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OmniScan MX2 Training Program

Phased Array UT Configuration

MX2 Training Program - UT Configuration Overview

After completion of the part\weld and group setup wizards, the focal laws are
created and the UT parameters can be configured.
Parameters of the UT menu are relative to the acquisition modules which
are available in different configurations. For different acquisition module
specifications refer to the user manual.
The UT menu and submenus are similar to any modern conventional UT
instrument with the exception we will be managing many focal laws or Ascans within the group and not just one. All of the same basic principles
apply for PRF, point quantity, etc.

MX2 Training Program - UT General Menu - Gain

UT general gain is applied equally to all focal laws within the group. It is
added to the sum gain that is explained in a later section for all focal laws.
The general gain is available in increment steps of .1, .5, 1, 2, and 6 dB that
can be changed using the increment + and keys.
The OmniScan MX2 has a dynamic range of 74 dB (1.32 Vp-p maximum)
independent of sum gain, focal law offset gain (ACG) and TCG gain that are
explained in later sections.

MX2 Training Program - UT General Gain Function Key

The gain function key is circled in red below and can be accessed in the UT>General
sub menu.
A short stroke of the gain function key enables the gain parameter to be modified in
the upper left display.
A long stroke of the gain function key opens the UT>General sub menu.

MX2 Training Program - UT Range Overview

Within the group, the start and distance

of the UT range is entered in one place
for all focal laws. (UT>Start and
The UT range is set depending on the
UT mode selected in Display>UT
Mode>TD, SP, or Uncorrected. The
MX2 default and most common mode is
true depth.
When setting the UT range, the useful
part of the digitized A-scan is optimized
by adjusting the range over the area of
interest of the inspection.
Adjusting the range efficiently allows
proper gate position for trigonometry
readings and C-scan creation.
Poor range selection is a common
mistake that results in missed data, poor
A-scan resolution, and low PRF.

MX2 Training Program - UT Range - True Depth

In true depth UT mode, the range is set for one focal law and extrapolated to the
others automatically based on the angle.
In the example to the below, the range of 0-40mm was entered while the 50 degree
focal was active. That equals 0-21mm in true depth for the 70 degree focal law. This
results in the typical S-scan pie shape display.
The advantage of the true depth display is that weld overlays are available and it is
easier to analyze the data.
The disadvantage of the true depth display is that is only uses approx of the data
widow and complicates the ability to use gates and set range efficiently.

MX2 Training Program - UT Range - True Depth for Welds

For S-scan weld inspection a good rule of thumb for setting the range on a weld is to
select the last focal law (70 degrees) and set it for 1.5 X the weld thickness.
Generally the low angles (45-55 degrees) cover the middle and cap of the weld on
the 2nd leg and the high angles (55-70 degrees) cover the root on the 1st leg.
Depending on the pitch of the probe, this allows a single sector scan inspection of a
weld up to approximately 30mm from one index position. (One line scan)

MX2 Training Program - UT Range - Uncorrected

In uncorrected mode the range for all focal laws is the same allowing 100% of the
data window to be utilized on the S-scan. (Menu>Display>UT Mode>Uncorrected)

MX2 Training Program - UT Range Function Keys

There are two function keys associated with the UT range:

1. Start key. Sets the start position of the digitized A-scan.
2. Range key. Sets the range distance from the start position of the digitized A-scan.

A short stroke of either function key enables the parameter in the upper left display.
A long stroke of either function key opens the UT>General sub menu.

MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration Overview

The pulser sub menu is similar to a digital conventional flaw

detector and is used to set the A-scan waveform view by
adjusting the following parameters:
Pulser (Uneditable for PA and UT pulse\echo inspection or when auto
program is on).
TX\RX mode (PE, PC, TT, TOFD).
Probe frequency (Only enabled when unknown probe is used).
Energy Voltage.
Pulse width.
PRF (Pulse repetition frequency).


MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration Overview cont.

