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Find the minimum distance

from the point (4,2) to the

parabola y^2=8x.
C. 3
D. 23

d = (x-4) ^2 + (y-2} ^2 eq. 1.

y^2 = 8x
x = y^2/ 8 eq. 2
Substitute eq. 2 in eq. 1
d = (y^2/ 8 4) ^2 + (y 2) ^2
Note: d (u) = du/2u
d = 2(y^2/ 8 4) (2y/ 8) + 2(y 2) (1)/2(y^2/ 8 4) ^2 + (y 2) ^2
0 = 2(y^2/ 8 4) (2y/ 8) + 2(y 2) (1)/2(y^2/ 8 4) ^ 2 + (y 2) ^ 2
0 = (y^2/ 8 4) (2y/ 8) + (y 2) (1)
0 = y^3/ 32 y + y 2
2 = y^3/ 32
y^3 = 64
Substitute y = 4 in eq. 2
y = (4) ^2/ 8 = 2
Substitute x = 2 and y = 4 in eq. 1
d = (2 4) ^2 + (4 2) ^2
d = 8 = 4 (2)
d = 22

The sum of two positive numbers is 50.

What are the numbers if their product is to
be the largest possible?
A.24 and 26
B.28 and 22
C.25 and 25
D.20 and 30

x and y = two positive numbers
p = product of x and y
x + y = 50
y = 50 x eq. 1
p = xy eq. 2
Substitute eq. 1 in eq. 2:
p = x (50 x)
p = 50x x^2
dP/dX = 50 2x
0 = 50 2x
x = 25
Substitute x = 25 in eq. 1:
y = 50 25
y = 25
Thus, the numbers are 25 and 25

A triangle has variable sides x, y, z subject

to the constraint such that the perimeter is
fixed to 18cm. What is the maximum
possible area for the triangle?
A.15.59cm sq.
B.18.71cm sq.
C.17.15cm sq.
D.14.03cm sq.

3x = 18
A = x^2 sin
A = (6) ^2 sin 60
A = 15.59 cm sq.

A farmer has enough money to build only

100 meters of fence. What are the
dimensions of the field he can enclose the
maximum area?
A.25m x 25m
B.15m x 35m
C.20m x 30m
D.22.5m x 27.5m

2x + 2y = 100
y = 50 x eq. 1
A = xy eq. 2
Substitute eq. 1 in eq. 2:
A = x (50 x)
A = 50x x ^2
dA/dx = 50 2x
0 = 50 2x
x = 25
Substitute x = 25 in eq. 1
y = 50 25
y = 25
Thus, the size of the field is 25m x 25m

Find the minimum amount of tin sheet that

can be made into a closed cylinder having
a volume of 108 cu. Inches in square

V = r^2 h
108 = r^2 h
h = 108/ r^2 eq. 1
A = 2rh + 2(r^2) eq.2
Substitute eq. 1 in eq.2
A = 2r (108/ r^2) + 2 (r^2)
A = 216/r + 2r^2 eq.3
dA/dr = -216/r^2 + 4r
0 = -216/r^2 + 4r
216/r^2 = 4r
r^3 = 216/4
r = 2.58 in
Substitute r in eq. 3:
A = 216/2.58 + 2 (2.58) ^2
A = 125.544 in sq

A box is to be constructed from a piece of

zinc by cutting equal squares from
each corner and turning up the zinc to
form the side. What is the volume of the
largest box that can be so constructed?
A.599.95cu in.
B.592.59cu in.
C.579.50cu in.
D.622.49cu in.

V = (20 2x) (20 2x) (x)

V = (20 2x) ^2 (x)
V = (400 80x + 4x ^2) (x)
V = 400x 80x ^2 + 4x ^3 eq.1
dV/dx = 400 160x + 12x ^2
0 = 400 160x + 12x ^2
By factoring:
(4x 40) (3x 10) = 0
4x = 40
x = 10 in (absurd)
3x = 10
x = 3.33 in.
Substitute x = 3.33 in eq. 1
V = 400(3.33) 80(3.33) ^2 + 4(3.33) ^3
V = 592.59 in cu.

