Green Roof in Korea Compared To Brazil

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Vitor Leite Goncalves
Cristiano Marcial gayzudo

What is it?

Agreen roof, living roof or is aroofof abuildingthat is

partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing media,
planted over awaterproofing membrane.

Dongdaemun Design Plaza

What is it?

The installation of a green rooftop is really complex and it is extremely

important that it is installed correctly. Specialized work is necessary.

Brazil Background

So Paulo, biggest city and economic center in Brazil, had only 28

constructions with LEED certification (Ambient Energy and Design leadership)
in 2010, while Seoul had more than 446 projects with green roofs in the same

What could Brazil learn from the experience in Seoul?

What Brazil could do to replicate what happened in Seoul?

Brazil Background
Why is brazil so behind other countries?

Difficulty to find companies and Industries selling or offering this service.

Absence of constructions standards (ABNT).

Lack of support programs.

Lack of knowledge about what green roofs are.


Improve Thermal Equilibrium

Urban Heat Islands effect

Improve acoustic isolation

Storm water management


Air quality

Climate change

Beautification of the city

Seoul Execution

Seoul Ministry of Environment began rooftop program on 2002, during world cup year.

Tax deduction for certified buildings.

Financial support (up to 70%).

Education and Information.

Research and Monitoring.

Creating of KoGRIA

Results of the project in 10 years

Over 446 public/private projects;

Worldwide symbol of sustainability;

Improvement of city quality of life, contributing for Seoul being chosen one of
the best cities to live worldwide.


Seoul South Korea

So Paulo Brazil

Differences between the two cities can be easily noticed by searching for aerial photos
or views.

The idea

Study how Seoul government managed to implement the


Create a system in Brazil based on what happened Seoul.

Improve Brazil situation regarding sustainability.

Better city quality of life.

Adapting and Implementing

Any major city in Brazil is capable of implementing a similar project.


Financial support;

Create a priority list, find where the benefits of green roofs can be more widely

Give advantages to constructions which are utilizing green roofs, encouraging

private companies;

Spread information;

Associao Telhado Verde Brasil (ATV Brasil), potencial partner.

Project Avaliation


Development of specialized work and industry in Brazil;

Improve major cities quality of life;

Beautification of the cities;

Many environmental benefits;

Cost and financial benefits (long term)

Initial cost;


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