

 = rainfall rate for a specified rainfall duration and
frequency of occurrence, in/h (cm/h)
 = tributary area to the inlet or drain, acres (m2)
A given site may have areas with different coefficients of runoff
all draining to a common point. It is desirable to use a single
coefficient of runoff for the entire area. Such a dimensionless
coefficient (termed ‘  
      , can be
calculated using

where 1 2 and  are the area in acres (m2), and 1  2  and
 are the corresponding coefficients of runoff of the individual
tributary areas to a common point.
A weighted coefficient of runoff must be calculated for each
segment of the stormwater drainage system.
The     is a coefficient which accounts for
storm-water losses attributed to evaporation, infiltration, and
surface depressions. Its value depends on the surface in contact
with the storm water.
Surat is one of the 63 cities included in the JNNURM scheme.
Apart from other infrastructure development projects, this
scheme also includes the improvisation of the storm water
disposal system of Surat.
2006 Ȃ 275 kms
2012 Ȃ 491 kms
@ey features of the project:-
˜ Laying of new storm water lines in Vesu, Pal Palanpore
and the new eastern areas
˜ Total Project Cost = Rs 450 crores
˜ Current projects are expected to be completed by
December 2010 while the entire project is likely to be over
by 2012
˜ Replacing of secondary drain pipes with 1400mm
diameter pipes
˜ Laying of storm water drains along all smaller side roads
which previous did not have these drains
The project aims to achieve following goals:
˜ There will be protection of mankind and other living
organisms from flooding
˜ There will be protection of major equipments and
infrastructure from being getting damaged due to floods.
˜ To protect loss of man hours, business hours of working
people and increase productivity, thereby enhancing
economic growth in the area.
˜ To quickly remove the stagnant water as soon as possible
so that epidemic can be avoided and make the pavement
free to resume traffic
˜ The Mithi River flows through
the city of Mumbai and forms a
principal channel to discharge
storm water and sewage.
˜ The Storm Water Drainage
(SWD) system of Mumbai
comprises a hierarchical
network of roadside surface
drains , underground drains
and laterals , major and minor
channels and 186 outfalls.
˜ There are 29 out-falls in
western suburbs draining
directly into sea while 14 drain
into Mithi river
˜ The location of the Mithi river is an important administrative
boundary that divides the City and the Suburbs. Flooding in the river
has direct or indirect implications for disrupting traffic on five
transport corridors; Central Railway Main Line, Central Railway
Harbor Line, Western Railway Line, Western Express Highway, and
Eastern Express Highway.
˜ The intensity of flooding following the unprecedented rainfall of
944 mm recorded at Santa Cruz airport on 26th July 2005 led to the
submergence of large areas adjoining the Mithi river to an alarming
extent which caused disruption of the abovementioned corridors of
railways and surface transport.
˜ Following the flooding in 2005, the MMRDA asked the CWPRS,
Pune was to undertake hydrological study, whose report was
submitted in January 2006.
In order to mitigate floods, following remedial measures are recommended
by CWPRS, Pune:-
(a) §andra @urla Complex (§@C) area:-
1. Providing a dredged channel of 60 m width from -2 m (with respect
to Mean Sea Level or MSL) contour in the sea to Mahim Causeway bed
level (dredged to -1 m) and removing existing rock over-crops.
2. Widening of the waterway from Mahim Causeway to Dharavi §ridge
to 100 m.
3. Widening of the bed width from the existing 175 m to 200 m between
Dharavi §ridge and CST §ridge.
4. Widening of Vakola Nalla from the earlier designed width of 40 m to
60 m.
5. Deepening of bed level at Mahim Causeway to -1 m and at CST §ridge
to +0.67 m.
(b) Upstream of §@C area:-
1. Widening of existing bed from CST §ridge to MV Road to 100 m.
2. Widening of existing bed from MV Road to Jogeshwari Ȃ Vikhroli
Link Road to 60 m
3. Widening of existing bed from Jogeshwari Ȃ Vikhroli Link Road to
Morarji Nagar to 40 m.
4. Deepening of existing bed levels:
CST §ridge (Ch. 5.88 km) from +2 m to 0.67 m
Air India Colony (Ch. 7.05 km) from +3.11 m to +1.0 m
Airport (Ch. 9.38 km) from +6.15 m to +4 m
MV Road (Ch. 10.47 km) from +8.12 m to +6.35 m
Aarey Dairy Foot Over §ridge (Ch. 12.18 km) from +12.75 m to
+10 m
Jogeshwari-Vikhroli (Ch. 14 km) from +20.25 m to +18 m
˜ Moderating the river course by replacing existing sharp bends
with longer gentler bends.
˜ Providing Non-return valves for cross drains.
˜ Providing Regular maintenance and dredging.
˜ Providing smooth transition for waterways near bridges.

The City Administration acting swiftly on recommendations accepted most
of them and directed Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
(MMRDA) and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) to take
the necessary action. The work was divided in two parts:-
˜ The 11.84 km upstream stretch from Vihar Lake to CST §ridge was given
˜ The critical downstream part of the remaining 6 km was undertaken by
The downstream stretch was further divided into two phases by MMRDA:
•  • It involves de-silting and widening of the stretch. The time
frame decided for this was 1 March 2006 to 30 June 2006 and is now
finished. The amount sanctioned for the work was Rs. 30 crores.
   rom 1 Oct 2006 to 30 June 2007 with a budget of Rs. 100
crores. It involved dredging, widening, construction of retaining wall,
beautification and building of service roads.
˜ Surat has always faced the problem of flooding over the period
of time with the worst floods ever coming in 2006. A good storm
disposal system has to be put in place to match the rapid strides
in urban development that Surat has made over the years. The
attention has shifted to this very critical area and the work of
rebuilding it has already begun.
˜ A good and efficient storm water drainage system is beneficial
is more ways than one.
{ It not only saves a lot of life and property on the day of the floods but
also prevents epidemics caused due to the long standing stagnant water
which becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes and insects.
{ Surat lost a lot of money in the 2006 floods, a better and more efficient
storm water drainage system can save another such situation from
arising in the future.
1) Stanley W. Trimble (2007) 6   
‘ ‘    , CRC Press, 1586
pages IS§N 0849396271
2) Hogan C. Michael, "Phaistos Fieldnotes."  
  ‘‘ (2007)
3) Schueler, Thomas R. "The Importance of Imperviousness." Reprinted in
 ‘   ‘ 
    2000. Center for Watershed
Protection. Ellicott City, MD.
4.) Peter Coombes, Water Sensitive urban design in the Sydney Region,
Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environmental Management
Strategy, 2002
5) Dz1-D Mathematical Model and Desk Studies for mitigating floods of MIthi
River of Mumbaidz,   ‘    V  !"   #‘‘ $$%V
6) Gupta, @apil, DzUrban Flooding: Vulnerability, Preparedness and
Mitigation Ȃ 944 mm Mumbai 26/07/2005 eventdz, Presentation,
 ‘  ‘    6    ‘     ‘‘& 

 ! ‘ $$%V
7) Hiedeman L. David,PE,CIPE, Storm-Water Drainage Systems in Practical
Plumbing Engineering, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, 1998
8) Surat Municipal Corporation, Drainage Department, Surat

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