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Senile cataract

Presented by:- Dr Nikhil Bansal


General Concepts
Almost universal in people over
70 years of age.
Occurs equally in men and
Considerable genetic influence.
Average age of onset is earlier
in tropical countries.

Types of Senile cataract

1. Cortical cataract
2. Nuclear or sclerotic cataract

Cortical cataract
Etio-pathogenesis:- Hydration followed
by coagulation of lens proteins in the
Features:- Occurs in following stages :1. Stage of lamellar separation
2. Stage of incipient cataract
3. Immature senile cataract
4. Mature senile cataract
5. Hypermature senile cataract

Stage of lamellar separation

Demarcation of cortical fibres owing
to their separation by fluid.
Demonstrated by Slit-lamp
examination only.
Characteristic grey appearance of
Changes are reversible.

Stage of Incipient cataract

Wedge shaped opacities with clear
areas in between( Lens striae).
Most common in periphery and lower
nasal quadrant.
Only seen in dilated pupil.
Irregularities in refraction, visual
deterioration and polyopia.

Immature senile cataract

Opacification becomes more diffuse
and irregular.
Lens is swollen.
Iris shadow still visible.
Anterior chamber becomes shallow.

Mature senile cataract

Complete opacification.
Whole cortex is involved .
Lens appears pearly white in colour.
Also known as ripe cataract.

Hyper-mature senile cataract

Cortex is disintegrated and
transformed into pultaceous material.
Usually occurs in two forms:1. Morgagnian hypermature cataract
2. Sclerotic hypermature cataract

Morgagnian hypermature
Complete cortex is liquefied and
appears milky white in colour.
Nucleus settles at the bottom.
Calcium deposits may also be seen
on the lens capsule.

Sclerotic hypermature cataract

Disintegrated cortex.
Shrunken lens.
Wrinkled anterior capsule .
Dense white capsular cataract in
Deep Anterior-Chamber.
Tremulous Iris .

Nuclear or Sclerotic cataract

Etio-pathogenesis:- Intensification of age related
degenerative changes associated with
dehydration of and compaction of nucleus.
Features: Hard cataract is formed.
Significant increase in water insoluble protein.
Lens becomes in-elastic and looses power of
Changes begin centrally and slowly spread to
Deposition of pigments gives characteristic
colour to nucleus.

Nuclear or Sclerotic cataract

Other types of Nuclear or Sclerotic


cataracta nigra

cataracta brunescens

Cataracta rubra

Complications of senile cataract

1. Phacoanaphylactic uveitis
2. Lens induced glaucoma
3. Subluxation or dislocation of lens


Parsons diseases of eye

Comprehensive ophthalmology:Khurana and Khurana


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