Behavioral Components of Charisma

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Behavioral Components of

Hypothesis 1:
The behavioral components of charismatic leadership are
interrelated and as such they form a group of components.
Hypothesis 2:
Leaders are charismatic when their vision is highly discrepant
from the status quo yet remain within a latitude of acceptance
for their followers.

Hypothesis 3:
Charismatic leaders may take on high personal risk , incur high
cost, and engage in self sacrifice to achieve a shared vision.
Hypothesis 4:
Charismatic leader demonstrate expertise in transcending the
existing order through the use of unconventional and
extraordinary means.

Hypothesis 5
Charismatic leader engage in behaviors that are novel,
unconventional, counter normative, and as such, involve high
personal risk or high probability of harming their own self interest.
Hypothesis 6
Charismatic leader engage in realistic assessment of environmental
resources and constraints affecting the realization of their vision.
They implement innovative strategies when environmental
resources-constraint ratio is favorable to them.

Hypothesis 7:
Charismatic leaders portray the status quo as negative or
intolerable and future vision as the most attractive and
attainable alternative.
Hypothesis 8:
motivation to lead though expression of self confidence,
expertise, unconventionality, and concern for followers

Hypothesis 9:
Charismatic leader influence on their followers stem from the use
of their personal idiosyncratic power (expert and knowledgeable)
rather than use of their position power(legal, coercive and reward)
within the organization.
Hypothesis 10:
Charismatic leader use personal power over their followers
through superior, entrepreneurial, and exemplary behavior rather
than through consensus-seeking or directive behavior.

Hypothesis 11:
Charismatic leader act as reformer or agent of radical
changes and their charisma fades when they act as
administrator(care taker role) or manager(nudging role).

Hypothesis 12:
Contextual factors that cause potential follower to be disenchanted with
prevailing social order, or that cause followers to experience
psychological distress, although not a necessary condition for the
emergence of charismatic leader.
Hypothesis 13:
Under condition of relative social tranquility and lack of psychological
distress among followers, the action by a leader that foster or support an
attribution of charisma facilitate the elegance of that leader as
charismatic leader.

Validity of Framework
To validate the framework of this paper, two steps are

Behavioral and dispositional attributes of charismatic

leaders suggested in this framework require independent
empirical confirmation.
Discriminant validity of charismatic leadership construct
in this paper could be tested by demonstrating that a
dependent variable(e.g follower trust) is related to
charisma in different way than other leadership

If the behavioral components of charismatic leadership
can be isolated, It may be possible to develop these
attributes in managers.
Charismatic leadership is important for organizational
reforms, organization may wish to select managers on the
basis of charismatic characteristics.
The need for such selection procedure may be particularly
important for developing countries, where greater level of
organization change is necessary.


Attribution of Charisma
depend on four variables

Degree of discrepancy between status quo and future or vision

advocated by the leader
The use of innovative and unconventional means for achieving the
desired change
Realistic assessment of environment resources and constraints
Nature of articulation and impression management employed to
inspire subordinate in the pursuit of vision

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