A Project On Swami Vivekananda's Contribution Towards Education

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A project on Swami

Vivekanandas contribution
towards education
Made by
Sudhanshu soni
Nishant choudhary

Before learning about his contributions to

educations lets know about his life.

Are U all ready?

Early life

Vivekananda , known in his premonastic life as narendra nath dutta, was born
in an high class Hindu family in Kolkata on 12
january 1863.
His father, Vishwanath dutta, was a succesful
attorney with in wide range of subjects, and
his mother, Bhuvneshwari devi , was endowed
with deep devotion , strong character and
other qualities. A precocious boy, narendra
excelled in music , gymnastics and studies.

in next slide


By the time he graduated from calcuta
university , he had acquired a vast knowledge of
different subjects, especially western philosophy
& history. Born with a yogic temperment, he used
to practise meditation even from his boyhood, &
was associated with bramho movement for some

With Sri Ramakrishna

Vivekananda's meeting with Ramakrishna was

a turning point in his life. Once thought by him

that ramkrishna looked like a normal person
with nothing remarkable about him. But he
was impressed by some of ramakrishnas
thoughts. But narendra did not belived some
of his thoughts. Vivekananda didnt believed
in idol worship but ramakrishna worshiped
maa kali.

With sri ramakrishna

In 1885 Ramakrishna developed throat

cancer & he was transfared to calcutta
an later cossipore. His disciples including
vivekanand took care of him in the final
days. During his final days ramakrishna
asked narendra to take care of the
monastic disciples and in turn asked
them to look narendra as their leader.
Ramakrishna died in he morninghours16
august 1886 at his garden in cossispore.

Inspiration for educating

While roaming around the country he

was deeply moved to see the poverty
and the backwardness of the masses.
He thought it was because of indias
downfall. So he thought there was need
of an organization and found
Ramakrishna mission.

His aims of education

O Swami Vivekananda wanted a education

system which focused on mainly the character

building & introduction of Vedic education with
western education .
O Education for him meant a process by which
character is formed, strength of mind is
increased, and intellect is sharpened, as a
result of which one can stand on their own feet
and make his or her own career.


Vivekananda laid a lot of emphasis on the
environment at home and school for the proper
growth of the child.
He said that the parents as well as the teachers
should inspire the child as per their life.
He recommended the old institution of gurukula for
teaching. In such systems, the students can have the
ideal character of the teacher constantly before
them, which serves as the role model to follow.

Vivekananda on western
He prescribed the learning of English and Sanskrit
He quoted :While English is necessary for mastering
Western science and
technology, Sanskrit leads
one into the depths of our vast store of classics. We
should not allow English to become a language of
just a mere handful of people of society.


Vivekanand(narendra) founded the

organization on 1st may 1897. this mostly
focused on social service such as running
hospitals rural development
centres,reabilation work for victims of
earthquake,cyclones and other disasters.
But he also founded many schools,
colleges and hostels all over the country.
This helped in educating people all over
the country.

This is picture of one of the

vivekanand college



died at ten minutes past nine p.m.

on 4 July 1902 while he was meditating.According
to his disciples, this was Mahasamadhi.Afterward,
his disciples recorded that they had noticed "a
little blood" in his nostrils, about his mouth and in
his eyes.The doctors reported that it was due to
the rupture of a blood-vessel in the brain, but
they could not find the real cause of the death.
According to his disciples, Brahmarandhrathe
aperture in the crown of the headmust have
been pierced when he attained Mahasamadhi.
Vivekananda had fulfilled his own prophecy of not
living to be forty years old. He was cremated on
sandalwood funeral pyre on the bank of Ganga in


His mission not only helped in

education but also for peace in the



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