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Seminar onBiochips(A future Technology)



What are Biochips
History of Biochips
Architecture of Biochips
Applications of Biochips
Current status of
Biochips in India
Challenges for the
Advantages and

A single electronic card may
everything in your wallet
including. . .
. . . your cash
. . . your credit cards
. . . your ATM card
. . . your ID cards
. . . your insurance
. . . and your life
FUTURE One card, or one chip,
with your life

Technological advances have affected all aspects of modern day life.
They continue to offer services that were once believed to be unrealistic.
Biochips is one of the most exciting future technologies which is the outcome of

fusion of fields like Computer Science, Electronics and Biology.

There is a strong analogy between computer chip and a bio chip, a computer

chip is able to perform thousands of mathematical operations whereas a bio

chip is suitable for performing thousands of biological reactions and give
Biochips have become a essential tool in the automated clinical environment .
Biochip can be thought of as a single entity with all your lifes information on it.

What are Biochips

A biochip is a microprocessor chip used in biology.
It is a collection of miniaturized test sites, arranged on a solid substrate that

permits many tests to be performed at the same time like that of in a computer
The substrate used as a surface for the biochip includes silicon, fused quartz , soda

glass and plastic.

Biochips have very small surface area similar to that of a finger nail and it uses

RFID technology .
Biochips have found their use in many spheres of life as DNA analysis, decoding

genes, animal and plant breeding, data storage and processing and as a universal

What are Biochips

Biochips are the soon to replace pesky passwords, pins, ATM cards. In fact if

steps are taken in the right direction biochips will soon look to replace all the
documentation that is required at various levels.
Biochip is the technology that will actually digitize the world around you.
It has the power to replace paper money.
Companies such as AVID in US California are working on preparing such chips

and detectors.
China and US are the emerging markets in the field of Biochips and with time

emerging markets like India will soon the enter the field.

Gilbert was awarded


the 1980 Nobel Prize

in Chemistry, shared



These two are believed to have

conceptualized the concept of Biochip

History of Biochips
Concept of a biochip was made possible by the work of Fred Sanger and Walter

Gilbert. The biochip technology was originally developed in 1983 for monitoring
Its use now includes, over 300 zoos, pets, monitoring lab animals, fisheries,

endangered wildlife, automobiles, hazardous waste.

With the advancement in technology and increase in awareness regarding

biochips scientist have found out ways to use biochips for Humans .
For instance artificial body parts like prosthetic legs ,arms are chipped and the

work of this biochip is to establish a communication with the brain

Difficult surgeries such as implants have been made easy with the use of Biochips

Architecture and
Working of
The present day biochip
device is a very simple
It is basically a computer
chip inserted under the
skin of humans , animals
for identification purposes.
Biochips mainly consists of
two parts- A transponder,
A reader/ scanner.

Architecture and Working of Biochips


A transponder is a device that is used to receive signals and re transmit it in a way that is

identified by the system so that desired output can be achieved.

A passive transponder is used in a biochip which is not activated until a low impulse signal is

sent by the user, hence having great life up to 99 years

The reader reads the signal from the biochip implants and sends it for processing
The transponder has four partsA computer chip is used to store a UID number which may vary from 10 to 15 digits. The reader reads the

number on this

chip and then processes the data.

A antenna coil is used to send or receive signals from the reader or scanner
A turning capacitor stores a small fraction of electrical signal which is used to activate the transponder which

is in a passive

state otherwise.
The glass capsule is the outer core or protective layer which houses the above mentioned components of the transponder

Architecture and Working (Contd.)

The reader consists of the necessary software and components required to

decode the signals that are received from the activated Biochip through the
antenna coil
The reader then displays the output on a LCD screen or a computer that can be

connected via a RS 32 port

Applications of Biochips
Biochip Technology can be used and adapted for almost any clinical application

in the world.
With the help of Biochips tracing of Animals/Humans is possible.
A biochip can store and update financial, medical, demographic almost any

data related to a human.

A biochip can be used to do E commerce effectively and also avoid the cyber

fraud that have become a common sights these days.

Biochips with the advanced technology that they use can soon replace

Passports, ATM and any kind of personal identification.

Applications of Biochips
Biochips could be most effectively used in the field of medicine
Biochip as a Glucose detector
Biochip as a Blood Pressure Sensor
Biochips used for implant surgeries




Current status of Biochips in India

As mentioned earlier Biochips are a technology of the future
Its pretty early to think that biochips would easily accepted in India as it is

indeed a costly affair.

Normally biochip is priced between $ 500- $2000 making it a non affordable

technology at the moment.

However Biochips have been introduced in fields such as medicine and

research in India
Biochips are a great way to replace the ruckus of documents required in India

and a step towards that has already been initiated with the Introduction of

Current status of Biochips in India

Replacing the Aadhaar card with

the much anticipated Biochip may

take time but it is a achievement
which is surely in sight .
Priyanka Sharma from Punjab,

India has developed a ultra lowcost biochip for detecting

environmental pollutants in the
field to stop the excessive use of
insecticides and pesticides

A tiny step towards the

concept of Biochips

One of the major challenges in the Biochip industry is

Challenges for
the future

that of research and analysis . It is a new industry

hence many areas and applications have not been
inspected yet.
The second most important challenge is the availability


and costing of biochips, It is indeed a costly technology


and not easily available. Efforts have to be made to


make the technology more money-friendly and its

availability to other markets than Europe or US.
An effort to address the problem of standardization has

been achieved by formation of Genetic Analysis

Technology Consortium (GATC). The aim of this group
is to establish an industry standard for the reading and
analysis of many types of chips.

Advantages and Disadvantages


Increases the speed of diagnosis.

It is used for the identification

Initial implementation cost is high

If at any time the biochip fails is a

challenging question that still

It can be used to locate missing

and kidnapped people.


In cases when a natural disasters

occurs it helps to locate people

puzzles scientists

They raise critical issues of

personal privacy

A chip implant surely seems to be a fascinating idea as it promises to replace
credit card, passport, license and every single document that can be thought of.
Some may believe that a biochip implant can also improve a persons mental
strength. A biochip with all of these qualities is only imaginable and gives us the
impression of sci-fi movie , but the idea is not far behind when this cannot be
achieved. The road is a long one, but the journey would be a wonderful one and
all this will make a world a better place to live in

Wikipedia (Article on Biochips)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and

Advanced Engineering (Biochip Technology)


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