A poster is to contain 300(cm square) of

printed matter with margins of 10 cm at
the top and bottom and 5cm at each side.
Find the overall dimensions if the total
area of the poster is minimum.
A.27.76cm, 47.8cm.
B.20.45cm, 35.6cm.
C.22.24cm, 44.5cm.
D.25.55cm, 46.7cm.

Let A = total area

Ap = area with the picture
A = (10 + x) (20 + y)
A = 200 + 10y + 20x + xy eq. 1
Ap = xy
300 = xy
y = 300/x eq. 2
Substitute eq. 2 in eq.1:
A = 200 + 10(300/x) + 20x + (300/x)
A = 500 + 3000/x + 20x eq.3
dA/dx = 0 3000/x ^2 + 20
0 = - 3000/x ^2 + 20
3000/ x ^2 = 20
x ^2 = 150
x = 12.24cm
Substitute x = 12.24 in eq.2:
y = 300/ 12.24 = 24.5cm
Thus, dimension of the poster is,
(10 + 12.24)(20 + 24.5)
Or 22.24cm by 44.5cm

A Norman window is in the shape of a

rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle.
What is the ratio of the width of the
rectangle to the total height so that it will
yield a window admitting the most light for
a given perimeter?

Let: P = perimeter
P = 2x + 2y + (2x)
P = 2x + 2y + x
y = P 2x x / 2
y = 0.5P 2.57x eq.1
y = y (2x) + x ^2 eq.2
Substitute eq.1 in eq.2:
A = 2x (0.5P 2.57x) + x ^2/ 2
A = Px 5.14x ^2 + x ^2/ 2
A = Px 3.57x ^2
dA/dx = P 7.14x
0 = P 7.14x
x = 0.14P
y = 0.5P 2.57(0.14P)
y = 0.14P
Solving for h:
Ratio = 2x/h = 2x/ x + y = 2(0.14P)/ 0.14P + 0.14P
Ratio = 1

Determine the diameter of a closed

cylindrical tank having a volume of 11.3
cu. m to obtain minimum surface area.

A = d ^2h/ 4
11.3 = d ^2h/ 4
d = 45.2/ d ^2 eq.1
A = dh + 2(d ^2/ 4) eq.2
Substitute eq.1 in eq.2:
A = dh + 2(d ^2)
A = d(45.2/ d^2) + 2(/4)d ^2
A = 45.2/ d + d ^2/ 2
dA/dd = -45.2/ d ^2 + / 2(2d)
0 = -45.2/ d^2 + d
d ^3 = 45.2/
d = 2.432 in

The cost of fuel in running a locomotive is

proportional to the square of the speed
and is $ 25 per hour for a speed of 25
miles per hour. Other costs amount to $
100 per hour, regardless of the speed.
What is the speed which will make the
cost per mile a minimum?

Let C = total cost per hour

N = speed in miles per hour
C = fuel cost + others
C = kN ^2 + 100 eq.1
Fuel cost = kN ^2
25 = k (25) ^2
k = 1/25
Substitute k in eq.1:
C = 1/25N ^2 + 100
Let x = total cost per hour / speed in miles/hour
x = 1/25N ^2 + 100 / N
x = N / 25 + 100 / N
dx / dN = 1/25 + (-100) / N ^2
N ^2 = 2500
N = 50 mph

The cost C of a product is a function of the

quantity x of the product: C(x) = x^2 -4000
x + 50. Find the quantity for which the cost
is minimum.

