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Sensory Organs

The Sensory Organs

Sensory organs include
accessory organs
The receptors may be divided into three kinds:
exteroceptors :
receive stimuli such as touch,
temperature, pain, light and sound from the external
interoceptors : pick up
information from internal environment
proprioceptors :
receive stimuli from muscles, tendons,
joints and ligaments

The Visual Organ

The Visual Organ consist of

accessory organs of eyeball


fibrous tunic


vascular tunic

Cilliary body
iridial Part


retina ciliary Part


blind Part

optic Part
aqueous humor
vitreous body


2.accessory organs of eyeball :

2. Conjunctiva
3.Lacrimal apparatus
4.Extraocular m.
5.Connective Tissues
in the Orbit

Shape of eyeball
1.anterior and posterior poles

anterior pole

2.Ophthalmic (visual)axis :
a line joining the two poles
3.Optic axis :
a line joining the center of the
pupil to the fovea centralis

4.Equator :
an imaginary line encircling the
eyeball, midway between
anterior and posterior poles

posterior pole

Wall of eyeball
(1) Fibrous tunic (outer layer)

anterior 1/6

nonvascular, transparent

rich in sensory nerve terminals


posterior 5/6,

white and opaque

protect and surpport the eyeball

sinus venosus sclerae

it is a circular canal,lies beneath the junction
of cornea and sclera.

Wall of eyeball
(2) Vascular tunic (middle
1) iris
the pupil
iridocorneal angle
sphincter pupillae
dilator pupillae

2)Ciliary body
a) ciliary ring
b) ciliary processes
ciliary zonules
c)ciliary muscle
d) function
regulate the degree of curvature of lens
secrete the aqueous humor

Wall of eyeball
Sinus venosus sclerae
Ciliary Muscle

Iridocorneal angle
Dilator Pupillae
Sphincter Pupillae

ciliary zonule
Ciliary Processes

Wall of eyeball
a.) Contains rich pigment cells and dense
capillary plexus.
Nutrition for outer and inner layer of eye.

Absorb the disperse light .

(3) Internal tunic of eyeball


division: by ora serrata

iridial Part

ciliary Part
choroid ------

1.blind Part --without photoreceptor

2.optic Part ---with photoreceptor cell
(rods and cons)

Wall of eyeball
The retina consists of two layers
1.pigment epithelial layer
2.nervous layer consist of three layers of cells
1)Photoreceptor cells ,2)Bipolar cell , 3)Ganglion cell
whose axons form the optic N.


Ganglion cell

Bipolar neuron
Rod cells
Cone cells
Pigment cell layer

Wall of eyeball


Optic disc (blind spot ):

posterior part of the retina,about 3.5mm to the nasal
side of the macula lutea, the optic nerve pierces the
retina and form the optic is a white disk with a
central flat depression, the center is pierced by
central A. and V. of retina.

Macula lutea :near the center of the

posterior part of the retina,there is a oval yellowish
area, it has a small central pit,the Fovea centralis
. visual acuity is highest.(concentration of

ophthalmoscopic examination

degeneration of macula

optic atrophy

diminution of vision diabetes,hypertension

2. Contents of eyeball

(1) Aqueous humor

1) Chamber of eye
lies between cornea and lens, and divided by
iris into
anterior chamber
posterior chamber
2) Aqueous humor
secreted by ciliary body.
1)Helps maintain constant pressure in eyeball
2)Helps nourish the lens and cornea

Production and circulation of aqueous humor

secreted by the ciliary body
posterior chamber
anterior chamber
iridocorneal angle
sinus venosus sclerae
anterior ciliary vein

sinus venosus sclera

ophthalmic vein

Contents of eyeball
(2) Lens

shape: Transparent, biconvex structure

lens capsule
cortex of lens
lens nucleus
Its shape is regulated by the ciliary muscle.
1)for near vision, the ciliary muscle contracts and the lens rounds up.
2)while for far vision the lens flattens out, so that the eye may be focused
on distant objects.

presbyopia cataract

farsighted eye, nearsighted eye

(3) Vitreous body




function:Helps maintain the shape of

eyeball and supports the retina.

(4) Refractive media: include

2)aqueous humor
4)vitreous body

Accessory organs

. Eyelids : upper and lower

tarsus formed
by dense connective
tissue (tarsal glands)
Ciliary(eyelash) glands--sty

Accessory organs of eye

thin mucous membrane.

1)Palpebral conjunctiva :
2)Bulbar conjunctiva :
lining anterior part of sclera;
3)Conjunctival fornix
(superior and inferior)
4)Conjunctival sac

.Lacrimal apparatus
1. Lacrimal gland :
2. Lacrimal passages :
lacrimal punctum : on each
eyelid margin near medial angle.

lacrimal ductules : in
each lid, pass medially, join and enter
lacrimal sac.

Lacrimal sac : in fossa for

lacrimal sac, opening into
nasolacrimal duct.

Nasolacrimal duct :
opening into inferior nasal meatus.

.Extraocular m. : 7

levator palpebrae superioris : elevates the upper eyelid.

Rectus : 4
superior rectus
inferior rectus ,
medial rectus
lateral rectus

Obliquus : 2
Superior obliquus
Inferior obliquus

levator palpebrae superioris


N. supply

elevates upper eyelid

Superior rectus

turns eyeball superomedially

Inferior rectus

turns eyeball inferomedially

Medial rectus

turns the eyeball medially

Lateral rectus

turns the eyeball laterally

Superior obliquus

turns eyeball inferolaterally

Inferior obliquus

turns eyeball superolaterally

. Connective Tissues in the Orbit

1. adipose body of orbit

supporting and protective role
2. orbital fasciae
fascial sheath of eyeball

The vessels and nerves of eye

. Vessels of eye
1. Artery
(1)Ophthalmic a.
Arises from the internal carotid a.

1) central a. of retina

through optic disc ,supply the retina.

superior nasal arteriole of retina

inferior nasal arteriole of retina

superior temporal arteriole of retina

inferior temporal arteriole of retina

The vessels and nerves of eye

2) anterior ciliary a.

3) long posterior ciliary a

: ;

4) short posterior ciliary a.

Choroidal artery
1)central a. of retina

anterior ciliary a.

long posterior
ciliary a

central a. of

short posterior
ciliary a

The vessels and nerves of eye

(1 central v. of retina

(2 vortex vein
(3 anterior ciliary veins
(4 Ophthalmic v.
a)Superior ophthalmic v.
b) Inferior ophthalmic v

The vessels and nerves of eye

optic nerve:
oculomotor n.
trochlear n.
abducent n.

ophthalmic n.

facial n.:

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