Rizals Grand Tour of Europe With Viola

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Rizals Grand
Tour of
Europe with


The Tour Begins

May 11, 1887, they

left Berlin by train.

They are going

to Dresden.

Went to floral exhibit
Visited Dr. Adolph B. Meyer
Visited Museum of Art

- Prometheus Bound

At floral exhibit,
they met
Dr. Feodor Jagor.

They left Dresden and went to

Teschen as next stopover. They
sent wire to Blumentritt.

Leitmeritz, Bohemia
May 13, 1887 at 1:30pm, they arrived in

the railroad station where Prof. Ferdinand

Blumentritt was there.

Blumentritt helped the two get a

room at Hotel Krebs.
They stayed there from May 13-16,

Memories in Leitmeritz
Enjoying the warm hospitality of the
Blumentritt family.
Rizal met the burgomaster (town mayor)
They went to a beer garden
in Bohemia.
They attended a meeting
of the Tourists Club of
Leitmeritz where Blumentritt was the
He met Dr. Carlos Czepalak, a Polish scholar.
He was introduced to Prof. Robert Klutschak, a
well-known scholar.

Last night in Leitmeritz, they proposed a

dinner to Blumentritts family at their hotel.

May 16, at 9:45 am, they left

Leitmeritz by train.

Rizal and Viola visited the historic city of

Prague and carried letters of recommendation

to Dr. Willkoman
Dr. Willkoman- professor of natural history in

the University of Prague from Blumentritt.

Tomb of Copernicus- the famous astronomer

Rizal and Viola has visited

Vienna- the capital city of Austria-Hungary.
On May 20, Rizal and Viola arrived in the

beautiful city of Vienna

Queen of the Danube- a name for Vienna

because of the beautiful buildings, religious

images, haunting waltzes, and majestic charm

Norfenfals- one of the greatest novelists in

In Vienna, Rizal received a diamond stickpin,

which was forwarded by Blumentritt

Danubian Voyage To Lintz

On May 24, they visited Vienna on a riverboat

to see the beautiful sights of Danube River

From Lintz to Rheinfall

The river voyage ended in Lintz and they they

traveled overland to Salzburg

They then Proceeded to Munich where they

savor the famous Munich beer

Nuremberg- one of the oldest cities of

They also visited Ulm in which the cathedralof

theis city was the arrest and tallest in

They then went to Stuttgart Baden, and then

Rheinfall where saw the most beautiful

waterfall in Europe.

Crossing the Frontier to

From Rheinfall, they crossed the Frontier to

Schaffhause, Switzerland and stayed from

June 2-3 1887.
June 4, 1887- they were at the Swiss capital,

They then proceed to Laussane by train.

After sightseeing in Luissane, Rizal and Viola

left on a boat, crossing the Leman Lake to

Geneva-one the most beautiful cities in

June 19, 1887- Rizal treated Viola to a blow-

out because it was his 26th birthday

They then parted their ways- Viola returned to

Barcelona while Rizal went to Italy

Madrid Exposition
There was an Exposition of the

Philippines held in Madrid, Spain.

Igorots were exhibited, some

were died.

On June 27, 1887, he reached Rome,

theEternal City or the City of Caesars.
On June 29, Rizal visited the Vatican for the

1st time.

He visited Turin, Milan, Venice and Florence.

Important Personages
Dr. Maximo Viola traveling companion

in Rizals grand tour to Europe

Paciano- Rizals brother who sent him
1000 pesos.
Juan Luna forwarded to Rizal the
remittance sent by Paciano
Dr. Adolf B. Meyer- Was visited by Rizal
and Viola in Dresden

Dr. Feodor Jagor- advised Rizal and Viola to

wire blumentritt of their coming in

Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt great friend if
Rizal whom they visited in Leitmeritz,
Rosa wife of Blumentritt
Burgomaster-tow mayor of the town in
Leumeritz who was amazed by the ability
of Rizal to speak fluently in German

Dr. Carlos Czepelak- renowed scientist of

Europe whom Rizal came to know in

Leitmeritz through Prof Blumentritt
Prof.Robert Klutschak- an eminent naturalist
Dr. Willkomm professor of natural history in
the University of Prague
Norfenfals- one of the greatest novelist in
Europe who spoke highly of Rizal, whose
genius he so much admired

Masner and Nordamn- good friend of

Blumentritt who were Austrian Scholars

Don FranciscoMercado- Father of Rizal
whom he wrote a letter that he was coming

St. Peters Square

He prepared to return to his home,


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