The Life of Stevejobs

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The Life of Steve



Young Steven Jobs

The Beginning Of A Career
Smooth Sailing
The Downfall

Still Looking Up
The New Beginning
Portable Audio Revolution
More Successful Changes

Young Steven Jobs

Born on February 24th, 1955 in San

Francisco, California

Put up for adoption a week after birth

Adoption was finalized under the

condition that Steven would attend


Skipped 5th grade

Took his first electronics

class in high school

After school, attended lectures at the

Hewlett-Packard company where he
met Steve Wonzniak during work

Education (Cont.)

Graduated high school in 1972

Enrolled in Reed College in Oregon

Dropped out after one semester

Slept on his friends dorm room floor

and dropped in on classes of interest

The Beginning of A

Returned to California in 1974 and was

hired as a technician for Atari

Attended meetings at
Wozniaks Homebrew
Computer Club

Steve convinced Wozniak to work with

him in building computers


Born on April 1st, 1976

Apple I designed and prototype built

First single board computer with

built-in video interface

Apple (Cont.)

Apple II designed in the following year

Operating System loaded automatically

Smaller Components & built-in


In 1976, Jobs looked to hire a

public relations agency to help

Smooth Sailing

Most investors turned Apple down

Retired Intel executive Mike

Markkula decided to invest

Markkula became chairman

of Apple in May 1977

Smooth Sailing (Cont.)

Became publicly traded company in 1980

Launched LISA in 1983

First commercial
computer to use GUI

Unpopular due to its few software

programs and high price

Smooth Sailing (Cont.)

Macintosh created to compete with


Marketed for friendliness, not just a

mindless machine

Very popular sold approximately

70,000 Macs in the first 100 days

The Downfall

Sales began to plunge

Wozniak quit Apple in 1985

Board members of Apple met on May

28th, 1985 and each voted on the
removal of Steve from the company

Still Looking Up

After taking time off, Jobs wanted to

get back to Apple and his love for

Decided to start his own


Founded NeXT Computer in 1989

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

NeXT turned a profit for the first time

in 1992

NeXT software needed to be made

more reliable and compatible for

Company slowly starts going downhill

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

Jobs was criticized for wasting money

that belonged to the company in 1993

Closed a NeXT factory in that


Laid off half of the employees and

stopped making computers

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

Jobs had to make drastic decisions

Microsoft purchased NeXT software

Microsoft came up with $150 million

to stake in Apple

Saved a dying company.

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

Jobs management style had drastically


Relaxed and was open to suggestions

Employees commented that Jobs made

experimenting with electronics fun

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

Jobs began looking into alternatives

to Object Linking and Embedding

Created OpenDoc

Jobs was very serious about this

Still Looking Up (Cont.)

NeXT STEP software was being

turned into Mac OS X

Under Jobs guidance the company

increased sales

Introduced the iMac and other new


Still Looking Up (Cont.)

Jobs held the title of ICEO

Very influential impact on the Apple


By the year 2000, he created even

greater advances in new technology

The New Beginning

In early 2000, Pixar leads animated film


Later that month,

Jobs announced his
return to the CEO

Insisted on keeping his $1 annual salary

The New Beginning


Although his salary was low, the

company granted him ten million
shares of Apple stock worth
hundreds of millions

The New Beginning


First project as CEO was the G4 Cube

Was too expensive

and didnt satisfy a
certain market

Lasted only twelve

months in Apples line-up

The New Beginning


The next step for Steve was his

newest operating system, Mac OS X

The future of Apple

The New Beginning


Apple wanted software to sync up

digital devices

Was turned down by most companies

Jobs took matters into his own hands

and created iLife suite.

The New Beginning


In 2001, Jobs opened Apple retail

stores so customers could:

Try out computers

Test software
Meet with salespeople
This was a large risk but he knew that
people would want to buy them

Portable Audio

Less than a year after iTunes was released,

Apple released the iPod

Originally only for Mac users

In July 2002, the new iPod was

available for Windows users as

Sales skyrocketed and 75% of MP3 players

are iPods

Portable Audio Revolution


In eight weeks, five million songs

were sold on iTunes

Took over 80% of the legal music

downloading market

More Successful

June 6th, 2005, Jobs announced

switch from PowerPC chips to
Intel chips.

This would conserve

energy on PowerBook
and iBook

More Successful
Changes (Cont.)

October 2005, 5th generation of iPod was


Could play music

videos and TV shows

Jobs announced the

opening of the iTunes
video store


Pixar was Jobs second company

Swept the box office with

its animated films

On January 24th, 2006, Disney

bought out Pixar for $7.4 billion


Despite a recent scare with pancreatic

cancer, Jobs is back in health and doing
just fine

Jobs is an influential man who learned

his failures and gained
maturity from them

True role model

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