Plastic Waste in India: Current Scenario & Recycle Future

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Plastic Waste In India: Current

Scenario & Recycle Future

Prepared By: Suthar Monika V.

Guided By: Mr.Vishal Thakre

Plastics have been with us for more than a century, and by now theyre everywhere,
for good and for ill. Plastics, a versatile material and a friend to common man become
a problem to the environment after its use.
Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that
adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, aquatic life, humans and unfavorably
affects lands, waterways, and oceans.
Disposal of waste plastic is a serious concern in India. Thermoplastics or recyclable
plastics contribute to about 80 per cent of the total post-consumer plastic waste
generated in India, while thermoset plastics or non-recyclable plastics account for the
remaining 20 per cent.

Plastic waste management report by CPCB, June-2013-

The Current Scenario:

Packaging represents the single largest sector of plastics use and accounts for 35

per cent of plastic consumption.

It is estimated to be approximately 5.6 million tonnes per annum of plastic waste

generated in India, which is about 15342 tons per day.


Plastic and the environment-complete ban of plasic bag on

Why Plastic Waste Management Is Necessary??

Effect On Land

Effect On Ocean

Effect On Animal And Humans Theme issue plastics, the environment and human health compiled by R.C.Thompson, C.J.Moore, F.S.Vom saal and S.H.Swan.

Plastic Waste Management

In India to introduce a safer disposal technology various new technologies were

experienced enclosed.
Management of waste in an environmentally sustainable manner is a challenging task. It

involves reusing and recycling of all types of waste ranging from domestic waste to
industrial waste.
About 3R: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
1.Reduce: Let's start with the first R, which is reduce. The three Rs are really a waste

management hierarchy with reduce being the most important strategy. Reducing the
amount you buy is the most significant of all the options to manage waste.
2.Reuse: The second most important strategy of the "three Rs" is to reuse, which is

when an item is cleaned and the materials are used again. There are two main ways that
the concept of reusing can be applied to reduce waste.
3.Recycle: The third R in the hierarchy is for Recycle, which in terms of waste is

reprocessing of disposed material into new and useful products

Plastic waste reduce, reuse and recycle-

Plastic Waste Management management/wasteplasticEST_compendium_pdf, Environment pollution control engineering by C.S.Rao.

The only way the plastic bags can be used without affecting the ecosystem is

through recycling.
Waste to energy (incineration) have a huge advantage that they can produce

electricity which in the long run can help to reduce costs. A 250 ton per day
incinerator can produce 6.5 megawatts of electricity per day and this itself can
save about $3 million per year.
Low-end plastic waste, which creates a waste management problem, may provide

the vital energy to the cement industry.

The burning of plastic waste creates air pollution and also health hazards.
The cost of recycling plastic bags, which are part of the waste material, is higher

than the cost production of creating new plastic bags.

Toxins released from the non-decomposing plastic bags are a problem to the

environment in various forms. The living things may inhale the released gases or
unknowingly consume the toxic substances that are toxic.

Waste, Fuel from waste>journals, journal of energy volume 2013, article Id-608797.

Recycle Future
Two basic classes of biodegradable plastics exist:

(1)Bio plastic: Bioplastics are generally considered to be a form of plastics

derived from natural resources such as wood (cellulose), vegetable oils, sugar
or starch. Biodegradation is a process that describes the mineralization of
organic structures by micro-organisms. These micro-organisms convert the
bioplastics into carbon dioxide, methane, water and biomass.
Commonly used types of bioplastics are based on cellulose, starch, glucose and

oil. Specific techniques are then employed to convert these feedstock into
thermoplastic starch, polylactic acid, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, polyamide 11
and biopolyethylene.
(a) Poly lactic acid
(b) starch
(c) poly amide
(d) Poly-3-hydroxy butyrate

Types of bioplastic-innovative industry net, www.innovative

TDPA Based Biodegradable Plastic

TDPA is 'total degradable plastic additives'. Additive TDPA allow polymers in

which structure they belong in the process of biodegradation. In addition, they are a
catalyst for the reaction of the destruction of carbon bonds in the molecules of the
polymer and their oxidation via the "programmed" time.
2 main types : (1) OxoBiodegradable Plastics (OBP)

(2) HydroBiodegradable Plastics (HBP)

Both degrade to give Carbon dioxide, Water, Biomass. Take 6 months to 5 year for

Process of degradation

Types of degradable plastic-oxo biodegradable plastic associatio.

G. Scott and D.M. Wiles, Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, Kluwer, 2002, Chapter 13, Section 9.11, page 472, et seq.

Does not pollute the environment, reducing the areas of contaminated dumping sites.
Has the ability to be recycled without harm to the environment.
Does not have any toxic or side effects.
Save the environment for future generations.

Biodegradable plastics are more expensive to produce, and many use plant

resources such as corn or molasses, thus creating competition for food supply.
Commercial facilities test biodegradable plastics at 58 degrees C and 60%
relative humidity, whereas at-home composting mechanisms may not meet
these conditions and may therefore produce incomplete biodegradation.


Advanatages and disadvanades of bioplastic-

By reducing and reusing the plastic we can help the environment. Plastic

waste also arrested by recycling, land filling and incineration

Plastic waste which is a problem can also be converted into fuel. Fuel

obtained from pyrolysis of waste plastic is almost same as conventional oil

which can used in automotives and as boiler fuel. Plastic waste also reduced
by utilizing a plastic in polymer blended bitumen road.
There is need to replace this non biodegradable plastic and to give future

generation an environment which is worth a home. Bio plastic and TDPA

based plastic are one of the best future alternatives. It is advantageous to
use biodegradable plastic as there are no toxic effects on environment and
save the environment for a future generation.


Thank you


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