Situation Ethics

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The New Morality?


ú ociated with Jo eph Fletcher (who coined

the phra e)

Fletcher wa an úerican Chri tian prie t (1905-


He renounced hi faith in later life and becae

an athei t.

Hi book Situation Ethic wa publi hed in


To under tand SE it i nece ary to have oe

knowledge of it context.

Fletcher root hi idea in the very root of

Chri tianity ² the go pel account of Je u 
teaching but iportantly not in the traditional
teaching of the Chri tian Church.

To properly under tand it let do a pot of Bible

ba hing and look at Mark go pel.


~egali tic Ethic . There i a code of oral law.

Your duty i to follow thi code no atter how

úntinoian Ethic . There are no rule . Do

whatever you feel like doing.

Situation Ethic . Only one rule: follow the o t

loving cour e of action.

One Sabbath Je u wa going through the grain field  and a hi

di ciple walked along they began to pick oe head of grain.
The Phari ee aid to hi "~ook why are they doing what i
unlawful on the Sabbath?"

He an wered "Have you never read what David did when he

and hi copanion were hungry and in need? In the day of
úbiathar the high prie t he entered the hou e of God and ate
the con ecrated bread which i lawful only for prie t to eat.
únd he al o gave oe to hi copanion ."

Then he aid to the "The Sabbath wa ade for an not

an for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man i ~ord even of the

Thi took place on the Sabbath

On the Sabbath it wa forbidden to«


To thi day certain Orthodox Jew will ob erve thi rule

to a very high degree.

The witching on of light would be forbidden on the

Sabbath for exaple.

In thi tory Je u  di ciple are critici ed for picking

corn on the Sabbath a they walk through a field on
their way to the ynagogue. Technically thi i
harve ting.

Je u  re pon e to thi critici  fro the

Phari ee i twofold.

Fir t he cite a precedent King David en

breaking a religiou rule due to hunger.

But the econd i ore ignificant for our

purpo e . Je u ay that "The Sabbath wa
ade for an not an for the Sabbath. So the
Son of Man i ~ord even of the Sabbath."

The coandent are not to be followed lavi hly a

if life i a gae of Sion ( or Jehovah) Say and that
heaven i a reward for tho e who obey.

The coandent are there for the benefit of

huankind and that he Je u ha di cretion over how
they hould be interpreted.

What ight have been the original intention of the

coandent forbidding work on the Sabbath?


In another pa age Je u ay thi ..

"The o t iportant one" an wered Je u  "i thi : 'Hear O I rael the ~ord our God
the ~ord i one. ~ove the ~ord your God with all your heart and with all your oul and
with all your ind and with all your trength. 'The econd i thi : '~ove your neighbour
a your elf. There i no coandent greater than the e."

For Fletcher thi ha enorou ignificance.

For Chri tian all of the coandent are to be een

in the light of love.

When a Chri tian act they hould follow the cour e of

action that lead to the o t love being hown.
| |  

«the only rule i that you hould act in the way that
re ult in the o t love being hown. (~ove i the law)

«a no two ituation are exactly alike thi need to be

recon idered every tie. On oe occa ion you ay
have to tell the truth on other you hould not. It ju t
depend on the Situation«(hence the nae)

«all you need i love (no Fletcher wa nt a Beatle) but

it wa the ixtie .
V 6  !



Po itivi 

Per onali 
| V" 6  !

Only one thing i intrin ically good naely love:

nothing el e at all.

The ruling nor of Chri tian Deci ion i love: nothing

el e.

~ove and Ju tice are the ae for love i ju tice

di tributed nothing el e.

~ove will the neighbour good whether we like hi

or not.

Only the end ju tifie the ean  nothing el e.

~ove deci ion are ade ituationally not

pre criptively.

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