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By: Afni Arifin
Meet the employer in person or by phone
Sell your strengths and skills as they
relate to employer and position
Learn about the position and the
Assess if the employee/position are a
good fit for your career goals, values, and


Story Telling
Case-Method, Cased-Based
Job Specific Cases

not very effective in predicting a
candidate’s ability to do a job.
The questions are often hypothetical or
Job candidates often end up giving
hypothetical answers that sound great but
aren’t a true representation of what they
would do in real situations
Not represent what you would “actually
Sample Questions:
Tell me about your self
Why did you choose your major?
What is a weakness you have?
Why are you interested in this
How would you deal with an angry

Behavioral/Emotional/Story Telling
Employer makes assumptions about your
future performance based on past
behaviors and attitudes
Requires people to offer concrete, specific
examples to reveal skills
Ask behavioral questions makes no longer
asking questions that are hypothetical,
but are asking questions that must be
answered based upon fact

With a behavioral questions, we’re looking for
results. We’re not just looking for an activity
list. So we’re listening for things like names,
dates, places, the outcome and especially
what the individual’s role was in achieving
that outcome.
Interviewers in behavioral interviewing
techniques will probe deeply into your answer.
Inconsistent answers will cause person to be
assessed negatively

Sample Behavioral Questions:
 Tell me about a time when you exhibited
 Give me an example of a challenge you
experienced and how you dealt with it
 Give me a specific example of a time
when you had to address an angry
customer. What was the problem and
what was the outcome?

Traditional Behavioral
How would you handle a Give me a specific example of a time when
difficult customer? you had to work with a difficult customer?
I would first calm them I was working for an equipment rental
down and find out what company and I could see that one of
the problem is, then the customers was really impatient. We
work together toward were understaffed at the time. I was
an acceptable solution trying to run the cash register and help
customers at the same time. I realized
I had a situation that was about to get
out of control so I politely asked my
next customer if they would mind if I
spoke to the impatient customer since
he was in the store earlier that
morning. The customer gladly agreed.

How would you know if the What did you do next?

customer is responding to
your suggestions?
By their body language
and what they say.
Behavioral/Emotional/Story Telling:
“STAR” framework to structure your
What was the Situation?
What was your Task
What Action did you take?
What was the Result?

Commonly used interview method in
business and consulting fields.
Interviewee is requested to analyze a
problem/situation and present a solution.
Employer assesses analytical
ability/thought process, not the
accurateness of the response

Case interview Tips:
Listen to the information provided, take
Take time to think the problem through
Identify the key issues
Frame your answer toward action.
Identify what steps you would take.
Share your ideas or thoughts that brought
you to your proposed solution.
Identify resources you would use/seek

In person:
- On-campus
- Company Site visit
- Dining interview
- Cost Effective
- Screening process
Video Conferencing

Methods of Conducting an
Jabatan: Prepaid Sales Staff
Fungsi dan peran jabatan:
melakukan pengawasan dan monitoring
terhadap seluruh kegiatan penjualan produk
pre paid baik dari aspek administrasi maupun
operasional untuk mencapai target penjualan
yang ditetapkan. Mengembangkan potensi
pasar yang ada melalui kegiatan promosi
bersama-sama dengan perusahaan serta
menjalin kerjasama dengan mitra bisnis yang
ada agar tetap terjaga dan saling
Tanggung jawab:
1. Membina dan menjaga hubungan baik
dengan para mitra bisnis (sub dealer,
dll) untuk kelancaran operasional
penjualan dan permintaan mitra serta
2. Melakukan survey pasar dan membuat
analisa perbandingan harga serta
pembagian kuota
3. Memfasilitasi dan melakukan sosialisasi
terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan, SOP serta
hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan
produk pre paid kepada karyawan terkait
4. Melakukan analisa pasar (potensi,
kebutuhan, permintaan, dan profit) di
wilayahnya; dan analisa produktivitas
mitra demi tujuan evaluasi kerja
Aspek psikologis:
1. Kemampuan komunikasi
2. Kemampuan Mengembangkan dan
memelihara hubungan
3. Analisa
4. Kepemimpinan

Level kompetensiKompetensi.doc

Spesifikasi Jabatan
Ceritakan pengalaman dimana Anda
mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi
dengan orang lain? Apa yang Anda
lakukan untuk mengatasinya?
Ceritakan pengalaman saat orang lain
mendominasi pembicaraan dan tidak
membiarkan Anda mengemukakan
pendapat Anda?

