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Interviewing for a Job

ENG 102 and 106

Notes from Handbook of
Technical Writing


To see if you are the best candidate

for a job.


In person
By phone or online


30 min to several interviews over a

period of days

Know the Company

Research the company

Markets / Clients
Position: job description, responsibilities, areas for

Preparation shows that are interested in the
company and willing to invest time in learning about

Places for Research

Home page
Annual Reports available online
Talk to employees

Prepare for the Questions

Review your life

Lessons learned
Reactions to stress
Conflict resolution
Ethical decision-making
Strengths and weaknesses

Typical Questions

What are your career goals?

Where do you envision yourself in five or
ten years?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What do you do in your free time?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Why did/are you leaving your current job?
Why did you apply to work for this

Typical Questions

How will you contribute to the team?

What makes you the best candidate?
What are your expectations for salary
and benefits?

Behavioral Questions

Tell me about a time when you

experienced conflict while on a team.
If I were your boss and you disagreed
with a decision I made, what would you
How have you used your leadership to
bring about change?
Tell me about a time when you failed
and what you learned from the

More Behavioral Questions

Tell me about a time when you had a

disagreement with a professor or
fellow student. How did you resolve
What would you do if you noticed
that a fellow employee was acting

Going to an Interview

Arrive 10-15 min early

Bring extra copies of your CV, a list of
references, and contact information

How to Dress and Act

Dress professionally but

Avoid extreme make-up or perfumes
Be well groomed
Be confident, polite, and cheerful
Be presentlisten and focus on the
interviewer and on your responses

Answering Questions

Make sure you understand the

Take a moment to think before you
respond, if need be
Answer the questiondont go off on
tangents or ramble
Be honest. It is better to admit a
weakness and express willingness to
learn rather than try to dodge tough

Asking Questions

Come prepared to ask intelligent

questions about the position and
To whom will I report?
What opportunities for growth are
there in this position?
What is the strategic plan to develop
this department/sector over the next
few years?


Let the employer mention salary first

Know what salaries are appropriate
for your field and level of experience
Salaries will be mentioned before you
sign the contract, as they have to be
in the contract
Read the contract carefully before
signing it


Thank the interviewer for his/her time

Ask about the timeframe for
feedback or say, I look forward to
hearing from you.
Give a firm handshake
Rememberthe last moments of an
interview are freshest in the
interviewers mind


Write down any information you need

Send a note of thanks

Notes Taken From:

Alred, Gerald J., Charles T. Brusaw,

and Walter E. Oliu. Handbook of
Technical Writing. Ninth Ed. New York:
St. Martins Press, 2009.

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