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Foundation Portfolio

By Romany Ward
What I Will Cover In My
 Forms and conventions
 Institutions and potential distribution

 Audience

 Technologies

 Progression
Forms and Conventions
 The image:
The main image used here is a mid-shot central to
the magazine . The symbolism of this suggest that
she is important and is the main focus. Also the use
of eye contact engages with the reader appearing
more eye-catching overall.
Using a blurring effect on the right side of the image it
Provides represents the artist as new as she is coming into
Focus new to the scene.

Text Types:
The block capitals I have used are clear, bold and stand out.
The use of the Red in contrast to the dark background make
the magazine more striking and the colour scheme is
appropriate to the rock genre and the multi-use of the
colours show cohesion. My colour scheme was inspired by a
leading rock magazine “Uncut”.
Forms And Conventions 2
 Brand:
The other artists mentioned on my cover are relevant to the
Rock genre and fit with my magazines tradition of promoting a
Variety of rock bands/artists to appeal to a wider audience.
The tagline encompasses both catchy and memorable into 4
Words making it a unique aspect.

The quote from the artist creates a callout grabbing the
attention of the reader. The blue colour this is presented in is
the antithesis of the red not only making it stand out more but

reinforcing the sense of variety my magazine presents.

Forms And Conventions 3
 Brand Identity:
My magazine is
called “Stringed” taken from the
idea of strings on a guitar as a
central musical instrument to the
rock genre.

 Column inch:
I placed less important text at the sides
as it is a secondary feature, intended to be read once
the reader is drawn in.
 If my magazine were to be published, and distributed to
an industry standard I believe that it would be by a company
like “Future Publishing” as although its current magazines
Classic Rock and Metal Hammer focus mainly on music from
the 80s-90s more people would be interested in purchasing a
rock varied magazine. Also it includes articles and reviews of
contemporary and upcoming artists it deems worthy of note,
as my magazine aims to do. For “Future Publishing”, Despite
starting as a one-off project it has become one of the UK's
best selling music magazines, and attracts much attention
and respect of many of classic rock's biggest names. It
recently published it 100th issue and now has a higher
circulation than NME.
 My artist Day-Si represents
readership for my magazine.
Her central positioning shows
importance and is arranged
as if she is emerging from a
hiding place representative of
her being newly
discovered. And the dark
Foresty mis-en-scène appears
Edgy and mysterious.
I believe that my Stringed
magazine targets to main
 Primary: NRS social grade C1- lower middle
class, supervisory, clerical, junior managerial,
administrative or professional. Those likely to spend
income on my magazine (£2.49) aged between 16-
35. And those with a passion for Rock music.
 Secondary: older people with possibly more of
an interest for classic rock not excluding younger
teens (social grade E). This group is important for
brand loyalty so that they continue to buy the
Addressing The Audience
 Primary audience:
 A reasonable price
 Promotion of up and coming bands and solo artists.
 Exclusive features such as interviews with popular rockers.
 Competitions addressing the audience and seeking to loyalty
to the magazine.

 Secondary Audience:
 Lowered subscription fee for students.
 Pullouts and posters as incentive.
Important Features Of
Contents Page
 Graphology: Using various eye-
catching imagery, bold font
styles and colours I intended
my contents page to be attention
grabbing as having more writing it need
to stand out still to hold the readers
 Text: It had to be keywords to
ensure the readers have something to
look forward to when reading the
features and so that there’s enough space
to advertise all the features.
Important Features Of Article
 The unique title: The
black and white contrast stands
out. It is clear and bold so that it
is the first thing to be read.
 The quotes: The
importance of the quotes advertise
the key points in the article that
make the reader compelled to read

 The colour scheme: red writing on a contrasting black

background I thought was effective as it stands out and fits with the rock
theme and my magazine colour pallet.
What I’ve Learnt About
 I have learnt skills when using Photoshop and
now feel confident in editing pictures to an
almost professional standard.
 I have also learnt how to use Indesign which
was useful in the construction of my article.
 In addition to this I have learnt how to
upload my work to an online blog using
Blogger and Scibd.
Helpfulness Of The
preliminary Task
 Completing this preliminary task taught me
what was expected in creating a successful
magazine, such as the importance of
compilation and font types. (font and
background readable).
 Also how to target specific audiences.
(conducting surveys).
 The usefulness of time management
completing the tasks to deadlines.
 Finally, the importance of professional

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