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The impact of global warming in


Santiago Olmos Cordero A01371158

Hidemi Prez Guerra A01334987
Itzel Mara Vzquez Garca A01334108

Is the diversity between organisms of the same species, in between species and

Displacement of species
Climate Change has made some ecosystems warmer or colder than their
normal avergae temperature. This causes stress in some species. Some
species have moved from their oiriginal habitats to other habitats similar
to their original conditions.
However some species are unable or cant find habitats with conditions
similar to their original ones. Scientists predict their extinction in a
medium or long scale.

The case of the black footed ferret

The black footed ferret (Mustela Nigripes)
is a species of ferret native to the United
States, the only species of ferret native to
the continent. However its habitat, the
plains of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona,
has been destroyed, and is currently
considered an endangered species.
Their recovery represents the health of
the grassland ecosystems which they
depend on.

Alteration of Migration Patterns in

some species
Something has to start migrations, and
in some migratory species is certain
natural event. In some, is the start of
certain season. However due to climate
change, delays of these dates have been
reported. Following this trend, the
migration of some species has been
All the cycles that depend on the
migration of certain species have been
affected by this.

Alteration of ecological niches

Ecological niche is the role a species has in a certain
ecosystem. Some of this roles have been altered.
For example, some species of birds lay their eggs
and synchronize their birth with the rise of the
population of bugs.
This relationship has been altered for fidecula
hypoleuca, or commonly known as european pied
flycatcher, it has synchronized the birth of their
offsprings with the presence of caterpillars, but due
to global warming, the caterpillar population
hatches first and leaves the baby flycatcher without

Climate change is destroying ecosystems, causing
the extinction of species and changing the roles of
organisms in ecosystems. It is promoting the
growth of the population of certain species, and
diminishing the rate of reproduction of other
All this factors combined contribute to the loss of
Simply by the rise of temperatures, around 74
species of frog trees have already become


Cmo afecta el cambio climtico a la Biodiversidad? Retrieved from

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