The pulser configuration entered in UT

Settings>Pulser> refers to the 1st element
position of the probe on the 128 PA connector.
The pulser is normally set during the group
setup wizard process and is also available in the
UT>Pulser submenu.
For a one probe inspection this will always be 1.
In a two PA probe inspection with a Y splitter
connected to a 128 element PA connector
(XX:128 module) the pulser will always be 1 or
In a two PA probe inspection with a Y splitter
connected to a 64 element PA connector (16:64
module) the pulser will always be 1 or 33.
For TOFD or conventional UT this will be either
the number of the BNC or Lemo connector on
the acquisition module, or the number
corresponding to the hardware adaptor. (127
and 128 as pictured)




MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration - Voltage

The voltage selected under UT>Pulser>Voltage is available as follows for the first
generation OmniScan acquisition modules:

PA16:128, PA16:64 = 40V or 80V selectable.

PA32:128, PA32:128PR = 45V or 90V selectable.
PA32:32 = 50V, 100V, or 200V selectable.
UT2, UT4, and UT8 = 50V, 100V, 200V or 300V selectable.
UT BNC connectors on compatible PA modules = 100V or 200V selectable.

The voltage is not independently selectable for each group. What is used on group 1
must be used for all other groups in the setup.
Voltage selected is directly related to battery life and heat and should be set correctly
for the type and pitch of probe being used.
High voltage used on small pitch probes such as the Cobra can be detrimental to the
probe life and does not result in better performance.


MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration - Voltage cont.

Applied voltage is extremely important for optimum signal to noise ratio.

The voltage should not be changed after calibration as it affects sensitivity.
Insufficient voltage results in poor signal to noise ratio. (A-scan quality)
Excessive voltage results in poor signal to noise ratio, side lobe interference, and
reduced probe life. More voltage is not always better when using small elements.

Example: Using voltage in excess of 90V on a 10Mhz element between .25-.5mm

pitch will result in increased amplitude of only approximately 6 dB and will decrease
the probe life by approximately .

MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration - Pulse Width - Auto

The pulse width is the duration of the square wave pulse used to excite individual
elements in the probe.
The MX2 acquisition modules utilize a negative square wave pulser adjustable from
30-500ns in steps of 2.5ns.
When the MX2 pulse width is set to auto, the pulse width is automatically adjusted
based on probe frequency using the following formula:
Pulse width (ns) = 500 / probe center frequency (MHz)

Pulse width of common probe frequencies:

1 MHz =
2.25 MHz = 222ns
3.5 MHz = 143ns
5 MHz =
7.5 MHz = 66ns
10 MHz = 50ns
15 MHz = 33ns
20 MHz = 25ns


MX2 Training Program - UT Pulser Configuration - Pulse Width - Manual

The pulse width by default is automatically set based on the nominal frequency
of the probe and for most applications need not be changed.
Making minor adjustments to the pulse width to maximize signal amplitude is
sometimes beneficial and is the same function as conventional instruments that
have a Tunable pulser function.
This is most useful in low frequency applications for inspection of highly
attenuating materials and\or long sound paths.
Although adjusting the pulse width to account for center frequency shift due to
attenuation can sometimes increase signal amplitude, it will also desensitize
near surface reflectors and is not recommended for most applications.
Manual tuning of the pulse width should only be done by experts with an
understanding of the adverse affects.


OmniScan MX2 Training - Pulse Width vs. Battery Life

Question: Why do low frequency probes drain the battery faster and
generate more heat? (SS304 piping inspection outside in Texas during
Answer: Because low frequency probes require a longer pulse duration
and they use more energy.

1 MHz = 500ns
2.25 MHz = 222ns
3.5 MHz = 143ns
5 MHz = 100ns
7.5 MHz = 66ns
10 MHz = 50ns
15 MHz = 33ns
20 MHz = 25ns

MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration PRF Overview

The pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is the

frequency at which pulsers are emitted and
is expressed as the inverse of the time
interval between the emission of pulses (Ttotal) and (T-beam).
The PRF is directly related to how fast the
probe or probes can move either manually
or connected to a scanner without missing
For manual inspections when the scan type
is set to time (Scan>Inspection>
Scan>Time), the PRF is fixed at 60Hz. This
corresponds to 60mm/sec scan speed.
The PRF will remain at 60Hz unless it is
manually increased or until the number of
focal laws or UT range is increased to the
point where it must be reduced by the

MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration PRF Overview cont.

