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The virion with capsid and shown a

symmetrical helix and envelope.
80 100 nm and single stranded
Can be Classed as 3 type :
1. Type A
2. Type B
3. TYpe C

The clasiification of influenza was

based :
Spesific antigen from RNP
Influenza virus from throat secret of
human can growth in chicken embryo
which inoculated manner
intraamniotik intraallantois and
produced hemaglutinin.
The virus was isolated in primary
kidney cell culture 33-35 C

Properties :
Pleomorphic in shape
They contain RNA in the form of helical
nucleoprotein which is surounded by
an ether sensitive envelope.
Size of RNP ( Ribonucleoprotein )
Orthomyxoviridae 9 nm.
Total molecular weight 2-4 x 10 6

All Orthomyxovirues recognized to

date ae considered influenza viruses
and can be classed as type A, B and
C on the basis of their RNP antigen
and hemaglutinin antigen.

Influenza is an acute respiratory
tract infection which usually occurs
in epidemics.

Influenza type A pigs, horses, ducks

and chicken. Antigenic properties
similar to the virus strains
circulating in the human population.
Properties of the virus :
A. Structure
- Pleomorphic particles.
- Spherical, 110 nm
- Inner electron dese core 70 nm.

Nucleic acid of the Influenza virus is not

a single molecule and 8 distinct and
separable components have been
The summed molecular weight of these
RNA pieces total 2 4 million pervirion.
Although RNA viruses not infectious,
RNP viruses are infectious.


There are 3 different methode using

for determine RNA virus :
Ratio of segment migration RNA at
the poliakrilamida cell.
Hibriditation of RNA virion RNA
Analization from exoligonucleotida.

B. Reactions to Physical and

Chemical Agents.
Influenza virus is relatively stable and
may be stored at 4C for a week and at
0C for longer period.
Virus is less stable at 20C
The infectivity is best preserved at
Infectivity is destroyed by heating at
50C for a few minutes, except can be
stabilized by MgSO4

Infectivity is destroyed at pH 3,0

Infectivity and hemaglutinin stable in
alkali from acid pH.

C. Animal Susceptibility and Growth

of Virus
Human strain of the virus can infect a
number of different animals.
From the A / WS Influenza virus

were derived which grow readily in the

mouse brain and induce fatal
encephalitis in these animals.
D. Biologic Properties.
1. Hemaglutination all of strains Influenza
virus to agglutinate erythrocyte of
chicken , guinea pig and human.
Agglutination of the erythrocyte occur
if hemaglutinin reaction with receptor
in the stroma of the red cell.

2. The group antigen.

All of Influenza viruses type A have a
generally antigenic, different from antigenic
type B or C.
Antigen can be soluble in infectious cell
culture and component of RNP virus.
3. Spesific antigen.
The infectious virus particles induce in
animals the development of virus neutralizing
and other antibody and the inoculated
animals become resistant infection.

4. Filamentous form.
The spherical particles, elongated forms
possessing the same surface projections
have been observed in chick embryos.
The virus is usually in filamentous form,
but with serial passage it takes on the
spherical appearance described above.
5. Recombination.
Genetic recombination of influenza strains

occurs with high frequency. This may

be due the existence of viral RNA in
general physical units which replicate
independently and are then assembled
into infection virion.
Clinical Findings :
The incubation period is only 1-2 days.
Chills, malaise, fever, muscular aches,
prostration and respiratory symptoms.

The fever persist for about 3 days,

complications are not common.
Pneumonia may be occur.
Symptoms of central nervous
system, encephalomielitis,
polyneuritis, guillan barre syndrom,
miocarditis and pericarditis.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Influenza can be readily diagnosed
by laboratory procedures.
For antibody determinations, the first
serum should be taken less than 5
days after omset and the second
about 10-14 days later.
Can be worked :
1. Virus isolated.
2. Determine new isolated.

3. Serology
4. Pathogenesis & Pathology
5. Immunity
6. Treatment
7. Epidemiology
8. Control.

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