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Theories of forgetting (retrieval failure,

interference theory, motivated forgetting, decay)

The features of the forgetting curve as ( the

contribution of proactive and retroactive
interference effects in recall)

Organic causes of forgetting (amnesia both

anterograde and retrograde)

Memory decline over the lifespan

Memory enhancement though quality of encoding

(organisation) and the use of context dependent
cues, state dependent cues and mnemonic devices
(narrative chaining and method of loci)

Theories of Forgetting

Retrieval Failure Theory:

Suggests that many memories
are inaccessible because
memory cues that were present
when the memory was formed
are missing when the time
comes to retrieve it

Tip-of-the-tongue (TOT)
phenomenon: Having the
answer on the tip of your
tongue, you know the answer is
there but it is just out of reach

Theories of Forgetting

Retrieval Failure Theory:

Suggests that many memories
are inaccessible because
memory cues that were present
when the memory was formed
are missing when the time
comes to retrieve it

Tip-of-the-tongue (TOT)
phenomenon: Having the
answer on the tip of your
tongue, you know the answer is
there but it is just out of reach

Retrieval Cues

Any piece of information that

aids the retrieval of information
stored in LTM


Look at the list of words. Provide

three words for each word that
somehow relate to that word.

Place you name on your piece of

paper and hand it to the

Interference Theory

The tendency for new

memories to impair the
retrieval of older memories
and vice versa

Proposes that forgetting in

LTM results from other
memories interfering with the
retrieval of information
targeted for recall, especially
when memories are similar

Types of Interference

Retroactive Interference:
Refers to the tendency for new
information to interfere with the
retrieval of previously learned
information (think: retro =

Proactive Interference:
Refers to the tendency for
previously learned information
to interfere with the retrieval of
recently learned information
(think: proactive = forward)

Motivated Forgetting

Forgetting in LTM occurs because

of a conscious or unconscious
desire to block out painful or
threatening memories

Repression: Occurs
unconsciously or without your

Suppression: When you

actively and consciously attempt
to put something out of
awareness you could choose to
remember it

Limitations to Motivated

Has not been extensively

tested in laboratory

Other factors could account

for memory loss such as a
blow to the head or lack of

Decay Theory

Assumes that when learning

takes place a change occurs in
the brain a memory trace is
formed (physical/chemical
trace of the event)

Decay theory suggests that

these traces disintegrate over
time if they are not reactivated
for use

Only relevant to LTM

Limitations of Decay Theory

Fails to explain why some

memories fade and others are
maintained for life

Doesnt explain our ability to

recover seemingly forgotten
memories this can happen
through re-learning or a
retrieval cue

The Forgetting Curve

There is a normal curve for

forgetting new information

Hermann Ebbinghaus did

experiment on himself using
nonsense syllables

After 20 mins he remembered 70%

After 1 hour her remembered 54%

After 1 day he remembered 38%

After 2 days he remembered 28%

After a month remembered 21

Forgetting Curve

Rate and Amount of Forgetting

Curve is generally the same for

a variety of materials but can

Semantic memories tend to be


More meaningful information is

also forgotten less easily

How well information is encoded

influences rate and amount of
forgetting not affected by
difficulty of information

Organic Causes of Forgetting

When damage to the brain causes

abnormal functioning it is said to be
organic eg: blow to head, stroke,
tumour these can lead to
amnesia, a common form of
memory loss

Amnesia: temporary or permanent,

partial or complete loss of memory

Organic = caused by damage to


Dissociative = psychological

Amnesia: Anterograde Amnesia

Brain damage or trauma that

causes memory loss for
events occurring AFTER the
amnesia (antero = forward)

Sufferers are able to retrieve

LTMs but are unable to form
new ones

Extent of amnesia depends

on the extent of the injury

Amnesia: Retrograde Amnesia

Memory loss for events

occurring BEFORE the
amnesia (retro = backward)

Sufferers are unable to

remember events or
information related to the
past but are able to form new

Alzheimers Disease

Permanent, progressive and

debilitating form of dementia that
results from organic brain decay

Serious and permanent loss of

intellectual capacity that results
in confusion and loss of memory
especially for episodic and
semantic memories

Considered to be age-related, but

not always

Memory Decline over Lifespan

People remember more between the

ages of 10 and 30 why?

We experience new things

Physical abilities are high

Young adults have better recall but

recognition doesnt decline with age

Age results in more errors in recalling

meaningless information

Episodic memories more affected by age

Attitude affects memory recall in older


Memory Enhancement

Information not properly

encoded is more easily

Organising new information by

connecting it to LTMs increases
retrieval chances

Attending to information
ensures it will not be lost

Quality of encoding: Shallow:

physical structure, Moderate:
acoustic/phonetic qualities,
Deep: links new to old

Retrieval Cues

Encoding specificity
principle: the more closely
retrieval cues match original
condition the greater the
chance of recall

Context-dependent cue:
Our physical surroundings
during the learning

State-dependent cue: The

bodily state that exists during

Mnemonic Devices

Any kind of memory system or aid

Imagery: mental representations

or mental picture of something

Mental association: creating

connections between new and

Narrative chaining: links

unrelated items to create a
sequence of meaningful

Method of Loci: Mentally linking a

serious of locations to information
that needs to be recalled

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