In the case of multi-group inspection, the PRF takes into account the emission of all
focal laws on all groups. Group 1, focal law 1through group last, focal law last.
Again, a manual inspection even with multiple groups is fixed at 60Hz until the
number of focal laws or UT range is increased to the point where the PRF must be
reduced by the software.


MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration PRF Overview cont.

The acquisition rate is the number of complete acquisition cycles expressed

in Hz that the system can complete in one second and is directly related to
Acquisition rate determines the maximum scanning speed that the probe
can move without missing a data.
Below is an example of one cycle for one focal law, also called the
recurrence rate.


MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration PRF Options

There are three options available under the

UT>Pulser>PRF parameter:
1. Auto Max. Results in maximum possible firing and scan
speed for current conditions.
2. Optimum. A compromise of battery life, heat dissipation,
and scanning speed for current conditions. This is the
default and recommended setting for most inspection
3. Manual. Allows the PRF to be set manually. Entering a
number larger than the maximum speed possible will
return the maximum.

To the right is an example of ghost echoes due

to excessive PRF. This phenomenon is also
common on cylindrical components like studs
and bolting, inspections requiring long sound
paths like forgings and castings, and complex
geometry such as valves and flange faces.
Reduce the PRF when this problem is

MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration PRF Display Indicator

The PRF indicator can be seen above the readings in the MX2 display and in a
normal condition it is displayed in green text. PRF:60 as below.
The clock icon
in the upper left corner of the MX2 display indicates the pulser is
firing on clock speed as opposed to an encoder or scanner.
The mechanical wheel icon
indicates that the pulser is firing on an encoder.
When the PRF:XX is displayed in yellow it indicates not all signals are shown on the
screen, and in red indicates a condition where data loss and missed alarms are
The V:60 indicator correlates PRF to acquisition rate. Manual scanning (No encoder)
is limited to 60mm per second without data loss or missed indications.


MX2 Training Program - Pulser Configuration - PRF Optimization

Below are the parameters that slow PRF in descending order of affect and how to
manipulate them to maximize speed. (Note: Some of these parameters have not
been presented yet at this point in the training)

Reduce the total number of groups in the setup.

Reduce the number of focal laws within the group with a larger angle resolution.
Increase the size of the scan resolution. The MX2 default is 1mm.
Ensure all gates are within 0mm and the end of the range. (Visible on the A-scan if active)
Decrease the UT range of the digitized A-scan. (Optimize start and range on area of interest)
Decrease the point quantity of the A-scan. The MX2 default is 320 points.
Record only C-scan data as opposed to C-scan and A-scan data.
Do not inspect with the envelope feature on when PRF is a concern.
Turn off analog outputs.
Turn off remote desktop.
Reduce the pulse width. (Normally not possible or recommended)

When many specific features are enabled at the same time the MX2 may not be
able to produce the requested PRF. When this condition exists the PRF indicator
is yellow or red and requires manually reducing the PRF value or changing the
current condition.
Changing a parameter that is related to PRF may or may not change the PRF
value because the bottle neck for the data throughput can be different parameters
under different conditions.

MX2 Training Program - Receiver Configuration Overview

The receiver sub menu is similar to a digital conventional flaw

detector and is used to set the A-scan waveform view by
adjusting the following parameters:

Receiver pulser.
Digital filters.
A-scan rectification.
Video filtering.
Averaging. Reject.


MX2 Training Program - Receiver Number Configuration

For a PE (Pulse\echo) inspection on a PA group the receiver is an uneditable field

that is paired with the same pulser. PE inspection uses the same elements to pulse
and receive.
For a PE (Pulse\echo) inspection on a UT group the receiver is also uneditable and
paired with the same pulser, regardless of the module or connector.
For a PC (Pitch\catch) or TT (Through transmission) inspection on a UT group
utilizing a UT acquisition module (UT2, UT4, UT8), utilizing an adapter through the
PA connector of a PA module, or utilizing the BNC connectors of a compatible PA
module (16:128), the receiver parameter is editable.


