Media Studies Foundation Portfolio Evaluation

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Media studies foundation

portfolio evaluation
Aimee Lynn
The project itself…
Evaluation of
contents page.
Front cover photos.

Contents page
mock up.

Front cover
Contents page
Preliminary task.

(School magazine)

Evaluation of front
cover. Front cover Production.

Finished front cover.

Audience feedback.
Preliminary task….

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Preliminary task continued….
Step 4
The project itself….
Produce a double
page spread to link in EVALUATE!
Plan of double
with front cover and
page spread
contents page. Pitch of ideas for music
Sketches of double
page spread.
Research into other
music magazine front
covers which suited to
my music genre.

Research into music Final Task

magazines; double
page spreads.
(Music Magazine)
Front cover

Produce a
contents page to Research into suitable
link with your fonts for my music
front cover. magazine.

To produce a
Contents page Research into
music questionaire.
sketches. Produce a
magazine front cover
contents for a music Take photos for music
pages magazine. magazine.

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation
 In this presentation I intend to cover and
evaluate the following criteria:
 Forms and conventions
 Institutions and potential distribution
 Audiences
 Technologies
 progression
Forms and Conventions
Column inch&
Main picture: sell lines:
•Placed in the centre of the •Short and simple,
cover to grab attention from because of my
perspective buyers. younger target
•Picture bleeds
•Variety of fonts
•Long shot of popular artist.
and coloured used
•Image runs with my initial to keep it bright
pitch of ideas. Young, fun, and fresh.
bright etc.
•Shows smaller
•Use of bright colours. Also articles which are
helping relate to my situated in the
magazines ideas. magazine.
•The pose and use of props •I also used
also helps grab attention. pictures because
of my target
•With some of the
sell lines I placed a
box around them
to make them
bolder and stand
out more.
Forms and conventions continued….
Brand identity & Text:
Brand : •The text used in the
•The font I used is centre of the page is
called ‘Bumbazoid’.I used to draw attention to
used this font as the main article of the
linked with the title of magazine. Quoting one
my magazine and the of the main lines in the
idea of my magazine. interview.
The Second font used •The different shades of
is sketchy and looks purple have been used
informal. as they work well with
•The Tagline is short colours of the models
and catchy. also linking with my
colour scheme of bright
•The Title of my pastel colours.
magazine is ‘Bubble
Pop’ linking with the •The bold rounded font
genre of music used helps run with the
magazine. idea of my magazine.
•The other fonts which
frame the main image
are all bold and eye
Production of front cover…
•The mise-en-scene of the main and
central image is loud and eye catching
therefore attracting attention and
grabbing readers attention. Also the
central placing of the image signifies
and represents the artists importance
within this particular article.
•The sell lines linking to this particular
artist are also central signifying her
importance, where as the other
images and sell lines frame her image
again linking to the artists fame and
Preliminary task – Main task
Contents page production….

Double page spread….
Attracting my target audience
 I believe I have targeted my target audience
particularly well throughout my main task in
different ways.
 Using a colour scheme that will appeal to my target
audience. (Bright pastel colours)
 My Front cover- kept busy, bright and alive. The
mise-en-scene of my central image is young and
fresh connoting youth.
 My Contents page- Simple, tidy and easy to read.
Unlike the front cover I kept it tidy as the contents
page is there to inform.
 Double page spread- Simple question and answer
format, short chatty answers.
 IPC media (International
publishing company UK
ltd) would be the ideal
media company for
distributing and
publishing ‘Bubble Pop’
 IPC is one of Britain’s
leading consumer
magazine and digital
publishers therefore ideal
in distributing my music
magazine across Britain.
What I have learnt…
 Photoshop and In Design
 Before I started this task I had limited
experience with any adobe products.
 How to navigate my way around
Photoshop and use the basic tools
such as the ‘magic eraser’ tool and
the selection tool. As well as doing
basic tasks such as brightening up
the lighting and contrast of any
 I found working with In design very
difficult, as it was something
completely knew to me however I
managed to work my way through
many obstacles by using mostly trial
and error. However I did improve
my knowledge of the product by
doing simple things such as the
colour change, auto shapes tool and
fiddling around with fonts and
What I have learnt continued…
 Camera skills.
• Don’t use flash!

• Naturalistic lighting works best.

• Use a tripod for a steady and non

blurred picture.

• Make sure there is no unwanted

obstacles or props in your photo.

• Distancing of camera shots.

Thank you for listening 
Any questions?

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