Guide Interview
tentang pengalaman Anda dimana Anda
harus menyatukan suatu tim untuk bekerja dengan

Contoh Form Interview


Guide Interview
Research company prior to interview
- Know who you will be meeting with and
their position in the company
Create a list of questions to ask about the
company and position
Arrive at least 15 minutes early
Bring resume to the interview and
No food, bags, gum, etc.

General Preparation for Interviews

Be on time to interview
Turn off the cell phone prior to interview
Shake hands firmly at the beginning and
end of interview
Maintain good eye contact throughout

Interview Etiquette
Suit: preferably skirt suit, pants acceptable
Skirt: not overly short or tight
Make up: minimum, nothing too hold
Jewelry: nothing too large or noisy that
would be distracting
Perfume: lite application, if any
Nylons/dress socks- in similar color tone to
Shoes- no sneakers or sandals

Interview Dress Code

Suit preferable- jacket, tie, and slacks
Cologne- lite application, if any
Jewelry- nothing too large or noisy that
would be distracting
Dress socks- try to closely match the color
of your dress pants
Shoes- no sneakers or sandals

Interview Dress Code

Speak positively about yourself and others
Use body language to show interest
- Sit forward
- Sit up straight
- Smile
Reflect on the interview
- What did I do well?
- What could I prepare to answer better
next time?

The Day of the Interview

On-campus interviews –approx 30 minutes
Shake hands firmly and address interviewer by
Mr. __ or Ms.__
Small talk: Builds rapport and gives the
interviewer an opportunity to assess your
interpersonal skills
Questions assessing your strengths, weakness,
goals, skills, character, experiences, etc
Last 5 minutes: Ask 2-4 specific questions
Shake hands and thank the interviewer

What to Expect the Day of the

Educate yourself about illegal questions.
 What is your race?
 Are you married?
 How old are you?
 What is your religion?
 Have you ever filed bankrupcy?
 Do you have a disability?

Illegal Interview Questions

 directly into the phone and keep mouthpiece
about 1 inch from your mouth
Select a quiet space for your phone interview.

Do not eat food, chew gum or smoke during the

Have a copy of your resume and references in front

of you during the interview
Smile over the phone.

Pretend as if the person is right in front of you, it

will help you
sound “friendly” and relax you.

Avoid discussion about salary and benefits until 2 nd


Tips for Telephone Interviewing

Verbal and written communication skills (including
Analytical/logical thinking/problem-solving skills
Interest in industry/company/function
Interpersonal comfort and skills
Knowing what they want/having focus
Leadership skill
Staying focused on the question & not going off on
a tangent

Interview Success Factors

High energy (But not overwhelming)
Ability to work well in teams
High degree of intelligence
Personal presence
Projecting substance/credibility
Asking good questions/making statements that show
thought process
Ability to think creatively
Personal "fit" with company
Clear, concise answers

Interview Success Factors

 your napkin and place it on your lap
after the host has done so.
Be familiar with the table setting.

Order a meal that is moderately priced and

easy to eat. (no spaghetti)
Avoid alcohol or smoking during the dining

Do not talk with your mouth full.

Place your knife and fork diagonally across

your plate when finished with your meal.

Interview Dining Etiquette

Table Setting
 Research the company
 Practice sample interview questions
 Practice discussing your strengths and weaknesses.
 Conduct a practice interview with a friend of staff member
at the Careers Office.
 Prepare your interview wardrobe*
- Purchase/borrow
- Tailor
- Launder/dry clean
- Iron
 Try on your outfit and shoes in advance to make
they fit properly and are comfortable.

Interview Checklist
 Bring extra copies of your resume with you.
 Travel to the interview location for a
practice run.
 To avoid being late, make sure the
address/directions are correct.
 If you're at the company location, use the
time to observe the environment. Is this a
place where you'd like to work?
 Know your Worth

Interview Checklist
Seleksiapa? Untuk apa? Apa job descnya?
Apa spesifikasi jabatan yang dicari?
Bentuk2 prtanyaan yang cocok untuk
menggali hal tersebut?

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