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Skin Care

any of a class oforganic compoundsin
which acarbon(C)
atom is bonded to
anoxygen(O) atom by a double bond
and to a hydroxyl group (OH) by a
single bond. A fourth bond links the
carbon atom to ahydrogen(H) atom or
to some other univalent combining
group. The carboxyl (COOH) group is
so-named because of thecarbonyl
group (C=O) and hydroxylgroup.

Hydroxy Acids are some of the most

widely used and studied anti-aging
skincare ingredients. Clinical studies have
shown just how effective these ingredients
are in reversing the effects of photoaging
and significantly improving wrinkles, skin
hydration, elasticity and tone.

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are naturally

occurring carboxylic acids found in many foods,
including glycolic acid (sugar cane), lactic acid
(milk), citric acid (citrus fruits), and malic acid
(apples) among others. The most commonly used
alpha-hydroxy acids are glycolic and lactic acids.

Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), such as salicylic acid, are very

similar to AHAs but are lipid-soluble instead of water-soluble.
This structure allows it to penetrate into the skin through
sebaceous follicles, making it appropriate for patients with
oily skin and open comedones. BHAs have also been found to
be less irritating to the skin than AHAs. In a recent study
results showed short-term topical application of glycolic acid
in a cosmetic formulation increased the sensitivity of human
skin to the UV radiation, while a comparable treatment with
salicylic acid did not.14 Its also worth noting that salicylic
acid has anti-inflammatory activity, which may reduce

Trichloroacetic acid(TCA) is a
stronger acid than acetic acid. It is
used to chemically burn warts and
for facial peels. It is potentially as
corrosive as sulfuric acid and
needs to be treated with care! As
is the case with phenol,the
concentration of the
trichloroacetic acid and the
amount of time the skin is exposed
need to be monitored carefully.

TCA removes ageing layers of skin

that are damaged by various organic
or external processes. It coagulates
cutaneous proteins by destroying the
epidermal layer, which is later
replaced by a new
epidermis and new connective tissue.

Retinoic acid

Retin-A Regulates keratinization, enhancing

the cellular renovation process. Retinoic
acid improves the appearance and overall
quality of the skin. Retinoic acid nourishes
the skin, prevents wrinkles, diminishes the
depth of existing wrinkles, and improves the
elasticity of aging skin while stimulating
fibroblasts. It synthesizes connective tissue
molecules, particularly collagen. In addition,
it regulates melanocyte activity and
attenuates spots caused by excessive
exposure to UV rays.

P R O PA N O I C A C I D ( P R O P I O N I C

is an acid produced by several species of

the bacteria genus Propionibacterium.
Propionibacterium acnes grows on
peoples skins and uses oils from the
sebaceous glands as an energy source. It
also produces propionic acid as a product
and is responsible for causing acne.
Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a
bacterium that produces the CO2 gas
bubbles in Swiss cheese and the propionic
acid is partially responsible for the unique
of Swiss cheese.
acid (2-hydroxypropanoic
acid) is produced by


is produced by Lactobacillus
acidophilus in yogurt and by your
muscle cells during anaerobic exercise.
It is also used in a variety of skin care

G LY C O L I C A C I D ( 2 - H Y D R O X Y

is sold in a variety of skin care products for

removing wrinkles and making skin look younger.
It works the same way as phenol and
trichloroacetic acid, dissolving away the outer
layers of skin, but it is milder in its action.


is a monounsaturated 11 Ccarboxylic acid

which is used to treat epidermal fungal
infections like athletes foot. It is the active
ingredient in several over the counter

1. Thyrealle Frances Sorongon
2. Cherry Mae Subaldo
3. Darlene Suboc
4. Jescor Sullivanj
5. Mayrelle Audrey Tabares

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