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for Largo High School SY 2010-2011

Great Expectations is a series of proposals that are

intended to increase student leadership, strengthen student
involvement in school affairs, and to help establish a positive
image both inside and outside the school community for the
PGCPS School Year 2010-2011.

Written by the members of the

Largo High School Student Government Association
SY 2009-2010
Topics that will be discussed in this presentation
 Strengthening Student Leadership
 Reformation of the Student Government
 Creation of a “Department of Student Planning and Coordination”
 Creation of an “Assembly of Student Representatives”
 Continuation of the Freshman Mentoring Program
 Plan to centralize student led organizations

 Increasing Student and Community Involvement

 Ideas for strengthening community involvement
 Enactment of a “Community Improvement Day”
 Stronger voices from PTSA
 Bringing Back “Dress Down Days”
 Proposal of New Organizations
1.11 - Reformation of the Student Government

 Creation of a “Department of Student Planning and Coordination”

 This department will assist the school administration in planning and
coordinating student events such as dances, social, and fundraisers.
 This department is a non-for-profit organization.
 This department will be headed by a Chairman, Vice Chairman,
Secretary and Treasurer.
 The officers of the department will work with the SGA officers in
preparing for events both inside and outside the school. The
members of the department can be comprised of members and
officers of other student led organizations as well as students who
don’t participate in any other extracurricular activities.
 This department will be an auxiliary of the SGA; therefore, it will not
replace the SGA’s role as being the primary representatives of the
school and to the school administration.
 Members of this department will have an opportunity to gain student
service hours from their service in helping plan and coordinate
student events.
1.12 - Reformation of the Student Government

 Creation of a “Assembly of Student Representatives”

 This assembly will help make the LHS-SGA model the
government that is practiced in the United States government;
in other words, if the “Assembly” is approved for creation, the
LHS-SGA will have an “executive” branch comprising of the
SGA officers, and a bicameral “legislature” branch comprising
of two “assemblies”.
 (Assembly of Officers) – Class officers
 (Assembly of Student Representatives) – Student reps
from all classes.
 This assembly should comprise of the student representatives
that are chosen by the Student Government officers. Look at
model on next slide.
1.13 - Reformation of the Student Government

SGA Executive Officers

Assembly of (Class) Officers Assembly of (Student) Representatives

Department of Student Planning and Coordination

 In summary, the LHS-SGA should be comprised of 65 members –

5 SGA Executive Officers (SGA Pres., SGA Vice Pres., SGA
Secretary, etc.); 20 class officers (5 officers from each class –
Class Pres., Class Vice Pres., Class Secretary, etc.); and 40
Student Representatives (10 from each class). The student
representatives (select, but not all) will be invited to participate in
SGA field trips, affairs, and PGRASG assemblies.
1.13 - Reformation of the Student Government (continued)

 There should be a mechanism that ejects any

representative or officer from seat if needed to.
 If decided to, a 5-person tribunal (made of the SGA
executive officers) should vote on whether or not said
person deserves to be ejected from office.
 If voted for, a write-up will be given to SGA Advisor &
Principal for approval.
 If approved, the member will be impeached and
replaced promptly.
1.2 - Continuation of the Freshman Mentoring Program

 The Freshman Mentoring Program (FMP) was a successful

idea where senior students assist in helping freshman
students transition from middle school to high school. It
should be able to continue on through SY 2010-2011.
 FMP should be able to have a convention day in the first
two weeks of SY 2010-2011 that will have Freshman
Mentors and Mentees participate in games and activities
that will teach them about standard high school life,
prepare for HSA’s, and introduce study skills and habits
that will help ensure good grades. This convention will be
called the “Freshman Symposium”.
 FMP should have a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,
and Treasurer.
1.23 - Plan to Centralize Student Led Organizations

 List of Known Organizations

 Academy of Finance Strand
 Biotechnology Institute Strand &
 National Honor’s Society
 Key Club
 Drama Club
 Freshman Mentoring Program
 Choir
 Art Appreciation Club
 Vanity Inc. Fashion Club
 Spanish Appreciation Club
 Yearbook Committee
 The Lion’s Roar Newspaper Club
1.23 - Plan to Centralize Student Led Organizations

 Student organizations do often overlap in roles, and in ideas

 This plan will help avoid confusion as to “which organization is doing

what, and which organization is sponsoring what”

 Some organizations have the option to work independently or to

collaborate with other organizations

 Collaborating organizations should have to pay a 5% tax of all

proceeds to Largo High School’s General Treasury, and if decided
to, split other 95% of proceeds among themselves or donate to
other non-profited organizations
2.1 – Ideas for Strengthening Student Involvement
 In order to increase student and community involvement,
there should be an annual community improvement day.
 This “community improvement day” is a convention focused
on bringing the surrounding communities together and
providing food and recreation.
 Also to discuss environmental issues, student truancy, and
crime. Convention should be held either at LHS or PGCC.
(LHS is preferred)
 PTSA should be more involved in school sponsored
activities, and should continue meeting on a monthly basis.
Stronger voices from PTSA is essential in influencing
student as well as administrative opinions.
2.12 – Ideas for Strengthening Student Involvement
 Many students complain about not having “dress down
days”. Dress down days should be earned by the
students according to their behavior, and timeliness to
 At least once monthly
 provided that students are well behaved throughout
the month.
 Provided that the number of absences and tardies are
below 15% each month
 There are not enough student activities that serve as
special occasions for certain days and events.
 There should be more dances (especially for
Valentines Day, Winter Formal, and Spring Casual.)
 An annual homecoming parade should be held each
homecoming. This parade should be carefully
financed and planned with accuracy in order to
prevent cancellation.
2.13 – Ideas for Strengthening Student Involvement

 Proposal of New Organizations

 Student Humanitarian League of Largo High
 Cultural Connection Committee (C)³

These organizations, as well as others, should not be

bound to the property of Largo H.S. They should be
able to advertise and fundraise at local churches,
schools, and commercial venues around Greater
Upper Marlboro.
Thank You
This presentation was from the members of the Student
Government Association of Largo High School

Largo High School

“Where Failure is Not an Option”
505 Largo Road
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774


Marcus Watson – Incumbent SGA Vice President

email –

Angelique Simpson-Marcus, Ed.S.

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