Chiquita Basic Outline

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Utilitarian Theory of business ethics considers levels of happiness of all
those involved in the business transaction under consideration.
From a Utilitarian perspective, Chiquitas choice to build plantations in these
environments was not an ethical one.
1) The happiness of employees under constant threat of attack by volatile
militant groups is not a maximum when compared to those employees in
other prospective nations. The happiness of the employees who did
eventually find out about the incident was also not maximized, and in most
cases was minimized, losing the support of some consumers for life.
2) The happiness of the natives within Columbia is also minimized. This is
caused by the furthering of power of these groups, because the majority of
the country is at their mercy, since now they can buy more munitions and
armaments to commit atrocities with.
3) If Chiquita had never set up an operation in this kind of environment,
there would have been no legal case, and no bad publicity. The damage
and loss of life would have been smaller, as well as greater happiness in
the stakeholders.

The Kantian Theory

of business
focuses on
the idea of rationality, and

promotes enhancing a persons rationale so they can make the best decision
for themselves.
The Kantian believes companies and consumers should be motivated by
"Good Will.
1) Chiquita did not allow the consumer populace to know about this decision
for several years. Had these consumers known their money was going to this
cause, the consumers would most likely not have bought the product.
2) If Chiquita made the choice to pay the paramilitary groups money, and
informed their consumer that their money was going to terrorism, the
choice by Chiquita would still be unethical, because the people of
Columbia are not being treated as beings capable of making rational
3) The Choice to pay these groups is not motivated by Good Will. Funding
the arming of hostile civilian militant groups who then intentionally take
those arms and use them against their fellow man is not doing the right
thing because its the right thing to do. The feelings and desires of the
Columbians would understandably tend towards Chiquita not paying
protection money, because they have a desire to live, and live free of the
fear of unjustified loss of life, liberty, and property.

The Virtue Theory

of business ethics is centered on the idea and definition of
the Virtuist defines good as having the quality of serving an intended
purpose well. According to Virtue Theory, a good person is one who serves
the purpose of living well, or uses rationality well, according to Aristotelian
Virtues. These virtues are chiefly courage, honesty, temperance/self-control,
and justice/fairness.
1) This choice was not an honest one because the company knew who they
were dealing with; these groups are not new, and their behavioral history is
well documented. Chiquita could have made the honest choice of choosing to
open a plantation in a different area where this type of behavior can be
2) The company went further with its dishonesty by withholding this
information from the consumer, knowing it would sway profits.
3) The company went further with its dishonesty by withholding this
information from the consumer, knowing it would sway profits.
4) This decision was also unjust, in protecting some at the expense of
heightened hostility towards others. Those working on the plantation were
largely, but not completely, protected from the civilian militants, while those

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