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and the
Four Gutsy

There was a beautiful

fairy princess named
Rosemary. She lived in
the kingdom of Renosia
with the fairies and
elves. Rosemary was
kind and helpful to her
people. They respected

One day, fierce

monsters attacked the
land to own Renosia.
The monsters caught all
the people in Renosia.

Rosemary could not do

anything to save her
people. She run away
through a secret tunnel.
Suddenly, she met with
four gnomes sitting on
rocks. They were
resting. Rosemary went
to them for help.

The gnomes felt sorry

for the princess. They
gave her food and
clothes. She told them
about the evil monsters
who took over her
kingdom. The gnomes
planned a surprise
attack on the monsters.
They made magic
potions to turn the
monsters into stone.

Rosemary and the

gnomes returned to
Renosia and sprinkled
the magic potions on
the monsters. The
monsters turned into

Rosemary and her brave

gnomes ran to the
dungeon and freed all
the prisoners. Everyone
was happy and grateful
to Rosemary and her
brave gnomes.
Rosemary gave a pot of
gold to the gnomes and
thanked them. They
believe that good will
win over evil. They lived
happily ever after.

Read the
following text and
select the correct

There was a beautiful

fairy princess named
Rosemary. She lived in
the kingdom of Renosia
with the fairies and
elves. Rosemary was
kind and helpful to her
people. They respected

One day, fierce

monsters attacked the
land to own Renosia.
The monsters caught all
the people in Renosia.

Rosemary could not do

anything to save her
people. She run away
through a secret tunnel.
Suddenly, she met with
four gnomes sitting on
rocks. They were
resting. Rosemary went
to them for help.

The gnomes felt sorry

for the princess. They
gave her food and
clothes. She told them
about the evil monsters
who took over her
kingdom. The gnomes
planned a surprise
attack on the monsters.
They made magic
potions to turn the
monsters into stone.

Rosemary and the

gnomes returned to
Renosia and sprinkled
the magic potions on
the monsters. The
monsters turned into

Rosemary and her brave

gnomes ran to the dungeon
and freed all the
prisoners. Everyone was
happy and grateful to
Rosemary and her brave
gnomes. Rosemary gave a
pot of gold to the gnomes
and thanked them. They
believe that good will win
over evil. They lived
happily ever after.

They lived happily ever after.

Rosemary lived in Renosia.
The monster turned into stone
The gnomes made magic potions.
Rosemary met the Gnomes.
The monster attacked Renosia.

! Nice


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