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Sustaining Customer Delight

--He pays us and it’s time we pay him back--

What is customer delight?
๏ Positive surprise arising from extremely good product service delivery or
product performance

๏ When a customers’ needs and requirements are fulfilled even before he

asks for it, that’s where customer delight enters the screen. This not only
throws up a positive mindshare but also anticipates in advance “What will
satisfy/delight the customer?”

๏ It is customers perception of quality which really counts to managers. They

must understand what drives satisfaction and what drives delight

๏ Basic level of satisfaction has to be attained in every product to delight


๏ Delight triggering attributes are attributes that are not expected.

Experiencing them creates delight in customer

Overall Satisfaction

Level of attribute satisfaction

Should I bother about customer delight?
๏ Customer delight brings customers coming back for more. It distinguishes
you from the rest. It allows you to make more return on your investment. It
allows you to reward your employees

๏ When you create "WOW" you have planted a very special peg in the memory
of the customer that is easy to recall

๏ It is ten times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep a

current customer

๏ Customers are lost primarily due to indifference (66%) versus dissatisfaction


๏ Customer Delight may be the difference between success or failure!

Parameters driving Customer Delight
๏ Customer Satisfaction

๏ Making the customer feel “I am Valued”

๏ Valuing customer’s sentiments and feelings

๏ Personalized attention to customers and catering to all their needs

๏ Making the customer feel “This is my Vendor/Store”

๏ Personalized promotions/offers

๏ Targeting “At-Risk” Customers

Quality function deployment
๏ QFD is best viewed as a planning tool that relates a list of delights, wants,
and needs of customers to design technical functional requirements

๏ With QFD, quality is defined by the customer

๏ The results of being customer-driven are total quality excellence, greater

customer satisfaction, increased market share, and potential growth

๏ The major benefit of QFD is customer satisfaction

๏ The delight creating attributes are obtained from the voice of the customer as
represented by surveys, campaign data etc. The major two questions to be answered
are “WHATs” and “HOWs”

๏ The WHATs can be characterized using the Kano model or Kano Analysis
Kano Analysis
๏ The Kano model is a theory of product development and customer
satisfaction developed in the 80's by Professor Noriaki Kano which classifies
customer preferences into four categories

Kano analysis divides customer needs into four categories.

 Must – Needs must be fulfilled. Basic needs that are to be met in a product.
 More than better – Not meeting this needs leads to dissatisfaction. Needs which are stated but
not met.
 Delighter- Differentiates a product in market. Services which are unexpected by the customer.
 Indifferent – Characteristic which is not necessary. Characteristic which is not related to a
particular product.

These four needs are plotted in a graph after various surveys and the
analysis is carried out.
Customer Questionnaire responses mapped
to a Kano chart
Steps in Kano Analysis
๏ Identify Key features of Product

๏ List down attributes of features

๏ Answer the questions

- a. Customer satisfaction rating if the product has this attribute.  
- b. Customer satisfaction rating, if the product does not have this attribute

๏ Customer should select any one of the options: satisfied, neutral,

dissatisfied, won't care

๏ Rate and categorize the attributes

๏ Analyze the results

๏ Other important factors:

- a. Customers identified for the survey
- b. Frequency of capturing the customer expectation will depend on the product
or service provided and the life cycle of the same
Case study-Airline Industry
๏ Major features in airline
- Ticketing &Reservation
- Check in
- Pre Boarding
- Baggage Service
- In flight facility
- In flight service
- Ensemble
- VIP Lounge

๏ According to Kano, people think that the product should meet four kinds of

Must be, More than better, Delighter, Indifferent.

Kano evaluation table
Dysfunctional Forms

Like Must be Neutral Live with it Dislike

Like Q A A A O

Must be R I I I M


Neutral R I I I M

Live with it R I I I M

Dislike R R R R Q

Q-Questionable result R-Reverse Need O- One Dimensional Need A-Attractive need I-

Indifference Need M-Must Need
Results of Kano analysis
๏ Must be needs:
- Check in-Handling overbooking situation well
- In flight service-Correctly safety demonstration

๏ One dimensional needs:

- Ticketing and reservation-Convenient online reservation
- VIP lounge- Courtesy of VIP lounge staff

๏ Attractive needs:
- In flight service- Provision of delicate giveaways

๏ Indifferent needs:
- Check in- Capable to speak foreign language
- In flight facility- Handicapped friendly cabin environment
Customer expectations are typically not  very high

Your job is to surprise them

Customer Delight is doing what they  haven’t even imagined

What will cause them to say “WOW!”

You know what you can do - they don’t

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not

dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in
our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business.
He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is
doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so”- Mahatma
MK.Gandhi, Father of India
Thank You!!!!

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