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Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

The What, its beauty

and why all the more relevant
in this selfish & materialistic,
dog-eat-dog world!
V.Ravichander Chief Enabler, Gates & Windows ravi@gatesandwindow
“Vasudheiva Kutumbakam
Yatha Bramhando Thatha
'Vasudha' refers to the Earth, meaning the
vast cosmos.
'Eva' means “certainly” or “verily.”
'Kutumbam' means a family or blood relation
and kutumbakam technically means a little
So here the Vedic sages are saying that the
entire world is truly just one family. The
world is like a small, tightly knit, nuclea
•The What of Vasudhaiva
•Who am I and What am I made of
•Know our genesis – Our BIG family
•The importance of the Unit level
•The role of digital revolution
•How or Why is VK is more relevant
today ?
•How and Where to start?
•And finally ….
If only we could stop and think,
Identify our origin

We will realize,
We all come from
The same source!
Who am I? What am I?

Where did I come from?

Is the enquiry we need to make

Shall we together make that search ?


What am I? Am I not made of The

Food that I eat?
Annamvai Brahma- The earth gives
me this food!
The one who feeds me is equal to
my Mother, isn’t it?
So I call her MOTHER EARTH
Prithvishcha Matha
MY mother, in order to provide
this vegetation Needs water
This water is the Wealth of my mother
Our Father
The provider of the water is the
Sky or the ozone Shall we call
him as our father “Aakasha
The gravitational pull Of the Moon
helps To lift up the water
From the sea to the skies

This wealth, which the sky

provides her she uses as much as
necessary and sends back the
extra to her bank, called the Sea.
For all this vegetation to grow we need
Sun light
No Sunlight - no life on Earth
And, this mother and father of mine do not
have their own power; they are empowered
by The SUN And MOON
So shall we call them their parents?
Ie. our grandfather and grandmother
So is this not the family we all belong to?
We have now Identified that
We genetically belong To a Large
Family Called

The Solar System

The similarities
Therefore according to ‘The law of
genesis’, it is Necessary we find the
Same system within us
Find their Facsimile within us
The Earth is made up of rock and mud
The human body is made of bones and muscl
The heart represents the sea
Like earth is inclined 22.5 degrees to the sun,
the sea is inclined 22.5 degrees to the sun’ ax
so too the heart is also inclined 22.5 degrees
the main axis of human body
The blood is the Water,
And the blood vessels represent the rivers.
The sky or the Ozone is the Nervous
As the whole system breaks down when
Ozone breaks down
Similarly whole body collapses when
the Nervous system breaks down,
isn’t it?
Chandrama manasoo jayathe

The Moon – Mind connection

The SUN-SOUL connection

As the solar system exists long
As the SUN exists So too this BODY will
Exist only as long As the SOUL exists in i
As the universe so is the human body.

Is this not true??

The importance of the Unit level
- ie., our family and society
•“Man can live individually, can survive only
collectively” – Vedas. If “Earth is the garden
of God”, our immediate family is our
“garden of love”!
• Family is a bond of blood, unconditional
love and faith, togetherness and thereby
•A close family bond is like a safe harbor
where we find refuge
•The family that dines together, always
stays together – Be it @ home or office!
The role of digital revolution
Distances has shrunk.
Information flows and sometimes
 Challenge ahead is “Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam” that is "the whole earth is a
family" - whether emerging technologies
imbibe family-like bondage of love,
kindness, sensitivity and cooperation
establishing peace and harmony.
How VK is more relevant today ?

My dear friends, right from the time of Vedas ti

now, the Indian way is Inclusion, treating the
whole world as one family. India never invade
any other country!
How and Where to start?
Sanathana Dharma - Care-and-share,
Share Knowledge - The more you use it
and pass it on, the more it proliferates.It is
"infinitely expansible" or "non-rival in
Inclusive growth
Dharmic life – It’s the science of
harmonius living and peaceful coexistence.
Have loads of empathy
 Celebrate People, celebrate life!
Let’s even Observe and learn from ‘humane
four-legged species’!
And finally

“Samasta janaanaam Sukhino

Let us work towards maximum welfare of the
maximum people in this planet :

“from the two legged humans to the four-

legged humane animals”
Indra’s Net

Imagine this earth as a cosmos that is covered by a net.  On

every knot in this net is a jewel, and every living being is a
jewel on this net
When we look at one jewel, we see the reflections of all othe
jewels.  Hence, we are all interconnected and
When one jewel is touched, its reflection will bounce off the
jewels around it, and this in turn creates a ripple effect
without an end and it spreads throughout the entire net
covering the cosmos. 
V.Ravichander Chief Enabler, Gates & Windows

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