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2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


All of your scholarship, all of your study

of Shakespeare and Wordsworth would
be vain if at the same time you did not
build your character and attain mastery
over your thoughts and your actions.
- Mahatma Gandhi

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others
that will determine the significance of the life we
- Nelson Mandela

s have the wonderful opportunity to make just such a difference

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

What youll learn about in this presentation

The Need for mindfulness
What is Mindfulness? (with a 2 minute

guided exercise)

The Benefits of Mindfulness, including

research results

A 21st Century Transformational

Curriculum that powerfully integrates Mindfulness with other elements of social and emotional intelligence
5 Important principles for developing


7 Tips to support your practice of


Links to Books that support deepening


Links to Web-based resources that

support deepening of Mindfulness

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

The Need for Mindfulness

In an over-stimulated,
fragmented world,
young people need
effective ways to be
with and integrate
their experiences.

Mindfulness offers a
way to be with
whatever arises.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

What is Mindfulness?

resence being present in each moment - right now
ttention to whatever
awareness and
knowing of what is arising and passing away in each
present moment.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


What are the benefits of Mindfulness?






2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

What are the benefits of Mindfulness?

Click on the text link on the right

to open an excerpt from a research summary
published on the American Psychological
Clicking will open a web page on the 100Hours website,
after which youll need to click back into the
presentation in order to continue to the next slide.

The American Psychological Associations website

The 100Hours Programmes

The 100Hours Programmes integrate Mindfulness into a transformational
curriculum for wise and compassionate living and leadership
for young people around the world.
Often, mindfulness is taught as a
separate tool, which while
valuable, is limited and loses the
important benefits and synergies
of a comprehensive integrated

There is great value in integrating

Mindfulness with other key socialemotional qualities, skills, and
practices into a comprehensive
curriculum for wise and
compassionate living and

The 100Hours Programmes

A comprehensive transformational curriculum for social-emotional learning
The 100Hours approach creates powerful synergies by integrating Mindfulness with:


Concentration & Focus



Communication and listening



onesty & Truthfulness
haring & Generosity

Wise discernment C
Many other social-emotional qualities,
skills and practices H
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Benefits of an integrated approach to Mindfulness

Thank You from Manako Mothebe

(from The 100Hours development work in South Africa)

"For too long living in the society swimming in a sea of nothingness. For too long living in the island of
hopelessness. Thanks God for bringing you to my life. Our training was not a uke. It was not a uke (the)
many changes you brought to my life. Thank you very much.
Thank you for instilling positiveness in my life. Thank you for making me enjoy the rare gift of hope. Thank
you for letting me see that tomorrow will be better than today. Thank you for letting me see further than
one's nose and therefore further than todays problems and thus to see into the promise of the future.
South Africa, the land of crime, drugs, prostitution and corruption, these are the quickest ways to get
bucks. But thank you that you taught me the integrity, responsibility, and the choice not to engage in one of
those disastrous actions. Thank you for instilling a lion heart to venture into the opportunities that this
country has to offer with a loving kindness attitude.
I wish you could peer into my heart and read how happy I am for meeting you. Thank you very much for all
you have taught me.
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Even pre-school children have successfully

learned and practiced
One teachers
story (1)
There is a wonderful exercise (game) for preschoolers, developed by a
preschool teacher in Petaluma, California. It goes something like this:
1.Close your eyes, take a few big deep breaths (demonstrates and leads the students in
3 big breaths)and as each breath goes out.relaaaax. Good!
2.Now, imagine that you (and your mind) are a Big Pond, with all kinds of different fish
swimming around inside, and swimming by - Thought Fish, Happy Fish,Sad Fish,
Sleepy Fish, Angry Fish, and other kinds of Fish. Thank you.
3.Your job is to just be the Pond, and watch all of the different kinds of fish swim around
and swim by. Theres no need at all for you to do anything with any of the fishjust be
The Pond and watch the different kinds of fish swim around insideand see if you can
see what kind of fish each fish isGreat.
After a few minutes of watching the fish, the teacher then gently invites the students to
open their eyes and come back into the room.
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

