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1. How old was Joseph?

2. How did Joseph break the sibling code of silence? He
tattled and brought a bad report of them to their father.
3. What did their father Israel (Jacob) do that caused more
friction? He loved Joseph more than the other sons and
gave him a robe of many colors
4. How did Josephs brothers feel about the situation?
They hated Joseph and didnt speak peacefully to him.
Jealousy turned to hatred.
5. Describe Josephs first dream. How did the brothers
understand it? Joseph dreamed his brothers were
binding sheaves in the field. Josephs sheaf stood up
and all the brothers sheaves bowed down to it. The
brothers understood that Joseph would rule over them
and hated him even more.

1. Describe Josephs second dream. How did his father respond?

The sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed down to Joseph.
Jacob understood the dream meant the whole family would
bow down to him. He rebuked Joseph.
2. What errand did Jacob send Joseph on? Find his brothers and
flocks and see if all was well.
3. What did the brothers conspire to do when they saw Joseph?
They would kill Joseph and say a fierce animal ate him.
Although not specified, later interactions in Egypt imply the
ten oldest brothers were present. Benjamin was too young.
4. Who stopped them and why? Reuben, the oldest brother,
stopped them so he would rescue Joseph later and return him
to their father.
5. What did the brothers do to Joseph instead? They stripped off
Josephs robe of many colors and threw Joseph into a
waterless pit.

1. What did Judah suggest they do to Joseph

and why? Judah said they should not kill
Joseph, but sell him to the traders and make
a little money.
2. What did the brothers do to Joseph? They
listened to Judah and sold Joseph to the

1. What did Reuben find when he returned to the pit? How

did he respond? An empty pit caused Reuben to tear his
clothes, a sign of grief. He returned to his brothers and
expressed concerns about Jacob holding him
accountable for Josephs disappeared or death.
2. Identify the cover-up. The brothers slaughtered a goat,
dipped Josephs robe in the blood, and showed it to their
father, Jacob.
3. How did Jacob respond to his sons lies? Jacob tore his
clothing, put on sack-cloth, and mourned for many
days. He refused to be comforted and said he would
mourn until he died. He wept for Joseph.
4. What happened to Joseph? He was sold to Potiphar,
captain of Pharaohs guard.



1. Joseph changed from favorite son to slave at seventeen, when his jealous,
hateful brothers sold him. Whom did Joseph serve? What was this man's
occupation? Potiphar, an officer and captain of the guard for Pharaoh.
2. How did the Lord bless Joseph? The Lord was with him and gave him success.
Potiphar saw this and made Joseph overseer, in charge of all his possessions.
3. How did this blessing extend to others? The Lord blessed Potiphars house and
field for Josephs sake.
4. How much did Potiphar trust Joseph? Potiphar trusted Joseph with everything he
owned. He made no decisions except what to eat.
5. Describe Joseph. Handsome in form and appeared (v. 6).
6. Previously God spoke to Joseph in dreams, telling him he would rule over his
brothers and his whole family would bow down to him. Do you think the dreams
encouraged or discouraged Joseph the slave? Since Joseph remained faithful to
the Lord, its likely the dreams reminded Joseph that God was with him,
encouraged him, and gave him hope.

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your Word"
(Psalm 119:9).


1. How did Potiphar's wife tempt Joseph? She

offered sexual intimacy.
2. How did Joseph respond? Whom would
giving in have sinned against? Joseph
refused the offer. It would sin against
Potiphar (v. 8-9) and God (v. 9).

"For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting

the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the
third and the fourth generation of those who hate
Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of
those who love Me and keep My commandments"
(Exodus 20:5-6).

"As we have heard above, this appendix was primarily
attached to the First Commandment. Yet it was laid down
for the sake of all the commandments, since all of them are
to be referred and directed to it. Therefore, I have said that
this also should be presented to and taught to the young.
Then they may learn and remember it, and we may see
what must move and compel us to keep these Ten
Commandments" (LC I 321) "So God demands that all our
works proceed from a heart that fears and regards God
alone. From such fear the heart avoids everything that is
contrary to His will, lest it should move Him to wrath. And,
on the other hand, the heart also trusts in Him alone and
from love for Him does all He wants. For He speaks to us as
friendly as a father and offers us all grace and every good"
(LC I 323).

"So this teaching continues through all the following

commandments toward our neighbor. Everything is to flow
from the First Commandment's power. We honor father and
mother, masters, and all in authority, and are subject and
obedient to them, not for their own sake, but for God's
sake" (LC I 327) "Again, do your neighbor no harm, injury
or violence, nor in any way oppress him with regard to his
body, wife, property, honor, or rights. All these things are
commanded in their order, even though you may have a
chance and case to do wrong and no person would rebuke
you. But do good to all men (Galatians 6:10). Help them
and promot their interest - in every way and wherever you
can - purely out of love for God and to please Him. Do this
in the confidence that He will abundantly reward you for
everything" (LC I 328).

1. How did Potiphar's wife respond to the

rejection? She pestered him every day.
2. Sex outside the covenant of marriage is
adultery and is a sin against God. Who would
have been hurt if Joseph had given in? Sin
would hurt many, including Potiphar, his
wife, others in the household, God, and
Joseph because of sin against his own body.

1. How did Potiphar's wife get revenge when Joseph
rejected her? She falsely accused Joseph of rape.
She used the outer garment she took from him as
evidence to her household and husband.
2. How did Potiphar respond to her accusations? He
believed his wife, felt angry, and put Joseph in
prison with the kings prisoners. Some
commentaries suggest Potiphar may not have
believed the accusations or he would have killed
Joseph. Sending Joseph to prison may show
sympathy while saving face.


1. What did the prison keeper do? He put Joseph in

charge of the prisoners and all duties so he didnt
have to pay attention to anything.
2. How did the Lord bless Joseph and show him steadfast
love? The Lord was with Joseph, showed him steadfast
love, gave him favor with the keeper, and made him
3. What attitudes show in Joseph? Cooperation,
willingness to work, faithfulness, patience, kindness,
not whining, isolation, and anger.


1. Josephs life foreshadows the life of Christ.

List things that happened to both of them.
Christ was also tempted (Luke 4:1-13),
falsely accused (Matthew 26:65), and
betrayed by the very people He came to
serve (Mark 14:43-50).

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