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Aids to Navigation

Availability, accuracy, limitations

and precautions with Electronic
Navigational Systems
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Aims of this lesson

To identify the available Electronic Aids to
Navigation (AtoN)
To understand the expected accuracy of different
To understand the limitations and precautions of
using different AtoN

Unit 7: Passage Panning

MGN 379
Navigation: Use of Electronic Navigation Aids
This note emphasises the need for correct use of navigational equipment by
Key Points: Be aware that each item of equipment is an aid to navigation.
Be aware of the factors which affect the accuracy of position fixing systems.
Appreciate the need to cross check position fixing information using other
Recognise the importance of the correct use of navigational aids and
knowledge of their limitations.
Be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on the output from, and accuracy
of, a single navigational aid.

Unit 7: Passage Panning

What AtoNs do you have

onboard ship?
Echo sounder
Compass Gyro, magnetic, GPS, optical
Speed log Doppler, Electromagnetic

Unit 7: Passage Panning

Global Positioning System

Available world wide 24/7
Accurate to about 20m

Inaccurate in higher Latitudes

Operated by US Military

Are able to degrade the signal

Selects from available 24 satellites

Works by measuring the time taken
for a signal to travel from the
WGS84 datum

sometimes require additional charted

Unit 7: Passage Panning

GPS Limitations & Precautions

How many bridge systems use GPS?
GPS system close to breakdown
Network of satellites could begin to fail as early as 2010

Dilution of Precision
Geometric, Positional, Horizontal, Vertical & Time

MGN 379 - Use of Electronic Navigation Aids

4.5 GNSS related accidents
4.6 Datum and Chart Accuracy

Unit 7: Passage Panning

GPS Jamming trials 2008

The trial was organized to investigate the effect of GPS service denial on maritime navigation, AtoN
performance, and DGPS monitoring operations. The service denial of GPS also provided an excellent
test environment for the development of the case for eLoran. It is important to note that the effect of
GPS service denial is the same whether through intentional jamming or unintentional interference.
The trial was designed to provide:
An indication of the effect of GPS jamming on the safety of
An evaluation of how mariners cope with a sudden loss of
GPS as primary navigation input;
An investigation into the performance of the GLAs DGPS
service and how it is affected by GPS jamming;
An assessment of the performance of eLoran as a backup
to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
A trial/demonstration on which to continue and expand the
case for eLoran;
An evaluation of the effect on AIS;

Unit 7: Passage Panning

GPS Jamming
The main conclusion is that GPS service denial has a significant impact on maritime safety:

On shore The marine picture presented to Vessel Traffic Services/Management (VTS) will be confused as AIS
information with erroneous positions and high-velocities conflicts with the radar information.
AtoNs DGPS reference stations can be jammed and the impact may results in the absence of DGPS
corrections; AIS used by an AtoN may broadcast incorrect information.
On ships Navigation, situational awareness, chart stabilization, and DSC emergency communications will be
lost if they are based on GPS. Some vessels have integrated bridge systems, which enable automatic execution
of a passage plan on autopilot. If this system is operating at a time when jamming occurs then, depending on the
system design, the vessels course and heading may change without informing the watchkeeper, potentially
leading to extremely hazardous consequences. At this point, continuation of navigational safety is dependent on
mariners abilities to operate effectively using alternative techniques (e.g. radar parallel-indexing). Increased use
of ECDIS will increase the attendant risks. The number of alarms that can sound on the bridge can be distracting.
Moving to other navigation techniques can cause an increase in bridge workload.
On people People are conditioned to expect excellent GPS performance. As a result, when ships crews fail to
recognise that the GPS service is being interfered with and/or there is a loss of familiarity with alternative methods
of navigation or situational awareness.
eLoran was unaffected by GPS jamming and demonstrated an accuracy of 8.1 m (95%), which is comparable to
stand-alone, single-frequency GPS. Consequently, eLoran can be used to detect erroneous positions and high
velocities that may be experienced during GPS service denial. Moreover, when GPS is unavailable, eLoran can
provide a PNT (position, navigation, and timing) input to all maritime systems.

Unit 7: Passage Panning

MGN 379 - Navigation: Use of Electronic Navigation Aids
In order to provide an accurate terrestrial backup to satellite
systems such as GPS, a more accurate Enhanced LORAN
(eLORAN) system is under development in Europe. Tests
have shown that eLORAN will provide positional accuracy
within the coverage area to the same level as GPS.

Unit 7: Passage Panning

Available in Northern hemisphere 24/7 when within 1000
of an eLoran chain. Coverage is good in North America,
Europe, and the Pacific Rim. (Northern Hemisphere)
Accurate to about 100m near base line
Hyperbolic navigation system
LORAN suffers from electronic effects of weather and in
particular the ionosphere's reaction to sunrise and
As with any radio navigation aid Magnetic storms have
serious effects.
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Is an integrated navigation and communication
system expanded from Loran-C.
Eurofix navigation works primarily with GPS to
provide Differential corrections.

User must be in an area where he can receive
signals coming from Loran-C transmitters
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Eurofix covergage

Unit 201: Management of Navigation

Links to Resources
GPS system close to breakdown

Dilution of Precision

CrossRate Tech Launches GPS + eLoran Marine


eLoran Sparks Debate In Washington Is It Truly

Unit 7: Passage Panning

Speed Logs
Electro-Magnetic Log
Only speed through the water
Used for sea stabilised display

Doppler log
Speed over the ground or speed through the water
SoG ground stabilised
StW sea stabilised

How accurate was the log on your last

Unit 7: Passage Panning

Radar / ARPA - Relative motion

Unstabilised. Head up
Looks like the view out of window pilotage
Picture rotates as ship yaws
Occurs with single Compass failure

Stabilised. North up or Course up

Requires compass heading input
Comparison with chart
No blurring with heads movement
Good bearing accuracy and CPA
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Radar / ARPA True motion

Ground Stabilised
Indicates course & speed over ground
Affected by strong tides

Sea Stabilised
Indicates ship motion through water;
Immediate indication of targets change of
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Echo Sounder
Measures pulses of sound energy
transmitted and reflected
Speed of sound in water
Does the signal travel faster in FW?

Comparison with chart depth

Aeration & Turbulence
Sea ice or marine growth or paint on plate
Unit 7: Passage Panning

Unit 7: Passage Panning

Availability, Accuracy & Errors




Unit 7: Passage Panning


Availability, Accuracy & Errors





5 x 24h Stars AM & PM,

Sun / Planet AM, PM & MP

+/- 1 - 2
Less in high latitudes
Dependant on good
horizon, altitude, cloud &
weather. DR

Index error (S)

Chronometer (S)
Refraction (R)
Propagation (R)

24/7 US military or Russia

Poorer in high latitudes
Number of satellites

+/- 20m or 100m 95%

2D v 3D fix

Ionosphere, sun spots,

Cumulonimbus Weather
Rx clock (S) resolved in Rx
Multipath, GDOP

Within 20 of land

+/- 0.1
3cm short range definition
10cm long range scanning
& rain clutter

Range and bearing

discrimination, Gyro error,
VRM, low coast, blind
Shadow sectors, Weather
Wrong object

North hemisphere 24/7

within 1000 of chain

+/- 0.2 on base line

decreasing to
+/- 0.5 at 600 (GW) and
+/- 1 to 2 1000 (SW)

Surface effect



Unit 7: Passage Panning

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