C = x ^2 4000x + 50
dC/dx = 2x 4000
0 = 2x 4000
2x = 4000
x = 2000

An open top rectangular tank with square

bases is to have a volume of 10 cu. m.
The materials for its bottom are to cost P
15 per square meter and that for the
sides, P 6 per square meter. Find the most
economical dimensions for the tank.
A.1.5m x 1.5m x 4.4m
B 2m x 2m x 2.5m
C.4m x 4m x 0.6m
D.3m x 3m x 1.1m

Let C = total cost

C = x ^2(15) + 4(xh) (6)
C = 15x ^2 + 24xh eq. 1
V = x ^2h
10 = x ^2h
h = 10/ x ^2 eq.2
Substitute eq.2 in eq.1:
C = 15x ^2 + 24x (10/ x ^2)
C = 15x ^2 + 240 / x
dC/dx = 30x 240/ x ^2
0 = 30x 240 / x ^2
240/ x ^2 = 30x
x ^3 = 240/30
x = 2m
Substitute x = 2m in eq.2
H = 10/ (2) ^2 = 2.5m
Thus, the dimension of the tank is, 2m x 2m x 2.5m

What is the maximum profit-versusproduction function is as given below? P is

profit and x is unit of production?
P = 200,000-x-(1.1/x+1) ^8

P = 200,000 x (1.1/ x+ 1) ^8 eq.1

dP/dx = -1 -8(1.1/ x + 1) ^7 (-1.1/ (x + 1)
0 = -1 8(1.1/x + 1) ^7 (-1.1 /(x + 1) ^2)
0 = -1 + 8(1.1) ^8/ (x + 1) ^9
(x + 1) ^9 = 8(1.1) ^8
x = 0.371
Substitute x in eq.1
P = 200,000 0.371 (1.1 / 0.371 + 1) ^8
P = 199,999.457
P = 200,000

A boatman is at A which is 4.5 km from the

nearest point B on a straight shore BM. He
wishes to reach in minimum time a point C
situated on the snore 9 km from B. How
far from C should he land if he can row at
the rate of 6 kph and can walk at the rate
of 7.5 kph?

Let: T = total time needed

T = time to row + time to walk
T = d/ 6 + x / 7.5
T = ( (4.5) ^2 + (9 x) ^2 / 6) + (x / 7.5)
Note: d (u) = du / 2u
dT/dx = (1/ 6) ( 2(9 x)(-1) / 2 (45) ^2 + (9 x) ^2) +
(1 / 7.5)
- (9 x) / 6 (45) ^2 + (9 x) ^2 + (1 / 7.5) = 0
9 x / (4.5) ^2 + (9 x) ^2 = 6 / 7.5
(4.5) ^2 + (9 x) ^2 = 7.5(9 x) / 6
(4.5) ^2 + (9 x) ^2 = 1.25(9 x)
(1.25) ^2 (9 x) ^2 = (4.5) ^2 + (9 x) ^2
0.5625(9 x) ^2 = 20.25
(9 x) ^2 = 36
x = 3km

A fencing is limited to 20ft length. What is

the maximum rectangular area that can
be fenced in using two perpendicular
corner sides of an existing wall?

x + y = 20
y = 20 x eq.1
A = xy eq.2
Substitute eq.1 in eq.2:
A = x (20 x)
A = 20x x ^2
dA/dx = 20 2x
0 = 20 2x
x = 10
Substitute x = 10 in eq.1:
y = 20 10 = 10 ft
Substitute x and y in eq.2:
A = (10) (10) = 100 ft sq

The cost per hour of running a motor boat is

proportional to the cube of the speed. At
what speed will the boat run against a
current of 8 km/hr in order to go a given
distance most economically?
A.10 kph
B.13 kph
C.11 kph
D.12 kph

Let C = cost per hour

V = speed of the motorboat
Ct = total cost
C = kV ^3 eq.1
Where: k = proportionality constant
t = distance / speed = S / V- 8 eq.2
Ct = Ct eq.3
Substitute eq.1 and eq.2 in eq.3:
Ct = kV ^3 (S / V 8)
Ct = kV ^3 S / V 8
dCt / dv = [(V 8)(kS3V ^2) kSV ^3(1 0)] / [(V 8)
0 = [(V 8) (kS3V ^2) kSV ^3] / [(V 8) ^ 2]
kSV ^3 = (V 8) (3kSV ^2)
V = 3V 24
2V = 24
V = 12 kph

Given a cone of diameter x and altitude of h.

What percent is the volume of the largest
cylinder which can be inscribed in the
cone to the volume of the cone?

