Improved & Alternate Projects For Flood Recovery and Reinvestment

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Improved & Alternate

Projects for Flood Recovery

and Reinvestment
Improved/Alternate Project
• May 26th, 2008 was the FEMA
declaration of disaster
• We need to identify a list of alternate
projects for each of the repair/replace
project worksheets
• Need to “over fund” list of projects
• We have up to 4 years to spend it
Improved - Alternate Projects
Project Name Eligible $   Alternate Demo Residual Improved
Sinclair Site 20,743,944   18,876,989 0 18,876,989 18,876,989
Sanitary Sewer- SW Quadrant 14,139,452 * 12,866,901 0 12,866,901 14,139,452
Hydro-Facility 5:1 Dam 13,786,951   12,546,126 200,000 12,346,126 13,786,951
Sanitary Sewer- NW Quadrant 10,499,859 * 9,554,872 0 9,554,872 10,499,859
Sanitary Sewer- SE Quadrant 7,457,675 * 6,786,484 0 6,786,484 7,457,675
Sanitary Sewer- NE Quadrant 4,491,811 * 4,087,548 0 4,087,548 4,491,811
Five Seasons Transportation Bus Garage 2,686,000   2,444,260 200,000 2,244,260 2,486,000
Quality Chef 2,197,224   1,999,474 375,000 1,624,474 1,624,474
Time Check Recreation Center 1,820,173   1,656,357 75,000 1,581,357 1,745,173
First Street Parkade 1,338,225   1,217,785 350,000 867,785 988,225
Forestry Complex 896,023   815,381   815,381 896,023
Transit Annex (old fire station) 377,497   343,522   343,522 377,497
Sokol Park & A Street Shop 351,403   319,777   319,777 351,403
Caboose Shelter 33,272   30,278   30,278 33,272

 Totals $80,819,509   $73,545,754   $72,345,754 $77,754,804

*Highly Speculative Figures
Improved Pick-Up $5,409,051
Improved Projects

• Reinvestment of a Repair Project

Worksheet at full capped value for the
same purpose or function.
• Example – 5:1 Dam Hydro Plant converted
to Wind Turbines
• Example – Fluidized Bed Incinerator at WPC
to a Waste-to-Energy Facility
Improved Projects Advantages
• We capture the full FEMA Reimbursement
Benefit without taking the 19% Penalty
• It Replaces or Improves upon a City function
or service that was in use prior to the flood.
• Example – 1st Street Parkade, Reinvestment
into improved Operations
Alternate Projects

• Reinvestment of 81% of the value of a

repair project worksheet for most public
• Examples: Sinclair Site could be reinvested:
Economic Development, Deferment of
Operating Expenses-Tax Relief.
Alternate Projects
• Reinvests dollars from an idle or under
utilized asset/function into a new
• Flexibility
• Take the 19% hit
• Can restrict future use of the site
Project Process
• Projects less than $25,000 City Manager
and Directors could allocate
• Improved efficiency, lower operating
• Improved Customer Service
• Increased reliability
List of all Staff Identified
projects and gaps
•Bus Garage Sustainable upgrades and functional improvements
•Bus shelters
•Communicate and implement roadway maintenance
•Community Resource Centers
•Conduct one-way to two-way street conversion study (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Avenues; 7th & 8th
•Connection of 6th St and Ellis
•Create a comprehensive transportation plan
•Enhance Skywalk
•Extend 14th Ave SE to St. Wenceslaus
•Extend 2nd Street SE from 14th Ave SE to Otis Road
•Extend CEMAR Trail from Cedar Lake Loop to 29th St NE
•Extend/build more trails
•Fire - replacing fire station for Station #3, at 1424 B Avenue NE
List of all Staff Identified
projects and gaps
•Jacolyn Park Detention Basin NW
•More efficient buses
•Multi-Generational Community Center
•Parks and Recreation - increase the square footage of the new Time Check Center
•Parks and Recreation -large rental and program facility
•Public Works Building Sustainable upgrades and functional improvements
•Raise Ellis/Edgewood intersection
•Realign east end of F Ave NW to connect to A Ave NW
•Relocate Forestry building functions to Public Works Site
•Repair Coe Road NE Retaining Wall
•Repair flood damaged sidewalks
•Solid Waste Building Sustainable upgrades and functional improvements
•Streetscape improvement to 5th Street SE
List of all Staff Identified
projects and gaps
•Streetscape Improvements on 10th St from A Avenue NE to 8th Avenue SE
•Streetscape Improvements on 3rd Street SE (Quality Chef area
•Streetscape Improvements to 14th Avenue SE
•Streetscape improvements to 1st Street SE
•Streetscape improvements to 1st Street SW
•Streetscape Improvements to 6th Street SW
•Streetscape Improvements to 8th Avenue SE
•Streetscape Improvements to C Street SW
•Streetscape Improvements to Ellis Boulevard
•Streetscape Improvements to  12th Avenue SE and SW
•Streetscape Improvements to  1st Avenue
•Streetscape Improvements to  2nd Avenue SE
•Streetscape Improvements to  2nd Avenue SW
•Streetscape Improvements to  2nd Street SE
•Streetscape Improvements to  3rd Avenue SE
List of all Staff Identified
projects and gaps
•Streetscape Improvements to  3rd Avenue SW
•Streetscape Improvements to  3rd Street SE
•Streetscape Improvements to  5th Avenue SW
•Streetscape Improvements to  Diagonal Drive SW
•Streetscape Improvements to  F Avenue NW
•Streetscape Improvements to  I Avenue  NW
•Streetscape Improvements to  K Avenue  NW
•Streetscape Improvements to  O Avenue NW

•Vinton Ditch Improvements from 15th Street NW to Edgewood Road NW

Council’s Strategic goals
Flood Recovery and Protection
Dynamic and Diverse Neighborhood
Vibrant Downtown
City Financial Strength
A Sustainable Community: Economically,
Environmentally, and Socially
Citizen Involvement
Reinvest and Maintain Public Infrastructure
Council’s Potential Criteria
for Project Prioritization
• Job Growth and Economic Development
• Deferred Operation Expenses/Tax Relief
• Increased Efficiency of existing facilities
• Reserve for gap funding for repair of existing facilities
• Increase Programming Space of existing facilities
Council Consideration for Next Steps
• Schedule a Brown Bag to begin prioritizing
funding to be spent on Improved/Alternate
Projects in May.
• Adoption of a resolution of Alternate/Improved
Projects with ranked priorities in early June.
• Need to provide FEMA a finalized list sometime in
June 2010.
City’s Vision Statement

• A vibrant urban hometown – a beacon

for people and business invested in
building a greater community for the
next generation.

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