MX2 Training Program - Receiver Configuration Digital Filters

Band pass

Low pass

The MX2 has a series of preset digital filters that include low
pass, band pass, high pass, and none.
Like in conventional UT, the receiver filters are used to
improve signal to noise ratio by cropping off portions of the
probes bandwidth.
Filters will decrease amplitude significantly but increase the
signal to noise ratio and should be selected prior to

High pass


MX2 Training Program - UT Receiver Configuration A-scan Rectification

Similarly to conventional UT, the A-scan scan be displayed in RF (Radio frequency),

HW+ (Half wave positive), HW- (Half wave negative), and FW (Full wave)
The MX2 default is FW rectification.

RF Waveform


MX2 Training Program - UT Receiver Configuration Video Filter

The video filter enables digital smoothing based on the probe frequency and
is only available in FW, HW+, and HW- rectification mode. (Not RF mode)
The video filter is not available on the 32:128PR module when in PC mode.


MX2 Training Program - UT Receiver Configuration Averaging

Although averaging is enabled for PA inspection it is typically only used on

conventional TOFD and UT groups due to the affect on the PRF.
The MX2 has averaging available at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 samples. The sample
number represents the number of A-scans sampled for every one A-scan
An averaging value of 1 equals no averaging.
Averaging is most beneficial for TOFD and coarse grain materials such as
stainless steel, duplex steel, titanium, castings, copper, etc.
Use of averaging decreases acquisition speed (PRF) significantly. Manually
increasing the PRF to achieve the rate prior to averaging can defeat the purpose of
using it. Increasing the PRF after averaging can decrease the signal to noise ratio.
(Insert more noise)


MX2 Training Program - UT Beam Parameters Overview

The UT>Beam submenu contains information for individual focal laws.
Parameters in the beam submenu are not normally modified here and are
the result of either the group set up or calibration wizards.
The scan offset is only relative when more than two probes are at different
positions on the scan axis as in PA + TOFD inspection.
The index offset is the theoretical exit point in the wedge of the focal law
referenced (-) from the front of the wedge. This distance is added to the
probe index offset position. (Beam index offset + probe index offset = total
beam index offset)
The beam delay was set from the group wizard and is normally modified by
the wedge delay calibration wizard if necessary. It is also manually editable.
Unlike the beam delay, the sensitivity or gain offset cannot be predicted by
the PA calculator. (General gain + gain offset = total gain for that focal law)
Gain offset is covered in detail in the sensitivity calibration section.


MX2 Training Program - UT Beam Parameters Overview cont.


Index Offset


Refracted Angle


MX2 Training Program - UT Configuration Advanced Settings Overview

The UT>Advanced submenu contains the following


Set 80% function.

Reference gain on\off.
A-scan point quantity.
Compression scale factor. (Uneditable)
Sum gain (dB)


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Reference Amplitude

The reference amplitude can be found under the UT>Advanced sub menu. The MX2
default is 80% and can be set to any value between 1-100.
This number is relative to readings that compare the signal in gate A to the reference
amplitude used for calibration. It is typically used for code based flaw reporting.
When set to 80% is selected the peak amplitude signal in gate A is adjusted to 80%
by modifying the general gain for all focal laws.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Reference Amplitude cont.

When the reference is set to on, the general gain is fixed and an adjustment
gain appears to the left of the gain value (6dB below). The gain applied to all
focal laws in the group is general gain + adjustment gain (19.5dB + 6.0dB
This feature allows the operator an easy way to increase and decrease dB
for manual scanning without losing the reference sensitivity.
Adjustment gain cannot be modified in analysis mode.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Reference Amplitude cont.

Readings available in the

MX2 that compare the
amplitude of the signal in
gate A to the amplitude
entered as the reference.
The AdBr reading is the
difference in dB between
the signal in gate A and
reference. (57.1% is 3.4dB
less than 80%)
The AdBA reading is the
difference in dB from the
signal in gate A and gate A
threshold. (57.1% is 7.2 dB
above gate level of 25%)
Use of readings and gates
are covered in detail in a
later section.

MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Reference Amplitude cont.

In the example below the inspection data file was recorded at +6dB over
reference amplitude sensitivity of 19.9dB as is common practice so flaws are
not missed and detected flaws may be evaluated at a higher amplitude.
It is not possible to remove the +6dB gain adjustment on the saved data file,
but for flaws detected below 200% amplitude, use of the AdBr reading
allows a signal flaw comparison in dB with the reference level (80%) as long
as the original gate position is not modified.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Scale Factor Overview

The scale factor is a non editable parameter that displays the compression scale
factor of the current group.
The benefits of compression are faster acquisition speed and reduced file size
without compromising A-scan amplitude data or flaw detectability.
A compression scale factor of 4 indicates that the most relevant point of every 4
points sampled at the digitizing frequency (100MHz) is displayed on the A-scan and
recorded in the acquisition.
The optimum scale factor is automatically calculated based on the UT range and
number of points selected for the A-scan and under normal inspection conditions
need not be adjusted. (MX2 default is 320 points).
A scale factor of 1 indicates no compression.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Scale Factor Overview cont.

MX2 A-scans are digitized at a fixed 100 MHz allowing high compression scale
factors without compromising inspection results.
Corrosion mapping, thickness readings, and composite inspections that require more
precise measurement on the UT axis can be optimized by manipulating the UT range
and point quantity.
The MX2 system defaults and auto scale factor calculation will provide excellent Ascan quality meeting the needs of typical code based inspections such as ASME,
API, AWS, etc in addition to precision crack sizing and similar applications.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Point Quantity Overview

The point quantity parameter determines the number of points for all Ascans in the group. (The MX2 default is 320)
For every point on the digitized A-scan, an XY position is recorded that
correlates to time or distance vs. amplitude.
The number of points in the A-scan is directly related to file size and under
some conditions can affect PRF and scanning speed.
Optimizing the UT range for the inspection ensures that the maximum
number of A-scan points are distributed over the area of interest for the
inspection and the compression scale factor remains as low as possible.


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Point Quantity Overview cont.

The higher the point quantity the better the resolution on the A-scan.
The point quantity is a compromise between file size and A-scan resolution.
320-640 points is sufficient for the most common inspections and ensures precision


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Point Quantity Optimization

The are 3 options available under the UT>Advanced>Point

Quantity parameter:
Auto. This option will automatically adjust the compression scale
factor to maintain the point quantity between 320-640 based on
the UT range.
Fix values of 160, 320, and 640 points.
Manual entry. Enter the desired point quantity up to the
maximum possible. Entering a larger number will return the
maximum points based on UT range, file size, and current

All options will automatically adjust the compression scale

To achieve no compression the UT range and points must be
adjusted until the scale factor is 1.
The MX2 default value is 320 points and optimum for most
code based weld inspections and flaw sizing. Thickness
readings and corrosion mapping benefit from a higher point

MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Point Quantity Example

An application example of how point

quantity correlates to inspection
results is the Hydroform corrosion
mapping inspection of a 10mm thick
pipe using a UT range of 30mm and
320 point A-scans. (Range = 3 X
The procedure required a thickness
reading accuracy of +/- .1mm. The
320 point quantity was sufficient to
meet the .1mm accuracy.
30mm range / 320 points = .093mm
resolution on the UT axis.
A 640 point quantity on a 30mm UT
range has a resolution of .046mm on
the UT axis but will double the file size
and possibly reduced the PRF and
scan speed depending on other


MX2 Training Program UT Advanced Sum Gain

The sum gain is the gain applied to all elements in the focal law after summation.
Sum gain is automatically calculated based on the number of elements and does
not normally need to be adjusted.
It is independent from general gain, focal law gain offset, and TCG gain.
Manually adjusting the sum gain can result in the loss of vertical amplitude linearity
and should only be modified by expert users when necessary.


MX2 Training Program UT Settings Movie


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