R = radius of the cone
H = height of the cone
r = radius of the inscribed cylinder
h = height of the inscribed cylinder
V = volume of cylinder
V = r ^2h eq.1
By ratio and proportion:
Hr = RH Rh
h = RH Hr / R eq.2
Substitute eq.2 in eq.1
V = r ^2 (RH Hr / r)
V = r ^2H r ^3H / R
dV / dr = 2rH - 3r ^2H / R
0 = 2 rH - 3r ^2H / R
3r ^2 H /R = 2H
r = 2/ 3 R
Substitute r in eq.2:
h = RH H (2/3) R / R = 1/3H
Substitute r and h in eq.1:
V = [(2/3) R] ^2 (1/3) H
V = (4/ 27) R ^2H
Let: Vc = volume of the cone
Vc = 1/3 R ^2H
Ratio = [V / Vc = (4/ 27) R ^2H]/ [(1/ 3) R ^2H]
Ratio = 0.44

At any distance x from the source of light,

the intensity of illumination varies directly
as the intensity of the source and inversely
as the square of x. Suppose that there is a
light at A, and another at B, the one at B
having an intensity 8 times that of A. The
distance AB is 4m. At what point from A on
the line AB will the intensity of illumination
be least?

E = intensity of illumination
A and B = illuminous intensities of the two light sources
k = proportionality constant
E = kA/ x ^2 + kB/ (4 x) ^2
E = kA / x ^2 + k (8A) / (4 x) ^2
dE / dx = -kA(2x) / x ^4 + (-8kA)(2)(4 x)(-1) / (4 x) ^4
0 = -kA (2x) / x ^4 + (8kA) (2) (4 x) / (4 x) ^4
kA (2x) / x ^4 = (8kA) (2) (4 x) / (4 x) ^4
1 /x ^3 = 8 / (4 x) ^3
(4 x) ^3 /x ^3 = 8
Cube root of (4 x) ^3 / x ^3 = cube root of 8
4x/ x=2
4 x = 2x
X = 1.33m

A wall h meters high is 2m away from the

building. The shortest ladder that can
reach the building with one end resting on
the ground outside the wall is 6m. How
high is the wall in meters?

sin = h / x
x = h / sin
cos = 2 /y
y = 2 / cos
L = h / sin + 2 / cos
dL / d = -hcos / sin ^2 + -2(-sin ) / cos ^2
0 = -hcos / sin ^2 + -2(-sin / cos ^2
hcos / sin ^2 = 2(sin ) / cos ^2
h = 2(sin ^3 ) / cos ^3
h = 2tan ^3
Substitute L = 6 and h = 2 tan ^3 in eq.1
6 = (2tan ^3 / sin ) + (2/ cos )
6 = (2tan ^3 cos + 2sin ) / (sin cos )
6sin cos = 2tan ^3 cos + 2sin
6sin cos = 2(sin / cos ) ^3 cos + 2sin
6cos = [2(sin / cos ) ^2] + 2
3cos = [(sin / cos ) ^2] + 1
3cos = sin ^2 + cos ^2 / cos ^2
3cos ^3 = 1
cos ^3 = 0.333
= 46.1 degrees
Substitute in eq.2:
h = 2tan46.1
h = 2.24m

The Coordinates (x, y) in feet of a moving

particle P are given by x = cost 1 and y =
2 sin t + 1, where t is the time in seconds.
At what extreme rates in fps is P moving
along the curve?
A.3 and 2
B.3 and 1
C.2 and 0.5
D.2 and 1

x = cost -1
dx/ dt = -sin t
Note: dx / dt is maximum if sin t = -1
dx / dt = (-1) = 1
y = 2sin t + 1
dy / dt = 2cos t
Note: dy /dt is maximum if cos t = 1
dy/ dt = 2(1) = 2
Thus, the extreme rates are 2 and 1.

