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Teacher coordinator :

Corban Florentina

Calescu Eugen-Gabriel


Human rights and obligations

The human right to privacy
Legal privacy and the attention of others
Invading peoples intimacy
European court of Human rights
The umbrella right to privacy
Violating peoples intimacy: Paparazzi

Human rights and obligations

Privacy is a
fundamental human
right. It underpins
human dignity and
other values such as
freedom of association
and freedom of
speech. It has become
one of the most
important human rights
of the modern age.

The human right to privacy

Our law of privacy

attempts to preserve
individuality by placing
sanctions upon
outrageous or
violations of its
sustenance. This,
then, is the social
value served by the
law of privacy, and it is
served not only in the
law of tort, but in
numerous other areas
of the law as well.

Legal privacy and the attention of


The right to be let alone

was never imagined to
be a normative directive
to leave individuals
totally alone. It
articulates a value in
leaving people alone, in
certain kinds of ways,
and in limited contexts.
Exactly what these kinds
of ways that people are
entitled to be left alone
are, or what precisely
the contexts in which this
entitlement holds, are
the subject of great
moral, legal, and

Invading peoples intimacy

It's bad enough when
one person violates
your privacy, but it's
much worse when a
whole group of
strangers is
collectively involved
in the violation

European court of Human rights

The Convention for the

Protection of Human
Rights and
Freedoms, also known
as the European
Convention on Human
Rights, was adopted
under the auspices of
the Council of Europe
in 1950 to protect
human rights and

The umbrella right to privacy

The umbrella "right to
privacy" extends, no
doubt, to other claims
besides the claims not to
be watched, listened to, or
reported upon without
leave, and not to have
public attention focused
upon one uninvited. It
deals, therefore, with a
cluster of immunities
which, if acknowledged,
curb the freedom of
others to do things that
are generally quite
innocent if done to objects
other than persons, and
even to persons, if done
with their permission

Violating peoples intimacy:

Paparazzi is a plural term
(paparazzo is the singular
form) for photographers who
take candid photographs of
celebrities, usually by
relentlessly shadowing them
in their public and private
activities. The term paparazzi
is often used in a derogatory
manner. Originally, it referred
to Italian celebrity
photographers who learned
that a picture of a movie star
throwing a punch was more
valuable than pictures of
stars smiling (celebrity
tantrums are a common
entertainment story in the
mass media).

Teacher coordinator :
Corban Florentina

Calescu Eugen-Gabriel

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