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8: The Rise of
the Medieval

Background to Universities
9th-13th centuries: population explosion
Earlier schools monastery schools,
cathedral schools, private tutors/schools

I will not speak of those logicians before whose eves

flitted constantly the lice of Egypt, that is to say, all
the sophistical subtleties, so that no one could
comprehend their eloquent discourses in which, as
says Isaiah, there is no wisdom. As to the doctors of
theology, seated, in Moses' seat, they were swollen
with learning, but their charity was not edifying.
Teaching and not practicing, they have become as
sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal, or like a canal of
stone, always dry, which ought to carry water to the
bed of spices. They not only hated one another, but by
their flatteries they enticed away the students of
others; each one seeking his own glory, but caring not
a whit about the welfare of souls.
- Jacques de Vitry, 13th century

Peter Abelard (1079-1142)

Thus it came about
that my teaching won
such strength and
authority that even
those who before had
clung most
vehemently to my
former master, and
most bitterly attacked
my doctrines, now
flocked to my school.

Birth of Universities
Founded on guild principle
University = group of organized workers.
Denotes totality of the group.
Mobile universities own no buildings and
are not tied to locations.

University of Masters
Charter granted 1200,
organized 1150-70
Known for theology

Officially organized in 1200; actually
organized ~1150
Known for Law
University of Students
Defense against townspeople
Defense against their other enemies, the professors

The Professor Must...

Not be absent without leave
Be able to attract more than 5 students
Begin with the bell and end with the bell
Not skip chapters of commentary
Not postpone difficulties until the end of the hour
Cover ground systematically and completely

Other Universities
Oxford: 1220
Salerno: 1231, known for medicine (but it
was a center for medical learning before
Size of universities: 200-800
Biggest = ~2,500.
~1200: universities have become
intellectual centers of Europe

Student Life

I, a wandering scholar
Born for toil and
Oftentimes am driven by
Poverty to madness.
These torn clothes that
cover me
Are too thin and rotten;
Oft I have to suffer cold,
By the warmth forgotten

Bibit hera, bibit herus,

Bibit miles, bibit clerus,
Bibit ille, bibit illa,
Bibit serrus cum ancilla,
Bibit velox, bibit piger,
Bibit albus, bibit niger,
Bibit constans, bibit vagus,
Bibit rudis, bibit magus.

B.A. liberal arts + 3 philosophies. 4 yrs.
Emphasis on grammar declines; emphasis on
logic increases

M.A. emphasis on 3 philosophies. 2 yrs.

Medicine 5-6 yrs.
Law 7-8 yrs.
Theology 8-16 yrs.

The Liberal Arts

Natural Philosophy

The Ancients in Medieval Schools

Plato: 11th and 12th centuries. Mostly
Aristotle: late 12th-13th centuries.
Especially logic, natural philosophy
- Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus (Albert the

Thomas Aquinas (1224-74)

Goal is to reconcile
philosophy and
especially Aristotle
with theology
Philosophy =
handmaiden to

Scholastic Humanism
Scholasticism attempt to collect and assimilate all
knowledge. Very optimistic
Humanism affirmation of human reason.
Even though the natural light of the human mind is inadequate to
make known what is revealed by faith, nevertheless what is divinely
taught to us by faith cannot be contrary to what we are endowed with
by nature. One or the other would have to be false, and since we have
both or them from God, He would be the cause of our error, which is
- Thomas Aquinas

Disputation method much simplified

Q: Whether the Earth is round?
Objection 1: We would fall off
Objection 2: It appears to be flat
Reply 1: Gravity
Reply 2: Its really big.
Q Resolved: The Earth is round.

Impact on European Life

1. Recovery of lost knowledge
2. Provides educated and literate
bureaucrats for courts
3. Textual communities that are able to
discuss questions across geographical
and chronological boundaries
4. Intellectual freedom compare to Islam

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