A statue 3m high is standing on a base of

4m high. If an observers eye is 1.5m
above the ground, how far should he
stand from the base in order that the angle
subtended by the statue is a maximum?

tan ( + ) = 5.5 / x
tan + tan / 1 tan tan = 5.5 / x
(2.5 / x + tan ) / (1 2.5 tan / x) = 5.5 / x
2.5 + x tan = 5.5 13.75 tan / x
tan ( x + 13.75 / x ) = 3
tan = 3 / x + (13.75 / x)
tan 3x / x ^2 + 13.75
= arctan (3x/ x ^2 + 13.75)
Note: d (arctan u) = du / 1 + u ^2
u = 3x / x ^2 + 13.75; u ^2 = 9x ^2 / (x ^2 + 13.75) ^2
du = (x ^2 + 13.75)3 3x (2x) / (x ^2 + 13.75) ^2
d / dx = du / 1 + u ^2
0 = du + 1 / u ^2
0 =du
0 = (x ^2 + 13.75)3 3x (2x) / (x ^2 + 13.75) ^2
2x ^2 = x ^2 + 13.75
x ^2 = 13.75
x = 3.708

A man walks across a bridge at the rate of 5

fps as a boat passes directly beneath him
at 10 fps. If the bridge is 10 ft above the
boat, how fast are the main and the boat
separating 1 second later?
A.8 fps
B.8.25 fps
C.8.33 fps
D.8.67 fps

S ^2 = S1 ^2 + S2 ^2 + 10 ^2
S ^2 = (10t) ^2 + (5t) ^2 + 10 ^2
S ^2 = 125t ^2 + 100 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S (dS/ dt) = 250t (dt/ dt) + 0
dS / dt = 125t / S eq.2
Substitute t = 1 in eq.1
S ^2 = 125(1) ^2 + 100
Substitute S = 15 in eq.2
dS/ dt = 125(1) / 15 = 8.33 fps

A LRT train 6m above the ground crosses a

street at 9m/s at the instant that a car
approaching at a speed of 4m/s is 12m up
the street. Find the rate of the LRT train
and the car separating one second later.
A.3.64 m/s
B.3.94 m/s
C.4.24 m/s
D.4.46 m/s

S2 = (12- 4t) ^2 + (9t) ^2 + 6 ^2

S2 = 144 96t + 16t ^2 +81t ^2 +36
S2 = 97t ^2 96t + 180 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S(dS/ dt) = 194t(dt / dt) 96(dt /dt) + 0
dS / dt = 194t 96 / 2S eq.2
Substitute t = 1 in eq.1
S ^2 = 97(1) ^2 96 (1) + 180
S = 13.45
Substitute S = 15 in eq.2:
dS / dt = 194(1) 96 / 2(13.45) = 3.64 m/s

Water is flowing into a conical cistern at the

rate of 8 m^3/ min. If the height of the
inverted cone is 12m and the radius if its
circular opening is 6m. How fast is the
water level rising when the water is 4m
A.0.64 m/min
B.0.56 m/min
C.0.75 m/min
D.0.45 m/min

V = 1/3 ^2h eq.1

By ratio and proportion:
6/ 12 = r / h
R = h /2 eq.2
Substitute eq.2 in eq.1:
V = /3 (h/ 2) ^2 h
V = / 12 (h ^3)
Differentiate both sides with respect to t
dV / dt = 3 h ^2 dh / dt
Substitute dV /dt = 8 and h = 4:
8 = 3 / 12 (4) ^2 dh /dt
dh /dt = 0.64 m/ min

Water is pouring into a conical vessel 15cm

deep and having a radius of 3.75cm
across the top. If the rate at which the
water rises is 2 cm/sec, how fast is the
water flowing into the conical vessel when
the water is 4 cm deep?
A.2.37 m^3/sec
B.5.73 m^3/sec
C.6.28 m^3/sec
D.4.57 m^3/sec

V = 1/3r ^2 h eq.1
By ratio and proportion
3.75 / 15 = r / h
r = h /4 eq.2
Substitute eq.2 in eq.1
V = 1/3 (h/ 4) ^2 h
V = / 48h ^3 eq.2
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
dV /dt = 3 / 48 (h ^2) dh /dt
Substitute dh/ dt = 2 and h =4:
dV/ dt = 3 /48(4) ^2 (2)
dV /dt = 6.28 m ^3/ s

