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Maintenance Work
May 9, 2006

Project Goals

Implement SAP Plant Maintenance system

Provide integration with Finance, HR, and Materials
Allow enhanced scheduling and planning for work assignments
Provide work scheduling as well as management reporting tools
Accommodate the use of mobile technology to reduce paperwork
Accommodate the use of GIS with SAP
Improve automated updates to customers about the status of work
Implement a Preventive Maintenance system for buildings, areas, and
Utilize standard SAP functionality to collect utility usage and cost
information for recharge calculations



Discussion of Maintenance Work Orders

Preview of Next Blueprinting Session

Other Discussion

What is the SAP Work Order Process?

Work Order
This is a financial and work management transaction which is used to
plan and charge labor, stock materials, non-stock purchases, and
It is integrated with Financials, Materials Management, and Human
It may be created from a Notification or without an existing notification
A notification may be automatically created while creating a Work

Why should a work order be used?

To document the costs of an event

To accumulate charges for work which will be recharged to others

For Preventive Maintenance work

What information does a work order capture?

Descriptive information. This includes long text which is of unlimited
A priority for the work
A object to be maintained: A functional location (Building, Room) or
piece of Equipment
Contact information for the person reporting the problem or requesting
The ability to assign a responsible person to this work order
Planned labor and materials
Actual labor and materials costs

What information is required?

SAP requires a description, Functional Location or Equipment, and
Work Center

Work Order Types

Some Order Types from Other SAP Installations

Preventive Maintenance
Sales (Recharge)
Safety Related
Capital Project
Standing Work Order

What does the Priority do?

It can determine the dates based upon predefined criteria for each
The Start Date is calculated based on the current date. It may also
include a Start Time. (Dates and times for this calculation may be in
minutes, hours, or days.)
The End Date is also calculated based on the current date.
(Note: The Start Date and End Date calculation may be in different
Each Order type may have its own set of priorities or several order
types may share the same set of priorities

What are Maintenance Activity Types?

This field is used to further define the type of work being performed.

Some examples:
Project support
Refurbish Stores Parts
Routine Maintenance

Each order type may have its own Maintenance Activity Types

What are User Statuses?

SAP tracks the process of a work order via System statuses. Some
examples are Created, Released, Technically Completed, Closed
There is the ability to use a separate field User Status to add statuses
which may be used for additional tracking. Some examples:


Transferred to another work group

Waiting for Parts

Waiting for Contractor

Waiting for Customer

A different group of User Statuses may be set up for each order type
Some order types may have NO User Statuses

What are Order Scheduling Options?

There are 3 primary scheduling types for orders: No Scheduling,
Forward Scheduling, Backward Scheduling
SAP normally performs scheduling by calculating the labor required
and either adding to the start date to determine the end date or
subtracting from the end date to determine the start date
No Scheduling allows control of the dates independently of the labor
Each order type is assigned a scheduling method

What are Shop Papers?

SAP uses the term Shop Papers to describe printed work orders
A sample is provided with the system. (It is NEVER usedits just a
It is possible to have a different Shop Paper for each order type,
although that is a lot of design work
A sample follows

Sample Shop Paper-1

Sample Shop Paper-2

What is the Object Info Box?

The Object Info Box tracks the number of orders or

notifications created for a certain building, room, or
equipment in a given time period
For example: 3 orders in a year or 2 orders in a month,
Several order types may share the same Object Info
Box criteria
A sample display follows

Sample Object Info Box

What is a Sub Order?

A suborder is a work order which has a link to a superior order
The costs of suborders my be viewed from the superior order
These are typically used to break a project into units by craft or shop.
Each shop can estimate its costs on a suborder and these can be
tracked at the suborder and superior order level.
The costs of the suborders may either settle to the superior order or
directly to the receiving cost object.
Suborders may have suborders!

Work Order Fields

Determine which fields should be eliminated because they will
not be used
Determine which fields should be required (if any)
Sample screens follow this presentation

Topics For Next Blueprinting Session

Determine Work Order Completion Processes

Time Recording for Payroll and Recharge
Closing (and Updating) Notifications
Closing Orders
Time Confirmations and Reversals
Non-time Confirmations - Documentation

Work Order Screen Copies - 1

Work Order Screen Copies 1.1

Work Order Screen Copies 2

This is the second tab-Operations

Work Order Screen Copies 3

This is the third tab-Components (Maintenance Materials)

Work Order Screen Copies 4

This is the fourth tab-Costs

Work Order Screen Copies 4

This is the sixth tab-Objects. Additional notifications are assigned

to the order here.
The other tabs are display only.

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