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1. Debasmita Patra
2. Huzaif Ibne Sadek
3. Jayant Mahajan
4. Md. Azharuddin
5. Priyanka Sinha
6. Taruna Upadhyay
 Psychological behavior that allows a person to
postpone or delay a certain activity or task.
 Source of great stress and anxiety for many
 Time management is directly related to
Panic & Stress Set In
Deadline is Set
Time Passes

False Sense of Security


“There are 2 “I have plenty “I will get started soon, “Oh no! The
weeks until the of time.” I only work well under assignment is
assignment is pressure.” due tomorrow! ”
 Stress/Anxiety
 Neglecting Your Health
 Irritability/Bad Mood
 Letting Yourself & Others Down
 Not Achieving Your Full Potential
1. Poor time management
If this is the cause,
the solution would be
to learn and develop
time management skills
2. Lack of Relevance
If something is neither relevant nor
meaningful to you personally, it may be
difficult to get motivated even to begin.
3. Acceptance of Another’s Goals
If a project has been imposed or assigned
to you and it is not consistent with your
own interests, you may be reluctant to
spend the necessary time to see it to
4. Perfectionism
Having unreachable standards will
discourage you from pursuing a task.
Remember, perfection is unattainable.
5. Evaluation Anxiety
Since other’s responses to your work are
not under your direct control, overvaluing
these responses can create the kind of
anxiety that will interfere with work
getting accomplished
6. Ambiguity
If you are uncertain of what is expected
of you, it may be difficult to get started.
7. Inability to handle the task
If through lack of training, skill, or ability
you feel that you lack the personal
resources to do the job, you may avoid it
 No gain, no pain mentality
 Avoid as much stress as possible by
dismissing work or challenges and focusing
on fun
 Pleasure-seeking, impulsive
 Easily frustrated
 “If I don’t like to do something I shouldn’t
have to do it.”
 One of the more common types associated
with college students
 Strives to know something about every
possible topic
 Refuses to be limited to any one field of
study, interest, career
 Unable to use talents to his/her own
 Prevents him/her from pursuing or
mastering any one thing
 Spread in so many directions that he/she
cannot accomplish much of significance
 Use tales of procrastination for comic
material, entertainment
 Not sure what it would be like to actually
accomplish goals or have successes
 Not sure if people would like him/her if gave
up procrastination
 Others come to not expect much
 Add purpose and direction to his/her life
by taking care of others’ needs
 Feel special, needed
 Neglects own needs to tend to those of
 May be stuck in some aspects of own life
and using caretaking to distract from
difficult feelings, responsibilities
 Unable to make him/herself a priority
 Troubleshooter who is admired for resolving last-
minute crisis
 Prevents disaster and saves the day by working
frantically to meet a deadline or coming up with
a brilliant solution to buy more time
 Crisis usually imminent only because he/she has
procrastinated himself/herself into a corner
 Must procrastinate to feel important as there
would be no problem to solve if the work is done
—must cause the crisis to play out his/her
desired role of hero
 “If I ignore it, it will go away”
 Self-deception and denial:
 Underestimating work involved
 Overestimating abilities
 Believing mediocre performance will be enough for
him/her to reach goals
 Excuses for delaying work or doing something else
 Surface-level commitments to projects with no follow-
 Become paralyzed in deciding between
alternatives because do not face things head-on
1. Acknowledge that you are postponing a task.
2. List the reasons why you are postponing the task.
3. Discuss the reasons and list ways to overcome them.
4. Begin the task immediately!
 Get out a sheet of paper and make a to-do list of all the
specific things you’d like to get done tomorrow.
 Beside each item, place one of the following letters
A: for what must be done tomorrow
B: for what should be done or you’d like to get done
C: for what can easily be postponed a day or two
 Now look at your B items. Place these into either the A list
or the C list.


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