One teachers story (2)

After completing the Be-the-pond-and-watch-all-the-fish game, the teacher then
invited the students to share their experiences.
The students enthusiastically shared their experiences of seeing many different kinds
of fish swimming around inside.
The teacher then asked on young boy what kind of fish he saw.
The boy replied that he sawHappy Fish, and Sleepy Fish, and an Angry Fish.
The teacher asked him if he was able to just watch all the fish and let them swim by.
The boy replied that he was able to watch all of the fish, and that he was able to let
most of the fish just swim by. Except for Angry Fish.
The teacher asked him why he had difficulty letting theAngry Fish swim by, and the
boy replied: Well when we forget that were The Pond, and think that we are
the Angry Fish, then the Angry Fish makes us do and say things that hurt
other people.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Experiencing Mindfulness (a beginning)

Mindfulness of Breath
Click to experience a two minute guided mindfulness exercise focusing on the
Clicking will open a web
page on the 100Hours
website, after which youll
need to click back into the
presentation in order to
continue to the next slide.

*The breath is one of many possible objects of mindfulness practice.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

5 Important Principles
for Developing Mindfulness

5 important principles for developing Mindfulness

Mental Skill that can be developed and perfected

Power and Strength of Heart and Mind

Mindfulness is a
Mindfulness is a

Mindfulness is a
Quality of heart and mind that can be brought forth and developed

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


5 important principles for developing Mindfulness

Whatever we practice grows stronger

We are always practicing something!



2004-2013 100Hours Foundation




5 important principles for developing Mindfulness

There are three Mental Muscles we dont usually hear about:

Mindful Awareness
Concentration & Unification (vs. Scatteredness) of Mind
Mental Energy, Effort, & Stamina
Like muscles in the body, these three mental muscles respond to
training, practice and development they become stronger and
stronger the more we exercise and use them!
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


5 important principles for developing Mindfulness


If we are always practicing

Anger, then Anger becomes strongerin fact it can become a Habit.and eventually, if we dont change
that pathway, the Habit will harden into Character. We will then become known as an angry person.
Same with Fear, Sadness,

Depression, Worry, Anxiety, etc.

Fortunately, the same thing is

also true for practicing Kindness, Caring, Compassion, Patience, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Generosity,
Responsibility, Integrity, Honesty, Mindfulness, and all of the lovely qualities of heart and mind. The more we
practice these beneficial states the stronger they become!
With Mindful Awareness we
can see what is arising in our consciousness and begin to practice and strengthen our beneficial mental skills
and mental muscles (strengths).
These beneficial states, when
strengthened, can help free the heart and mind from painful mind-states that take over our consciousness
and cause us and others suffering.
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

5 important principles for developing Mindfulness

Without Mindfulness we just act out whatever arises in our consciousness;

like a computer running a programlike a puppet on a string
When anger comes up in our mind, without mindful awareness (of the anger as
just an emotion that is arising), then our mind is taken over by the anger.
Minimally, we begin to feel angry and think angry thoughts. Often we begin to act out the
emotion of anger that has arisen we begin to speak angrily and act angrily.
Same with Sadness.Fear.Worry.Depression.Restlessness or other negative and
painful emotions and feelings. Without Mindfulness we act them out.
With strongly developed Mindfulness, we begin to discover that we can see those
emotions just as they just strong emotions that have arisen in our consciousness
and we have a choice as to whether or not they take over the mind, and a choice as to
whether or not we will act them out.
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


Without Mindfulness:

With Mindfulness:

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation


We need you!
Help us create an exciting 21st century curriculum for
todays youth and tomorrows leaders.
Were creating a transformational curriculum for
young people, from primary up to university level, to
be available on computers, tablets and smart phones globally.
Get in touch, learn more about mindfulness , and help inspire and
empower young people to make a powerful difference in the world, grow
as individuals, and positively impact their relationships, family,
community, organization and society. Click here to learn more.
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

that you are one of a kind

Never forget

And never
forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and
problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in
the world.
In fact, it is
always because of one person that all the changes that matter in
the world come about.

one person.