Water is pouring into a swimming pool. After

t hours, there are t + t gallons in the pool.
At what rate is the water pouring into the
pool when t = 9 hours?
A.7/6 gph
B.8/7 gph
C.6/5 gph
D.5/4 gph

Let: Q = rate of discharge in gph

Q = t + t
Differentiatre both sides with respect to t:
dQ /dt = 1 + 1 / 2t
Substitute t = 9 hrs:
dQ / dt = 1 + 1 / 2 9 = 1 + 1/ 6
dQ / dt = 7 /6 gph

helicopter is rising vertically from the ground at a

constant rate of 4.5 meters per second. When it
is 75m off the ground, a jeep passed beneath
the helicopter traveling in a straight line at a
constant rate of 80 kph. Determine how fact the
distance between them changing after 1 second.
A.12.34 m/s
B.11.10 m/s
C.10.32 m/s
D.9.85 m/s

V1 = 80 km /hr x 1hr / 3600sec x 1000m / 1 km

V1 = 22.22 m /sec
S ^2 = (S1) ^2 + (75 + S2) ^2
S ^2 = (22.22t) ^2 + (75 + 4.5t) ^2
S ^2 = 493.728t ^2 + 5625 + 675t + 20.25t ^2
S ^2 = 513.978t ^2 + 675t + 5625 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S( dS /dt) = 2(513.978t) (dt/ dt) + 675 (dt /dt)
dS/ dt = 513978t + 337.5 / S eq.2
Substitute t = 1 in eq. 1:
S ^2 = 513.978(1) ^2 + 675(1) + 5625
S = 82.547m
Substitute t = 1 and S =82.547 in eq.2
dS /dt = 513.978(1) + 337.5 / 82.547
dS / dt = 10.315 m/ sec

A balloon is released from the ground 100

meters from an observer. The balloon
rises directly upward at the rate of 4
meters per second. How fast is the balloon
receding from the observer 10 seconds
A.1.68 m/sec
B.1.36 m/sec
C.1.55 m/sec
D.1.49 m/sec

S ^2 = 100 ^2 + (S1) ^2
S ^2 = 100 ^2 + (4t) ^2
S ^2 = 10,000 + 16t / S eq.2
Substitute t = 10 in eq.1:
S ^2 = 10,000 + 16(10) ^2
S = 107.7m
Substitute t = 10 and S = 107.7 in eq.2
dS / dt = 16(10) / 107.7 = 1.485 m/s

A balloon is rising vertically over a point A on

the ground at the rate of 15 ft/sec. A point
B on the ground level with and 30 ft from
A. when the balloon is 40 ft from A at what
rate is its distance from B changing?
A.13 ft/sec
B.15 ft/sec
C.12 ft/sec
D.10 ft/sec

S ^2 = 30 ^2 + (S1_ ^2
S ^2 = 30 ^2 + (15t) ^2
S ^2 = 900 + 225t ^ 2 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S(dS / dt ) = 0 + 450t (dt/ dt)
dS / dt = 225t / S eq.2
When S1 = 40 ft,
S1 = 15t
40 = 15t
S = 50 ft
Substitute t = 2.667 and S = 5- in eq.2:
dS / dt = 225(2.667) / 50 = 12 ft/ s

A moves due East at 30 kph at the same

instant car B is moving S 30 degrees E,
with a speed of 60 kph. The distance from
A to B is 30 km. Find how fast is the
distance between them separating after
one hour.
A.36 kph
B.38 kph
C.40 kph
D.45 kph

By Cosine Law
S ^2 = (30t) ^2 + (60t 30) ^2 2(30t) (60t 30) cos 60
S ^2 = 900t ^2 + (60t 30) ^2 30t (60t 30)
S ^2 = 900t ^2 + 3600t ^2 3600 + 900 1800t ^2 +
S ^2 = 2700t + 900 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S(dS / dt) = 5400 (dt/ dt) 2700(dt/ dt)
dS /dt = (2700t(1) ^ 2) 1350 / S eq.2
Substitute t = 1 in eq.1
S ^2 = 2700(1) ^2 2700(1) + 900
S = 30 km
Substitute S = 30 and t = 1 in eq.2
dS / dt = 2700(1) 1350 / 30
dS / dt = 45 kph

A car starting at 12:00 noon travels west at a

speed of 30 kph. Another car starting from
the same point at 2:00 P.M travels north at
45 kph. Find how (in kph) fast the two are
separating at 4:00 P.M?

