GMC Module 3 - Creative Execution

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The Creatives

People working in the Creative Dept. of

ad agency are referred to as
Creative Director
IMC Module 3

Art Director
Creative Execution - I

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Top-level Executives


Brand Manager and/or Marketing Head


Account Executive/ Manager

Creative Director Account Management Team
Copywriter Art Director

Legal G

Staff Writer
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Creative Execution - I

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Creative agency
Cost of creating an ad = Rs 8,50,000
Markup of 17.65% = Rs 1,50,025
Bill to the client = Rs 10,00,025
In other words, a creative agency receives
from its client 17.65% on the cost OR approx.
on the billed amount as the standard commission.
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Creative Execution - I

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The creative brief

Also called Copy platform/ Workplan/
Creative Strategy Document.
The Account Managers/ Planners write a brief
message of the intended advertising strategy.
The Creative Brief is for the Creative team- to
write & produce the ad. The delivery of this doc
to the Creative Dept. concludes the process of
an advertising strategy. It marks the beginning of the
creative process.
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Creative Execution - I

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The creative brief

Client name, contact info

Project : (eg. An ad to launch a jewelry brand.)
Prepared by: Contact names, details
Objective (eg. To convince at least 60% of the TA, in a period of 6 months
after the start of the ad, that the brand has a premium design value.)
Market- the present scenario (competition, differentiation)
Client background
Target audience (Different ways of segmentation)
Product positioning/ perceptual mapping
Brands personality
Does the product solve any consumer problem?
Message/ tone
Anything that must be included/ avoided in the ad
Clients budget
Delivery timelines
Time period of the ad going on media (weeks/months)
How will the ad be measured over a period of time

IMC Module 3

Creative Execution - I

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(1) Write a Creative Brief for SAIL
(2) Write a Creative Brief for Twinings Green Tea

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Creative Execution - I

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The creative process

A message strategy is developed by the Creatives on the
basis of the Creative Brief.
A message strategy/ rationale is a simple description of
an ad campaigns overall creative approach what the
says, how it says & why. The strategy has 3 major
Words in a print ad/ a radio ad/ a TV ad (Verbal/
Overall nature of ads graphics/ visuals.
Technical budget, broad scheduling of work
IMC Module 3

Creative Execution - I

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As a Creative, what do you think
should be
the Message Strategy for the previous

IMC Module 3

Creative Execution - I

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