So be that
- R. Buckminster Fuller

Architect, Engineer, Inventor

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Useful Links for Mindfulness Information

- Mindfulness integrated Into an exciting, 21 st Century
transformational curriculum for young people across the world.

Jon Kabat-Zin - You Tube talk on Mindfulness at a

Google event
- talks and guided mindfulness -

for formal 10-day Mindfulness Retreats (Vipassana
Insight Meditation Developing Mindfulness to a very high degree)
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Useful books on Mindfulness

Real Happiness (Comes with
a CD of guided mindfulness exercises) - Sharon Salzberg -
Insight Meditation (Kit) Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg -
Mindfulness in Plain English Bhante Gunaratana -
The Experience of Insight -

Joseph Goldstein -

The Art of Living - S.N.
Goenka -

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

7 Tips
to support your practice
of Mindfulness

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (1)

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (2)

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (3)

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (4)

100Hours Foundation 2004-2013

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (5)

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (6)

When present in the Mind, these 5 Hindrances literally hinder the minds ability to focus, to pay
attention, to be aware, to see and know clearly, and to be happy!

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (7)

Look Right Nowjust Now

Where is the Past????

If you look closely youll see that the past doesnt exist just now
So where, then, is the Past? What happened to it?
Uhhhmaybe its back there behind us isnt that where the Past is
supposed to be? Behind us?
OKturn around and look behind you.
What do you see?
You see whatever is behind you right Now! Not thePast
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Tips to support your practice of Mindfulness (8)

If you look clearly, youll notice that the Past has actually completely disappeared, leaving only
amemorythat can be brought the present moment. But the memory is just a record of the
past. Whatever actually happened then has passed awayleaving only the memory record in the
The Future has not yet arisen. The Future, too, exists only as thoughts and pictures in our mind.

But how much time do we spend thinking about, worrying about, or living in the Past or the
Can you do whatever is necessary to let go of the Past? Can you do what is needed to let go of
whatever happened in the Past; and to let go of whatever didnt happen (that you wanted to
happen) in the Past?
If you can do this, then you can be fully presentNowto your lifeand
you will have the space to create an extraordinary future.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Written instructions for

Mindfulness of Breath

A taste of Mindfulness (1)

Mindfulness of Breath
1.Sit upright,
either on a cushion on the floor, or on a chair with your back not resting or leaning
against the back of the chair
2.Gently close

your eyes

3.Slowly take and

release two or three deep breaths, letting go of all of the tension and any holding in
your body as you exhale
4.Bring your
awareness to the physical sensations associated with your in-breath and your outbreath (either at the tip of your nose - in the nostrils and on the upper lip); or, focusing
awareness on the sensations in your abdomen that occur with the rising and Next
your abdomen with each in-breath and with each out-breath
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

A taste of Mindfulness (2)

Mindfulness of Breath

6.See if you
can be completely focused, and fully aware, of each and every sensation, from the
very beginning of the in-breath to the very sensation of the in-breath; and then,
focusing and being aware of each sensation from the very beginning of the outbreath to the very last sensation of the out-breath
7.When the
attention and awareness begin to wander, then notice and note where the
awareness has gone to: gone to thinking about something? Gone to a bodily
sensation, perhaps of some discomfort associated with sitting, gone to some
memory or images from the past, or to some thoughts about the future?
the attention and awareness go, be aware of that; notice and note that, then gently
bring the awareness and attention back to sensations associated with the breath,
either at the nostrils or in the abdomen
2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

Thank you!
We wish you well with your Mindfulness practice and your life!
Visit our website at to find out more about the opportunities to learn, participate
in, and collaborate with us to create this global transformational curriculum for the 21 st Century.

We invite you to get in touch, learn more about mindfulness and

help inspire and empower young people to make a powerful difference in
the world, empowering them to grow as individuals and positively impact
their relationships, family, community, organization and society.

2004-2013 100Hours Foundation

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