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{worked as an assistant professor in the Department of
Nursing, ouisiana state University, New Orleans
{became an instructor in psychiatric and mental health
nursing in the Department of Nursing ducation at New
York University
{a professor at the University of Mississippi School of
Nursing in Jackson

{finally at Hotel Dieu School of Nursing in New Orleans

{received her diploma in nursing from Charity Hospital,
New Orleans
{graduated at Yale with a master of science in Nursing
{She died at a relatively young age in   at age 4
while beginning doctoral study
À@nterpersonal spects of Nursing in  and   OOK
ÀHer work is also influenced by the philosophy of existentialism

ÀShe acknowledged @da Orlando͛s influence on her work and extended interpersonal
relationship theory of Peplau

À ravelbee believed nursing is accomplished through human to human relationships

that begins with:
the original encounter

emerging identities

developing feelings of empathy

later feelings of sympathy
he nurse and patient attain a rapport in the final stage
î |  

n interpersonal process whereby the professional nurse practitioner assist the

individual or family to prevent or cope with the experience of illness and
suffering and if necessary to assist the individual or family to find meaning in
these experiences

Health includes the individual͛s perceptions of health and the absence of disease

Not Defined

 unique, irreplaceable individual who is in a continuous process of becoming,

evolving, and changing

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3 ravelbee based her theoretical formulations on existentialist

3she used the concepts of stages of development of the nurse patient relationship,
stages of suffering
, tasks to be mastered, constant change and development and the
becoming nature

3Nurse and patient undergo several stages to achieve the goal of nurse patient





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Data collection and analysis
motional knowledge colors impressions and
perceptions of both nurse and the patient during initial

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Summary statement based on nurse both the nurse and patient begin to transcend their
analysis with possible patient respective roles and perceive uniqueness in other
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Mutually set outcome and goals this phase involves sharing another͛s psychological
state but standing apart and not sharing feeling
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Plans initiated the move toward sharing feeling and experiencing what others are
achievement of mutually set goals feeling and experiencing is accomplished
May accomplished by patient, health
care professional or patient͛s family
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ased on mutually established all previous phase culminate in the rapport defined as
expected behaviors those experiences, thoughts and attitudes that both
May lead termination of relationship nurse and patient undergo and are able to perceive,
or initiation of new plans share and communicate
C@ Y
ravelbee͛s theory is clear because it only focuses on the relationship between the
nurse and the patient

he theory is simple to understand
the nurse and the patient needs to satisfy the
stages in order for them to reach the goal
establishing rapport

N@ Y
he theory according to ravelbee is specially designed for psychiatric patients

However it could also be used for different patients in the hospital setting

ravelbee does not appear to develop her propositions using findings of research
he theory has the potential for use in practice within the limitations of the scope

3only to individual patients who are ill and suffering

3who are conscious

3who are willing to invest in the development of rapport
3who participate in finding meaning in and making decisions about care
 patient was admitted to the hospital due to
 Nurse was assigned to take
care of the patient
Upon reading the chart
and the history of the patient, the Nurse
visited the patient, for the first time the
nurse saw the patient, vice versa
he Nurse
greeted the patient with enthusiasm but the
patient was staring blank at the Nurse with
no sense of wanting to live anymore, this is
according to the Nurse͛s ssessment of the

Upon doing the assessment, the Nurse
identified that the patient is within the
probability of having suicide
So the nurse
formulated a Nursing Care Plan NCP
regarding suicide precautions for the
Made an agreement for a Non
suicidal contract
fter such time that the Nurse interacted with
the patient, the patient finally shared
something to the nurse
he Nurse kept silent
and listened to the patient attentively
Nurse showed his concern to the patient by
staying with the patient and listened to his
he patient is scheduled to have an C
Nurse knowing that it will be a painful
procedure to the patient, made a Nursing Care
Plan regarding the care for post C patients

he Nurse remembered his brother who was

also a depressed patient who undergone C
last years ago
he Nurse felt sympathy for
the patient that he didn͛t leave the patient till
he recovers from the C procedure
he Nurse and the patient developed a special
bonding that the patient quickly recovered
from his state of depression

he Diagram shows a young man trying to be the perfect son for his father
His father is a
wealthy man that owns a multibillion company that he will manage soon
ll his life, his
father was stern to him that led to proving himself all the time
One day his father
accidentally read his diary knowing all the emotions that was inside of him all those years
but didn͛t finish reading it because he arrived
#-"% $) -% !( ! $'!%,, that͛s
when the father realized that all those years he͛d been hard to his son and didn͛t really
know him at all, He decided to get to know his son on a father son relationship and vice
#-"% $) %! %!%", that͛s the time when the son verbalized his feeling
through those struggling years to make his father proud of him, how frustrated he was to be
the perfect son for him, the father kept silent and listened to his son attentively with the act
of care and compassion
#-"% $) &-/, when they arrived home the father felt guilty
and ashamed of himself for mistreating his son like that and sympathized for him
He then
promised to himself that he will change the way he treat his son
#-"% $) /&-/,
from that day onwards the Father and he Son solidify their bonding and making his son
more active in their multibillion company and when the time comes that the father retires,
his son will be able to manage the company with efficiency and precision with the help of
his loving father beside him #-"% $) &&$,
 1 î   2

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