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Start A Discussion

want to discuss with other consultant to on some drawing or sketches to get their feedback. In ASITE you do it creating a

y want to start a discussion on a) a new file upload or b) annotate an existing file on ASITE and start a discussion

a) a new file uploaded

To start a discussion on a new file, first upload the file in your selected folder.
To start a discussion on a new file, first upload the file in your selected folder.

orm as shown below will pop up. Fill in the required information and click Submit. If you want additional attachment for
information, click Attachment to attach other files.

Start A Discussion
Annotate existing file and start discussion

you want to annotate the existing file and start a discussion, open the file by clicking it. The file will open on another tab

Select New from the Annotate dropdown list

Select appropriate tool from the left toolbars to annotate.

Click the Save icon on top left to save the annotation.

Start A Discussion
Annotate existing file and start discussion

Click on the Distribute icon on top right to pop up the distribute form.

the recipients and click Distribute to Start a New Discussion on the issue. Note that you cannot write any details in the m
u can annotate on the file to explain the details.

Note that you cannot write any details in the message body. You can annotate on the
file to explain the details, as illustrated below

General Correspondence

y want o send a message to others like the way you do in outlook by writing message in the message box.

ASITE you communicate with other by creating a project form.

Select the Project Forms, as shown below. Then select the related project.

lect General Correspondence under the Correspondence folder and click on Creat Form button.

General Correspondence

ral Correspondence Form will be displayed as shown below. Select the recipients and write your message in Details bo

General Correspondence

hat you can assign action to the recipient and set deadlines for him to respond. The default action is For Information, w
valent to cc in outlook

ct respond from the dropdown list for the recipient if you want him to respond on the issue within the set deadline.


ay want to issue a set of drawings to other consultant. Drawings are issued as Transmittal in ASITE

ect Transmittal under General Correspondence folder by following the steps as illustrated below.

Click on the Create form button to display the transmittal form


ect Transmittal under General Correspondence folder by following the steps as illustrated below.

3. Fill the required details in the form.

attach the files that you want to transmit, Click More Options button on top right and select Associate Docs


ck Associate and browse the folders to locate the files that you want to transmit.

natively, instead of selecting Transmittal as explained in step 1, directly select files that you want to transmit.


After selecting the files, right click- new Start Workflow.

r selecting Start Workflow, following form will be displayed. Select Transmittal in the form.
hat you can send General Correspondence in similar manner with the attachments).


Complete the form and click Send button to issue the transmittal

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