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Heart Failure two types; Systolic and Diastolic. HF was often referred to
as CHF (congestive heart failure) because patients experience pulmonary
symptoms like fluid overload, and SOB- shortness of breath.

SYSTOLIC: weakening of the heart muscle/ reduced cardiac contractility

DIASTOLIC: impaired cardiac relaxation and abnormal ventricular filling

Ejection Fraction: volume of blood ejected with each contraction;

measured to help diagnose HF. Calculated end amt. of systole from end
amt. of diastole.
HF results from many cardiovascular conditions:
♥Valvular disease
♥Infection of the heart muscle
♥ETOH abuse
Myocardial dysfunction
Coronary Artery Disease, Cardiomyopathy,
Hypertension, Valvular Disorders

Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries, primary cause of HF,

and CAD found in 60% of patients with HF.

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the myocardium, 3 types:

dilated, hypertrophic, & restrictive.
Renals and Heart Failure
 Because of heart failure, your heart is ejecting less
blood than it should be to your pulmonary circuit
and thus, the rest of your body. Your renals and
other organs are not getting the oxygen-rich blood
they need. When the kidneys don’t work correctly,
fluid back up in the lungs and throughout the body.
 Toxins that the kidneys usually filter out are now
going back into your blood-stream (end-stage).
Signs and Symptoms
♥Know your BASELINES!

♥Weight gain
♥Shortness of Breath
♥Blood Pressure
♥Heart Rate
 ACE Inhibitor: BP and decreases strain on the heart. Makes it easier for heart to
pump and BF (blood flow).
 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker ARB: Same ace ACE inhibitor; may be prescribed
instead of ACE Inhibitor.
 Beta Blocker: BP and slows HR. Does so by altering hormones that damage the
heart. May strengthen heart’s pumping action over time.
 Diuretic:  excess fluid, edema- improve breathing. Less fluid means pump
won’t have to work as hard.
 Aldosterone Antagonist: alters hormones that are damaging the heart,  strain on
the heart. Given for advanced HF.
 Digoxin: HR, helps heart pump more blood with each beat- more oxygen-rich
blood to travel to the body.
 Hydralazine and Nitrate: BP and  how hard the heart has to work.
Stay Positive!
Keep active!

Eat a low sodium diet

*Remember water follows salt!

Stop smoking!

Don’t be afraid to call an ambulance if you are having chest


It’s possible to live a long time with heart “failure!”

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