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Evaluation of Production Practise

and Management Skills

By Fereshte A.Ghafar
Most Successful Aspect/Skill

The most successful, was that I found a lot of facts and figures for the production, I received a reply
Pre-Production from UCAS with a link that had all the statistics I needed. (
The statistic gave me some ideas on what angle I could take my documentary so it was a good idea
to email UCAS. Looking at the statistics I found out that only half of the amount of students who
applied for higher education got a placement since there weren’t enough placements and that not
everyone could afford the tuition fees. So this gave me the idea of the angle that I would take my
production towards.

During the filming the most successful aspect was that I filmed majority of my shot in one place,
Production which was an advantage because then I didn’t need to travel to 5 different locations. If you look at
my final production you can tell that majority of my conventions were filmed in one destination,
(filming) University of Westminster. ( )
Since all the convention were needed from pupils aged between 18-24 and areas of students
working or socialising, the best place was at a university. I managed to get some good interviews
with company's that were relevant in both ways for example if the student didn’t wish to continue
with higher education they could contact ‘notgoingtouni’ for help on what they could do.

During this unit I was most successful was my graphics. I had to create the graphics on fireworks, a
Post- software that I had haven’t used for a while, so It was a bit hard at the beginning since I had to
Production create each word or number on separate page so then it would look like I added transitions on it
since that couldn’t be done on the iMac. ( )
(editing) I also managed to find the right archive footage that I could use for my production. This footage
helped me decided on the type of background music I could use and gave me an advantage of
filling the 5 minute time limit since I didn’t have enough footage. This is the archive footage I used
for my production (
Less Successful Aspect/Skill
What I thought was less successful at first was the angle that I would take the documentary, for
Pre-Production example I would of based it on why students shouldn’t go into Higher Education. But that would
have been biased, and it was quite difficult to find information to back-up some of my points.

I was not able to get enough vox-pop to establish my audience feedback from the age group. I
Production intended to get vox-pop where students would be willing to give their point of view, but majority I
(filming) asked were shy or busy to answer a few of my questions so therefore I failed to get as many vox-
pops I would need but I managed to two form students who go to Westminster University. (0.23 –
1.00 of the video)
( )

For me editing, some parts of the documentary was less successful such as the transitions and the
Post- how the whole was cut and combined together to create a good pace of information given out to
Production the viewers, the audience.
( )
(editing) I was also a bit disappointed with the graphics, which took me several hours to create and once they
were on the documentary as whole you could not see some of the facts and figures clear since the
quality of the product was not good enough. (1:46 on the video)
( )

The amount of time I had for collecting all my research and getting interviews for my production
Pre-Production was realistic but what I wasn’t prepared for was the fact that some of my contributors cancelled
out on me, so therefore I had to find someone else to organise a date and time for an interview. (
) Once I received a reply from my contributor we had to negotiate on a time and date that we
both were available for, which was a bit difficult to get since I had school through the weekdays
and majority of my contributors could only do during those time I had missed a few lessons to get
the interviews that I would need to for production.

I filmed majority of my shots in time but I had to re-shoot some footage since I had some technical
Production problems with the sound or the angel of the shot or the lighting was not correct.
(filming) (
) One of the issue that I faced was the weather condition, because it stopped me from getting my
vox-pop which had to be from Ilford, since many students tend to be around there after school.

I was also short on time for editing since I was behind on filming so therefore I had a week to make
Post- sure everything was on time and the cutting and sound matched. I managed to organise where
Production everything would be and then I started cutting and making sure the documentary was not too long
or short, had to be near 5 minutes. If you look at my production log near the end you will notice
(editing) what I had to do and the different sources that were missing that were needed to be put into the
( )
Actors and crews
For Pre-production I had to received feedback form my audience age group to see what they
Pre-Production thought of my ideas, and to help me with some ideas of what I could put into my documentary and
the angle that I should take it. So it was useful and helpful to get from my audience age group male
and female.
I wrote out a list of people that were willing to help me with my production, majority helped but a
Production few couldn’t since they had booked an interview on the day that they were going to help me but I
(filming) managed to get all the filming done with the two assistants that helped me. The only problem we
had as a group was that we had to think about all three of us and not just one because we had to
help each other with their documentary filming and sound. Which was a good idea because we
filmed majority of our shots on one day, which gave time it think about what else we would need.
(Look at my Production Log for each month)
For post-production all that I needed was someone to do my voice over,. The person that I had
Post- chosen also took media and was in my class and since she was busy with her own work closer to
Production the deadline I decided to do my own voice over which was much more appropriate since I was the
presenter as well, and there weren’t much hustle to make sure that the person was free during my
(editing) class lesson so then she could help with my voice over. (watch my final production)
Equipment and Booking
Before I could star filming my documentary I had to think about what sort of equipments I would
Pre-Production need to combine and complete my whole production together. At this point I didn’t need to book
any equipment before hand. Just that I need to record my feedback that I received from my
08%3A00&max-results=7 )

Since I was not the only would be filming during the time period we had to book our equipments
Production beforehand just in case someone form my class or other classes would be using them as well
(filming) especially if you would be keeping the equipment over night.

At this stage I had to use the iMac and a computer to complete the whole piece together. First I
Post- loaded all the footage that I had filmed onto to the Mac so then I could arrange all the shots in
Production order and cut them to get the maximum time, which was 5 minutes. For the statistics I had to
created them on Macromedia Fireworks which then had to be transferred onto the Mac. Which
(editing) was hard because the writing or the colours would not contrast well together on the Mac as if
would on the computer.
( )
AT this stage I need to top-up my phone since I would be calling my contributors since I would
Pre-Production need to arrange a time and place to shoot the viewers that I require for the production. But
majority of my contributors called me when they received my e-mail that I had sent if they could
help with my production.

As I did an estimate of how much all the equipment would cost me I over estimated since I was
Production being precautious. I didn’t need to pay for to be able to shoot outside on the streets since I didn’t
(filming) need to, I didn’t need the dolly, red heads, refreshments and communication since I would tell the
crew where we would be meeting during our school time, so save money.

Since I was doing all the editing I didn’t need a professional to help, the voice over I used my own
Post- voice so that my audience wouldn't be confused with two different voice. I also didn’t need
Production refreshments or communication since I was doing the voice over myself, didn’t need anyone else.
(editing) 08%3A00&max-results=7)

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