S ^2 = (60 + Sa) ^2 + Sb ^2
S ^2 = (60 + 30t) ^2 + (45t) ^2
S ^2 = 3600 + 3600t + 900t ^2 + 2025t ^2
S ^2 = 2925t ^2 + 3600t + 3600 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S(dS/ dt) = 2(2925t)(dt/ dt) + 3600(dt /dt)
dS/ dt = 2925t + 1800 / S eq.2
Substitute t = 2 hours (from 2 p.m to 4 p.m) in
S ^2 = 2925(2) ^2 + 3600(2) + 3600
S = 150 km
Substitute S = 150 and t = 2 in eq.2
dS / dt = 2925(2) +1800 / 150
dS / dt = 150 kph

Two railroad tracks are perpendicular to

each other. At 12:00 P.M there is a train at
each track approaching the crossing at 50
kph, one being 100 km and the other 150
km away from the crossing. How fast in
kph is the distance between the two trains
changing at 4:00 P.M?

S ^2 = (50t 100) ^2 + (50t 150) ^2

S ^2 = 2,500t ^2 10,000t + 10,000 + 2,500t ^2
15,000t + 22,500
S ^2 = 5000t ^2 25000t + 32500 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
2S(dS /dt) = 2(5000t)(dt/ dt) 25000(dt/ dt)
dS /dt = 5000t 12500 / S eq.2
Substitute t = 4 hours (from 12p.m to 4p.m) in
S ^2 = 5000(4) ^2 25000(4) + 32500
S = 111.8 km
Substitute S = 111.8 km and t = 4 in eq.2
dS / dt = 5000(4) 12500/ 111.8
dS/ dt = 67.084 kph

Water is running into a hemispherical bowl

having a radius of 10 cm at a constant
rate of 3 cm^3/min. When the water is x
cm. deep, the water level is rising at the
rate of 0.0149 cm/min. What is the value
of x?

V = x ^2 (3r x) / 3
V = x ^2[3(10) x] /3
V = 10x ^2 x ^3/ 3
Differentiate both sides with respect to t:
dV/ dt = ( 20x - 3x ^2 /3) dx/ dt
dV / dt = (20x x ^2) dx /dt eq.1
Substitute dV /dt = 3 and dx / dt = 0.0149 in eq.1
3 = (20x x ^2) (0.0149)
201.342 = 20x x ^2
x ^2 20x + 64 = 0
(x 4) (x 16) = 0
x = 4cm or x = 16cm

What is the allowable error in measuring the

edge of the cube that is intended to hold 8
cu. m., if the error of the computed volume
is not to exceed 0.03 cu. m.?

V= x ^3 eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to its
individual variable
dV = 3x ^2 dx eq.2
Substitute V = 8 in eq.1
8 = x ^3
Substitute dV = 0.03 and x = 2 in eq.2
0.03 = 3(2) ^2 dx
dx = 0.0025m

A standard cell has an emf E 1.2 volts. If

the resistance R of the circuit is
increasing at the rate of 0.03 ohm/sec, at
what rate is the current I changing at the
instant when the resistance is 6 ohms?
Assume Ohms law E=IR.
A.-0.002 amp/sec
B.0.004 amp/sec
C.-0.001 amp/sec
D.0.003 amp/sec

E = IR
1.2 = IR eq.1
Differentiate both sides with respect to its
individual variable
Note: d(uv) = udv + vdu
0 =I (dR/ dt) + R (dl /dt) eq.2
Substitute R = 6 in eq.1
1.2 = I (6)
I = 0.2
Substitute I =0.2, dR/ dt = 0.03 and R = 6 in eq.2
0 = (0.2) (0.03) + (6) (dl / dt)
dl/ dt = -0.001 amp/sec

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